
E.R. Scrivener 

Image by Tori Marie Fraley-Hogg

I've always loved books...

...but I can remember two distinct moments of time that changed me, instantly and irrevocably. 

The first was the day I sat down to watch The Fellowship of the Rings with friends. At the age of thirteen, I can remember staring at the screen, utterly mesmerized, in awe that someone made all of this up. I couldn’t wrap my head around it. It was my first real encounter with fantasy. It was love at first sight. And I’ve never looked back. 

The second encounter was about two years later, the summer I borrowed To Kill a Mockingbird from the library. I didn’t understand much of it at the time, if I'm being honest, but the characters captured my heart. From then on, I began to devour anything remotely considered 'classic literature.' These writers and their books became dear friends. They taught me about the world, myself, and about storytelling.


I received my Bachelor’s in Social Studies Education from Millersville University where I met my husband and learned about friendship, life, and hard work. Then, teaching in a classroom of my own, I learned very quickly how little I actually knew about life, hard work, and especially the world. But I've always enjoyed learning, and I hope to never stop. I've had the pleasure of co-leading a women's book club for the past few years with a dear friend, which has been an unending source of education and joy. Some of the lessons I've learned can be found here on my blog.

If I'm not writing, I'm probably baking with my daughter, drafting a Great British Bake Off fantasy league, or exploring the town of Gettysburg with my husband.  

Magic. The kind of magic that is hidden in the everyday ordinary. 

Adventure. The promise of freedom, danger, and discovery, and a path that leads us home.

Sunrise. Hope that promises us, though the night be long and dark: sunrise is coming.