Book Club, Clubs
& Events


Book Club is the perfect opportunity to discuss books, play games, win prizes and make friends! Book Club runs in the library every GOLD WEDNESDAY during the first half of lunch. Come along regularly for the opportunity to borrow newly selected books before the rest of the school, and borrow 6 books instead of 4 at a time. Book Club is presented by Mrs Walker and Louise; we look forward to seeing you there!


Craft Club runs in the library every Friday with Mrs Rivera. If you love making things, recycling and upcycling, or want to try your hand at some fun and easy crafts, then please come by the library and join us!


The library hosts many events throughout the year, from celebrating Book Week and Wear It Purple Day, to fun activities like Blind Date With A Book (Library Lovers Day). Check out our Instagram (@esc_library) for the latest events and activities, and take part in what your library and community have to offer.