During their return journey from the Moon, the crew of Apollo 11 made reference to Jules Verne's book during a TV broadcast on 23 July.[3] The mission's commander, astronaut Neil Armstrong, said, "A hundred years ago, Jules Verne wrote a book about a voyage to the Moon. His spaceship, Columbia [sic], took off from Florida and landed in the Pacific Ocean after completing a trip to the Moon. It seems appropriate to us to share with you some of the reflections of the crew as the modern-day Columbia completes its rendezvous with the planet Earth and the same Pacific Ocean tomorrow."

Before our Christmas break, I introduced a song to my students to help them understand the relationship between the earth, moon and sun. I made up some picture necklaces and we are using these during our line time to sing the song and act it out. Three children at a time get up and each wears a necklace. We repeat the song until all children have had a turn to act out a part. With 20 students per session this means seven repetitions of the song. Luckily it's a short song!

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During this verse the child wearing the moon necklace walks around the child wearing the earth necklace. I have told the children that the moon does not make its own light, but reflects the light of the sun which is why it looks lit up.

Some common solutions for transfers to the moon are 1) the Hohmann-like transfer and 2) the Free Return Transfer. The Hohmann Transfer is often referred to as the one that requires the lowest energy, but that is true only if you want the transfer to last only a few days and, in addition, if some constraints on the launch apply. Things get very complicated from there on, so I won't go into details.

The transfer duration for the Hohmann-like transfer is around 5 days. There is some variation in this duration because the moon orbit is eccentric, so its distance from the Earth varies quite a bit with time, and with it, the characteristics of the transfer orbit.

Well, the answer depends on a number of factors ranging from the positions of Earth and the moon, to whether you want to land on the surface or just zip past, and especially to the technology used to propel you there.

So if you were theoretically able to hitch a ride on the Parker Solar Probe and take it on a detour from its sun-focused mission to travel in a straight line from Earth to the moon, traveling at the speeds the probe reaches during its 10th flyby (101 miles per second), the time it would take you to get to the moon would be:

A problem with the previous calculations is that they measure the distance between Earth and the moon in a straight line and assume the two bodies remain at a constant distance; that is, assuming that when a probe is launched from Earth, the moon would remain the same distance away by the time the probe arrives.

In reality, however, the distance between Earth and the moon is not constant due to the moon's elliptical orbit, so engineers must calculate the ideal orbits for sending a spacecraft from Earth to the moon. Like throwing a dart at a moving target from a moving vehicle, they must calculate where the moon will be when the spacecraft arrives, not where it is when it leaves Earth.

Read more about how space navigation works with accurate timekeeping with these resources from NASA. Learn more about how before the days of GPS engineers were able to navigate from Earth to the moon with such precision with this article by Gwendolyn Vines Gettliffe published at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) 'ask an engineer' feature.

On July 19, after Apollo 11 had flown behind the moon out of contact with Earth, came the first lunar orbit insertion maneuver. At about 75 hours, 50 minutes into the flight, a retrograde firing of the SPS for 357.5 seconds placed the spacecraft into an initial, elliptical-lunar orbit of 69 by 190 miles. Later, a second burn of the SPS for 17 seconds placed the docked vehicles into a lunar orbit of 62 by 70.5 miles, which was calculated to change the orbit of the CSM piloted by Collins. The change happened because of lunar-gravity perturbations to the nominal 69 miles required for subsequent LM rendezvous and docking after completion of the lunar landing. Before this second SPS firing, another TV transmission was made, this time from the surface of the moon.

The flight plan called for the first EVA to begin after a four-hour rest period, but it was advanced to begin as soon as possible. Nonetheless, it was almost four hours later that Armstrong emerged from the Eagle and deployed the TV camera for the transmission of the event to Earth. At about 109 hours, 42 minutes after launch, Armstrong stepped onto the moon. About 20 minutes later, Aldrin followed him. The camera was then positioned on a tripod about 30 feet from the LM. Half an hour later, President Nixon spoke by telephone link with the astronauts.

