How to Plan Successful Corporate Events in Manchester?

You would think that of all the cities where you might want to organise corporate events, Manchester- the city known for its “twenty four hour party people” would be the easiest. Of course, the problem is that when you are in a city that loves to party the expectations of your guests will be very high. A few canapes and half a dozen bottles of chardonnay might pass muster in cities that inspire less enthusiasm, but if you are in Manchester then you need to make your event extra special.

Fundamentals of Corporate Event Planning

For a corporate event to be successful, planning is everything. Whether you are putting together a networking event where you need a convivial atmosphere so that hundreds of strangers can mingle comfortably, or organising a simple office party you need to start from the same basic principles.

To start with consider what you want from the event. What limitations will your venue involve? What will the guests who attend actually enjoy? What are your priorities? Establishing not just what you want but also what you are actually able to do is crucial. Only then can you work out how to create a memorable experience for all attendees.

As we said, when it comes to event catering Manchester partygoers have high expectations so when you plan a corporate event there is a lot to get right. The most obvious are the event’s date and time, which should be firmly decided upon before anything else is done. Give consideration to the commitments of the people you intend to invite - when you organise Corporate Events Manchester you soon discover that potential guests often have many other events to attend so it pays to double check diaries.

Key Considerations

You must also consider the number of guests you are planning for, the duration of the event and – perhaps most importantly - the experience you want those guests to enjoy. A formal dinner a serve yourself buffet are very different kinds of event. Both can be amazing, but they present very different planning problems.

And this is the point where we must mention budget. If your event will need Outside Catering Manchester is well provided with firms that can help but as an event planner you will need to keep a firm grip on costs. You do not want your guests to feel that you are penny pinching but ironically the way to avoid giving that impression is to work well within your budget and not overstretch. You will find that good planning will allow you to achieve great results without breaking the bank.


Cost will be dependent on the size of your event, its complexity and location. Does your venue already have a bar or will you need mobile bar services? What staff will you need? It can all get a little complicated – especially if you do not have a lot of event planning experience. Fortunately there is a way to plan corporate events that simply could not be easier.


Whether they are planning a small event for the staff of a single office or a truly huge event for all of their suppliers and customers when they need Event Catering Manchester party planners know to reach for their phone and tell us what they need. Really good event planning requires experience and with more than a decade of planning successful events in Manchester, we know how to create your perfect event.


So in the end, planning the perfect corporate event in Manchester is incredibly easy. The key is not to plan it yourself, but to work out what you want and get us to plan it for you. Get in touch now and let us take care of everything so that you can just enjoy your event.
