It comes with a large number of built-in components, which you can drag and drop to assemble responsive web pages. The app is built on top of the hugely popular Bootstrap framework, and exports clean and semantic HTML.

Hey guys, I started to use Bootstrap Studio. I installed it, typed in the key and then i was working with it. I had no problems.When I wanted to take a short break, i saved everything and closed the software. When I wanted to work again I clicked twice on the .exe... Bootstrap Studio did not open. I can see there is a Bootstrap Studio process in the task manager but I cant see the app.

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I'm having the same issue as Psychoman. Played with the trial version of Bootstrap Studio (for mac), decided to purchase it, and now when I launch the app all I see is that it's running, but none of the menus do anything (i.e., open file, create new, etc, don't do anything).

There appear to be some deeper issues with your domain. You or someone else has set up DNSSEC in the past, and now the checks are failing. This prevents the domain from working entirely until these issues are resolved.

I second that. Would love to see upload of custom webfonts.As i am using Bootstrap Studio with bigger clients that mostly have their own typefaces, or at least their own iconography, this would make things much easier.

My clients and I love Bootstrap Studio - but custom fonts is a must. It is cumbersome to export the project prior a presentation and add custom fonts, the align bits and bobs and have them lost once we go back to bootstrap studio to make changes. Custom fonts please. :D

@ Miroslav Molinek: Although I truly hope they get some additions in for us to use our own fonts and import other types besides Google fonts, I have to also say that Google Fonts can usually provide something pretty close to what I have used with other setups. I would check that out and see if that may be the case for you. If so then you should be all set at least until they do give us this option.

Bootstrap Studio is front-end software for building static websites. Dynamic, database-driven websites require back-end programming. You need PHP and MySQL to do this. Start doing research with Google.

He said he's new, so what he wants is very understandable. I have been programming in Delphi for windows for many years. I do not have the time or aptitude for coding line by line. Surely a MySQL connection "widget" would really make bootstrap studio an even greater tool than it already is. Delphi made a fortune helping millions of amateur programmers produce some excellent work. Bootstrap Studio is doing the same. Coders might be afraid of the competition of course. No need to be so unfriendly. It's progress!

PHP is not something that will be included in this app. We have been told so many times by the Devs, so as others have already said above, this is the wrong tool for that type of job. It's not a matter of "this would make it so much better", it's a matter of "we have already been told no". And no offense meant at all, but truly a simple search on the forums would have gotten that information probably within the first 10 posts or so of results.

Dreamweaver can't even come close to what this tool can do for building. Dreamweaver's visual area is almost a joke and definitely not for a novice user in any way. It's so messy in its visual builder that it's almost impossible to use, and it doesn't come default with all the modules for drag and drop. Instead, after you spend over $100 a year to "rent" it, you still have to pay extra for the plug-ins to give it more building blocks. Even after all that cash paid it still can't touch the versatility of this app feature by feature.

Yes, there are a lot of things needed yet to really round the app off, but it's one of the best builders out there, and trust me, I've tried a lot of them in my efforts to get away from Dreamweaver. Around 4 years later and still going strong with BSS!

In terms of value for money I don't think I've ever come across a program -- of any type, but especially for a website builder -- that can come close to what this program can do, and yes, it cannot do some things, but it continues to improve. For comparison just take a look at the massive increase in prices for Mobirise -- and how much resentment it's building up -- amongst even its most devoted followers! Yet read some of the comments and you'll see it's ridden with bugs, leftover from much earlier versions of the program.There is definitely a price to be paid for developing good programs -- and a small development team, for BSS, can devote all of their energies and type towards addressing a much smaller set of objectives -- and that's exactly what's happening with this program.

i just downloaded and installed bootstrap studio for the first time and its not starting up i already tried to reinstall it and restart computer still not workkingwhen i'm trying to start i just get this error message its in finnish because my computer language is finnish i tried to translated it well as i can :)

You should contact support for this as it's really a software issue rather than an issue other users can help with much. Obviously, if someone in here has had that issue they will post too, but you may get faster service by contacting support. :)

Thanks for the information. However, I don't see an Assets folder. :( I only see the index file on my desktop. I really appreciate your help. I am new to CSS and HTML and still trying to understand. I have another question too about how to make things flow better if you can help with that as well. Just let me know. Thanks!

