
Useful Academic Websites

Website for Tutorials: Programming in Quantum Chemistry 

Chemistry Awards, Scholarships, & Fellowships

Tutorials: Electron Propagators and  Perturbation Theory

Dyson’s equations and self-energy 

Green's functions in condensed matter physics

Equations of motion for Green’s functions

Random Phase Approximation (RPA) 

Operators in Second Quantization

Permutation operators on N particles and transpositions

Propagators and Green Functions

Perturbation Theory and Feynman Diagrams

Interacting Theories and S-Matrix

Path Integral Formalism for QFT; Computation of Time-Ordered Correlation Functions

Canonical Quantization of a Free Scalar Field Theory

Symmetries and Conservation Laws

Computation of Correlation Functions in Perturbation Theory and Feynman Diagrams

Quantum Fluctuations and Renormalization

Feynman Diagrams and Perturbation Theory: Calculating in Particle Physics

Tutorials: Quantum Chemistry, Computational Chemistry & Thermodynamics

Quantum Chemistry and Spectroscopy

Computational Chemistry

Chemical Thermodynamics & Kinetics

Maths for Physical Chemistry 

Aufbau Principle and Atomic Orbitals

Vectorization of Matrix Functions

Tutorials: Electronic Structure Theory  

Electron Spin and the Pauli Principle

Atomic Term Symbols

Molecular Orbital Theory

Modern Electronic Structure Theory: Basis Sets

Rydberg Atoms 

Electronic Spectroscopy and Photochemistry

Modern Electronic Structure Theory: Electronic Correlation

Molecular Orbital Theory by Catherine Drennan

Many-Electron Atoms

Tutorials: Scientific Programming   

Fortran Programming Tutorials

Advanced Fortran Programming

Fortran with MPI

LaTeX Programming

C Programming 

Makefile Tutorials Basics

Linux and Shell Tutorials

Matplotlib Plotting Tutorials

NumPy Tutorials

Scientific Programming with Python

Computer Terminologies for HPC

Installing Programs/Software - Windows/Ubuntu

Tutorials: Scientific Computing  

Computer Architecture and Algorithm Design (Part I) 

Computer Architecture and Algorithm Design (Part II) 

The BLAS and LAPACK Libraries in Computational Chemistry

Parallel Computing: Distributed Memory and Communication

Parallel Computing: Shared Memory and Data Hazards

Parallel Computing and Computational Chemistry