1973. Degree in Sociology, Università di Trento.

1975. Master in Mathematical Techniques for Economic Research, Scuola Superiore E. Mattei, Milano.

1977. B.A., M.A. in Economics, University of Cambridge.

1977-1983. Lecturer, Università di Trento.

1983-1987. Associate Professor, Università di Trento

1987-1990. Associate Professor, Università di Firenze.

1990-1993. Full Professor, Università di Trieste.

1993-1996. Full Professor, Università di Parma.

1996-2020. Full Professor, Università di Siena.


I was born in 1948, in Rome, in the Centocelle “district of free men”.

Between 1967 and 1973 I went through a period of intense political commitment and study: firstly in Rome, where for a time I studied Economics at the “Sapienza University” and Sciences and Techniques of Public Opinion at the “Morlion” (now LUISS); subsequently at Trento, where I explored sociology and economics and where I graduated, under the guidance of Nicolò De Vecchi, with a thesis on the uses of the Von Neumann model in solving the transformation problem.

I spent the following two years in the splendid Milan of the Seventies. There I undertook applied research in the Social Research Community and attended the Scuola Superiore “Enrico Mattei”, where I obtained a post-graduate Master in Mathematical Methods for Economic Research.

During 1975-77 I attended courses in Economics at Cambridge University (GB) during the last period of its unorthodox splendour, when Piero Sraffa, Richard Goodwin, Luigi Pasinetti, Maurice Dobb, Joan Robinson, Nicholas Kaldor, Mario Nuti, Frank Hahn, Joan Eatwell, Oliver Hart were still active.

I began my university career at Trento University, where for several years I held an advanced course in Economics and another in the Theory of Economic Growth. I later drifted from one university to another, all in magnificent cities, like Florence, Trieste and Parma, finally settling at Siena University. Here I teach on the Economics of Globalization and the History of Political Economy.

My research interests range from the distribution of income to the socio-economic dynamics of cycle and growth, from the history of economics to economic philosophy, from monetary economics to the theory of the institutions of capitalism.

I am currently researching the area of the theory of freedom, in which context I am working on the definition of some measures for choice opportunity sets and on the reconstruction of a Marxist approach to political change processes, viewed as processes of conflict over the social distribution of freedom.