Nuclear Privacy Policy

Permissions & Privacy

Depending on your device Nuclear may request you to approve certain permissions. Below is a list of these permissions and why Nuclear asks for them as well as how they are used.


Star Chart uses your device's location data (GPS data) to determine where on Earth you are located and therefore what night sky objects are visible to you from your current location. Denying access to location data means that you will not get an accurate reading of the night sky unless you manually set your location data in some other way. To calculate a visual representation of the night sky / celestial objects based on your current location we require access to some form of GPS data. If none is provided, the representation of the night sky will be incorrect.

* Please note: The free version of Star Chart may collect and share with 3rd parties anonymous location information on your device to provide relevant advertising. This collection of user data is done in compliance with all local laws. Location Data may be used for interest-based advertising, analytics, attribution and research. To opt out of this, you will have to disable access to Location Data for Star Chart which will disable accurate night sky rendering from your GPS coordinates. Alternatively, you can purchase one of our premium apps which do not collect nor share location data.


Star Chart asks for permission to use the Internet so that it can, amongst other things:

  • Download updated information on solar system, satellite and night sky bodies, including trajectories and general data.
  • Connect to servers for access to purchasing and downloading in-app upgrades.
  • Connect to our support page.
  • Send a support email.
  • Link to our Social Media sites.
  • Access net-based Voice Command APIs.
  • Transfer anonymous user data (eg location data).

Record Audio:

On some platforms, Star Chart allows English speaking users to control Star Chart with Voice Commands. These voice commands are interpreted by the OS's Voice API. On Android, using the Voice API for voice commands requires us to ask all users in all territories to give permission for Star Chart to 'Record Audio'.

We do not collect any audio from your device unless you specifically trigger the voice command function, and we do not share that data with anyone else other than as required by the API to interpret the audio commands. For example, some voice command software sends audio command snippets to a server where they are analysed & interpreted before the results are returned to the app so that your commands can be actioned. The companies we currently use for voice recognition are Google and Microsoft - details on how these companies treat your voice data will have to be reviewed on their own sites.

Privacy Policy

Please note that Star Chart respects your privacy. Any data we retrieve from your device is intended to ensure anonymity (for example location data). However, the following caveats are noted:

  • When you use Voice Commands - these commands may use the internet to send data back to the provider of the voice recognition service - eg Google or Microsoft - to help interpret your commands. These commands are then sent back to Star Chart in the form of text that we use to determine the action to take. Most companies that provide voice recognition services, store data received to help facilitate improvements of their voice recognition services.
  • When you use the support email function we collect and receive data on your device and its location, this data is sent to us and linked to your email. This information is only used by us to narrow down any bugs you may be experiencing which are related to GPS coordinates, and reply to you with our help. We do not compile, track nor trade this non-anonymous data.