Little Pluto is so small and remote it was not discovered until 1930, orbits 40 times farther from the Sun than we do. Light from the Sun takes about 5 and 1/2 hours to reach it and roughly the same time to return to Earth. By the time the light reaches us, it has spread out so much that the planet looks very dim, and requires a good telescope to spot. PhotoPhoto of Pluto and its moon Charon, as seen with the Hubble Space Telescope in 1994.

The brightest star in our skies is the "dog star", Sirius (pronounced Sea' ree us). It's the primary star in the constellation of the big dog, Canis Major. Sirius is roughly 9 light years away. Think of what you were doing 9 years ago. That's when the light we see from Sirius tonight first began its journey to us. Not far from Sirius in the sky is the bright star Betelgeuse (pronounced Beetle' juice). It is so far that its light takes 430 years to reach us. Light that we see tonight from Betelgeuse left it in the late 1500's.

Neil degrasse Tysons documentary series the Cosmos, he mentions that we actually see the moon one second later than it actually is due to the distance of the earth and the moon and speed of light making us see the moon a second behind instead of at real time. If there was someone on the moon clapping (and we ignored other rules of physics like the sound fading and sound waves through space) how long would it take to hear them clapping from Earth?

If you are to say: ignore that there exists no medium for the sound wave to travel and calculate the time it would take for a sound wave in some medium (air, for instance) to travel that distance. It would be calculated as follows: Speed of sound in air is $|v| = 343 \frac{m}{s}$ the distance between the moon and earth is about $384.4 \times 10^6$ meters. So distance divided by the speed is $\frac{384,400,000~{m}}{343 \frac{m}{s}} = 1120699.70845$ seconds, about 13 days.

From launch to landing, Armstrong, Aldrin, and Collins were on a three day journey to the moon. One thing that was not widely publicized during the Apollo program was that the astronauts carried music with them into space. According to most accounts, the astronauts of Gemini and Apollo listened mainly to adult contemporary and country music.

If we could build a spaceship capable of 1G constant acceleration / deceleration for extended periods of time, then (if my calculations are correct) we could travel in comfort from Earth to the Moon in about 3.5 hours. One G accleration to the midway point takes about 1.75 hours, followed by 1G deceleration to reach the moon). This assumes we could turn off the engine and rotate the ship quickly at the midway point, with the passengers being weightless then.

The most popular lunar mission is undoubtedly Apollo 11, during which the astronauts Neil Amstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins travelled to the Moon for the first time. After blasting off from the Kennedy Space Center on July 16, 1969, the astronauts landed on the lunar surface on July 20, 1969, and the journey took 75 hours and 49 minutes.

The uncrewed spacecraft made its closest flyby of the lunar surface early on Monday, passing 81 miles above the moon, per NASA. As it approached, Orion captured this photo. During the flyby, the capsule was more than 230,000 miles away from Earth.

For the next several weeks, the Hershey Kiss-shaped spacecraft, Orion, flew through the vastness of space. It passed through our planet's atmosphere, traveled along in Earth's orbit for a short period, then plunged directly toward lunar orbit. Once Orion reached the moon's gravitational whirlpool, descending down to about as close as 80 miles from the surface and completing two flybys, it snapped galleries of awesome images and captured hours of breathtaking videos while completing an array of scientific duties.

"To all of us that gaze up at the moon, dreaming of the day humankind returns to the lunar surface," NASA Administrator Bill Nelson said during a prelaunch press conference, "folks, we're here -- we are going back. And our journey begins with Artemis I."

Could there've been an international space station orbiting the moon? Might there have been lunar settlements? Or perhaps astronauts could've ridden from crater to crater in ATVs? Well, in a way, we might be about to find out. Artemis is sort of picking up where its Greek-namesake twin, Apollo, left off. (Apollo was a god, Artemis a goddess.) "This is now the Artemis generation," Nelson said. be457b7860

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