Escape from the Wizards Library!

Finally we can go do something!! It was our group’s turn to go to the library and practice all the things our teacher has been telling us.  The school library is a pretty cool place to hang out and the librarian can be really funny.  We race to see who can get the comfy chair by the window.  We push through the double doors all at once. We. Stop. In. Our. Tracks.

“What’s going on?!!!”

“Hey, wait a minute - this isn’t our library.  Where are we?!”

We are definitely not in our library.  Instead, we are in some olden-days library.  When we turn around to run back out. The doors are gone! 

“Welcome! Welcome!” a sinister sounding voice hisses all around us! We look around the olden-days library, but we don’t see anyone.

“It looksss like I have some young visitorssss.  Perhapssss you would like to stay a while, or maybe forever!!!” 

You start searching for another way out of this room. Your classmates join you, rushing all around, but then you hear the hissing voice again!

“I propose a little challenge... 

"There is a portal key locked away in my storage chest.  You can use that key to get back to where you came from. BUT - you need to be able to open the chest which means you need the combination for the lock! There are all sorts of activities you must do to get all the parts of the lock combination.  Can you get all the right answers or do the right things to get the numbers and letters you need? If you don’t then you will be my sssservants for all eternity!!!”

Can you do ALL the things to find all the pieces of the lock combination? You need that portal key to get back to your school!!

You pull out your phone to take notes on, but it seems to have turned itself off and won't turn back on.  So you grab one of your notebooks and a pen from your backpack in case you need to write something down (Hint Hint - You will need to write things down.  You will also need your Vancouver Public Library card - get help from a friend if you don't have one AND you will need an open, curious mind!)

Make sure you keep track of all your answers because the Escape Room won't! 

Not everything in this strange library is a clue. There are lots of things to distract you. You could spend time being distracted, but then you might never get out of here! Don't be fooled by fake clues! Click the words below to start searching for the things you need to do in this library to get out!