Setup instructions: '1. Get files from github 2. Import the Laravel-bss.css 3. Add all blade template code in a custom code block and within tags3. Click export->advanced and select the .bat file provided on Github4. Select export path to export to the root directory of Laravel5. Have Fun!6. Contribute to the exporter if you like to help out the community'

@tsekka Yeah I agree, this is a good idea, I have not really thought of putting much effort into this until I a post from someone else about it. I actually worked on this alot the past week, i added a option to export the controllers with the pages, i also added a interface to add functions to the controller and parameters for the functions. I also added a option to manage the routes of the controllers. After i finilize everything im going to push the new code and project files to github. In the meen time here are some images of the new features.

To add a function you will have to define a few parameters like the visibility(is the function public, private or protected), should the method be empty, or does it have a request variable. I am planning on putting custom code sections in here. that will generate a new file that will be used to fill the content of the controller. You can open and edit this file with your favorite editor.

I was also planning on adding a custom code option, that you are able to modify the controllers code from a seperate file in a external editor of your choice. I am planning to add keywords to add laravel data tables as well with a data table builder, for instance if you want to display a table containing records from your database you will just have to add @DATATABLE('somename') to your html in bss and the program will pick this up automatically and you can build the "somename" from the export script(if it has not yet been created of course)

I just signed up for the forums to say that this idea would be a real winner. I am a laravel developer and I really wish there was a way to speed up the time to convert html into blade files with all the correct tags etc and separate the various reused sections into partials. If I had a tool that would help simplify this stage and speed it up, that would drastically speed up my workload.

Try changing the file name to a short one. Maybe there is a limitation.

It used to be that a file could only be 8 characters long, with a 3 extension. Then I think Windows had 30 characters.

Now there is much more, but what matters is the full access path.

This is an unrelated bug which we discovered recently. Importing photos with capitalized extensions is broken at the moment, you will need to rename the photo to klb.jpg for it to import. We will fix this in our next update.

Hey there, I'm pretty new to the forum and thought I'd read through some articles of people discussing a CMS feature for BSS (because I could need that). The team said making their own CMS could be too time-consuming. What about integrations like Blocs has them? The team wouldn't need to make their own and could just offer to get it yourself and integrate it with easy to use blocks.

Why do I want this? BSS is a static site generator that makes it hard to edit sites after having implemented a CMS. If there's a simple to use one which I could easily integrate into a BSS site and still edit without problems after adding it, please tell me! I really don't want to switch to some other software as I really like BSS.

I think the only way you will be able to add any type of CMS would be to manually add it to your websites either via Custom Code blocks within the app, or after export. I think there are a few people here who have successfully installed a CMS into their BSS sites, but you'd have to do some big searches here to find them as I don't recall who it was or when. It gets talked about briefly every handful of months, but as DickyKreedz said, it's not something in the plans by the devs according to their responses on it.

There are numerous complex reasons why it would be tremendously difficult to add a CMS within Bootstrap Studio. They way Blocs advertises "CMS Integration" is somewhat misleading. If you look in the Blocs forums, you'll see questions similar to the one you asked... "why can't Blocs have a built in CMS like Wordpress?"

The CMS "integration" that Blocs touts appear to just be third-party CMSs that you could probably add to any standard static website built with HTML and CSS (including a Bootstrap Studio website.) But it would be done "after the fact"... after you site had been exported as HTML/CSS/JS. Any time you did alterations to the site in Bootstrap Studio, you'd probably have to go through the whole CMS add on process again. 589ccfa754

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