eduardo saavedra

INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATION _ master of arts in economics UAH

TOPICS (half course)

  1. Monopoly & Market Monopolization

  2. Models of Imperfect Competition

  3. Industry Concentration

  4. Cartels & Collusive Agreements

  5. Market Dominance & Unilateral Conducts

Bibliography (mandatory)

Farrell, J. & P. Klemperer (2007), “Coordination and Lock-In: Competition with Switching Costs and Network Effects”, Ch. 31 in Handbook of Industrial Organization (Armstrong & Porter eds.), Vol 3, North-Holland

Fumagalli, C., M. Motta & C. Calcagno (2018), Exclusionary Practices. The Economics of Monopolisation and Abuse of Dominance, Cambridge University Press. Ch. 1, 3 & 5.

Harrington, J. (2008), “Detecting Cartels”, in P. Buccirossi (ed.) Handbook of Antitrust Economics, MIT Press

Harrington, J. (2017), The Theory of Collusion and Competition Policy, MIT Press.

Motta, M. (2004) Competition Policy. Theory and Practice, Cambridge University Press. Ch. 1-4 & 7

Rochet, J.Ch. & J. Tirole (2003), “Platform Competition in Two-Sided Markets”, J. Euro Econ Association 1

Sutton, J. (2007), “Market Structure: Theory and Evidence”, Ch. 34 in Armstrong & Porter eds.

Vives, X. (1999), Oligopoly Pricing. Old Ideas and New Tools, MIT Press. Ch. 4-7

Whinston, M. (2007), “Antitrust Policy toward Horizontal Mergers”, Ch. 36 in Armstrong & Porter eds.