Eros Now is an India-based digital OTT platform. There are lots of exclusive movies and shows available on them. If you want to enjoy movies, Eros Now can be a good option for you. In this guide, you will learn how to activate Eros Now via on any TV or Streaming service provider.

How to Sign in or Register on Eros Now Account?

Before using Eros Now on your TV, you need to log in to your account on another device, like Mobile Phone or Computer. To log in to your account:

Now, your account has been logged in on your device via But there can be a possibility if a user is not having an account. In this situation, you need to sign up for your account.

Requirements to Activate Eros Now on Your TV

To activate Eros Now on your TV device, first, you need to install it, and then you need to sign in/sign up for your account on the The process is super easy, but make sure you meet the following requirements:

How can you Activate Eros Now on Android Smart TV?

To use Eros Now on your Android TV, you just need to: