
Hi there! This is a portfolio kind of thing, so expect to see most of my data packs and maps on here! I may or may not change some stuff, since this is not the final look of this portfolio. So uh, have fun looking at everything you can find here!

- ErrorCraft

Because 1.16 is now out, I updated Catastrophe! The game won't break now if you try to start it in 1.16... For more information about "why 1.16," see the message below.

Hey! As you might have noticed, there are now 1.16 pre-releases. This gave me the opportunity to update Catastrophe! (I waited until the pre-releases, because snapshots are more unstable, and stuff may change.) But why would I wait for 1.16 to update a map? Well, it's mostly because of the UUID¹ and Attribute² changes! Most of these changes make a lot of things easier to use (such as the new /spreadplayers syntax³) and it will most definitely break the map! I will upload the new version as soon as 1.16 is released.

¹ See this for more information about the UUID changes.
² See this for more information about the attribute changes.
³ See this for more information about the /spreadplayers changes.