How a Bartender Can Add Sparkle to Your Private Party?

When they look for a bartender for hire, private party planners with experience know that their decision can make or break the event. Most parties involve drinks of some kind and the serving of those drinks often becomes a focal point. While it is true that anyone can tip drinks into a glass, if that is all your bartending staff are doing it is likely that your guests will leave the event with a nagging sense of dissatisfaction.

This is why Hiring A Bartender For An Event is such an important thing to get right. Good bar staff can be the difference between a simple gathering of people where there are some drinks and a real party. This is because a really good bartender does a great deal more than simply pour drinks. Great bar staff make your guests feel special, whether they have asked for a fancy cocktail, a glass of vintage champagne or a simple mineral water, a good bartender will make that drink feel like something just a little bit extra. 

This is achieved partly by technical skill – there really is an art to pulling the perfect pint – and partly by charisma. A good bartender will pour drinks expertly and with flair. Every pint of beer with exactly the right sort of head, every cocktail perfectly missed and shaken – or stirred, a good bartender knows that such things make a difference – every cork from every bottle of Prosecco perfectly popped. But that is only the beginning of what a good bartender does to make your party sparkle.

Good bar staff will also engage appropriately with your guests. After all, drinks are not the only thing that keep a party swinging. A good bartender has two other vital skills: first of all, they can talk. They keep the general discourse of the party going, if you Hire Bartender For Wedding bar duties, for example, they might ask about how guests know the happy couple, perhaps, when appropriate drop in a suitable anecdote to keep guests entertained while the drinks are being poured. A good bartender is in effect an auxiliary part of the event entertainment.

But a good bartender will also listen. Sometimes that is just a question of lending an attentive ear. Sometimes it can actually lead to a problem that might have spoiled the event being identified and dealt with. This is why Hiring A Bartender For An Event is about so much more than making sure that your guests get their drinks. When you hire a good bartender you are also getting someone who will create the great atmosphere that makes a good party memorable. 

So when they look for a Bartender For Hire Private Party planners should always look for somebody with experience. Somebody with the right mix pf personality and charisma that guests will find easy to engage with, but who has the patience and attention to detail that will make those guests feel special. It can be difficult to find people with the appropriate talents and skills, but fortunately that is where we can help.

We have been in the party business for a long time now. Our people have experience of every kind of party you can imagine, and they have the skills to match. Whether you need somebody to serve carefully crafted cocktails at a small intimate gathering of close friends, to pull prolific quantities of pints at an event for thousands, or something in between those two extremes, our people will make everything look effortless so that you can just relax and enjoy the party you have worked so hard to plan.

So make sure your next party sparkles – call us now and find out how we can make your party fizz!
