Black Box Theater

At 1,530 sq. ft., the MACC's Black Box Theater is an intimate theater space that can be used for smaller scale presentations, concerts and film screenings.

image of the black box theater without furnature. Purple drapery hanging on left and right side. Wood panelled flooring.

Amenities Include:
Removable risers | Screen and projector | Surround sound speakers | Wireless mic system | Stage lighting | Dressing room and bathroom

interior of the black box theater's dressing room. Table with lights, mirror and a chair.
image of the interior of the black box sound/light room and operating equipment
chairs arranged on risers in front of stage, purple curtains hanging on walls.

Capacity: 50 Chairs/32 with tables

Rental Rates: $268 minimum for a 4 hour block.

Additional fees may apply if requesting additional amenities. See Helpful Documents section below to review Fee Schedule.

Interested in renting the Black Box? Fill out the rental application in the Helpful Documents section below, or contact our Facility Rentals Coordinator for more information.

Lorie M. Martinez, Culture and Arts Coordinator, LAAP/Facility Rentals Coordinator | 512-974-3773