I beg you to follow your star, do not let things slide – not even an iota – for anything in the world because I believe now, I have always believed and I shall continue to believe that what Boccaccio says is true: it is better to act and regret than not to act and regret it.
The good reader should bear in mind that our hero is very young, rather new to or devoid of any experience; but all this does not prevent us from feeling a sense of distress when we are forced to recognize that he was still weak enough to become indignant over politics.
Jack London e il silenzio bianco - Trasmutazioni del superuomo
Tedaliber, Firenze 2024
Sinistrainrete, 24 febbraio 2024
Liberazione: il movimento reale che abolisce lo stato di cose esistenti
Tedaliber, Firenze 2023
Ucraina: La guerra di Putin la guerra di Biden
Transform! Italia, 12 ottobre 2022
Alcuni contributi teorici alla riforma della politica fiscale europea
Transform! Italia, 4 maggio 2022
L'angelo della liberazione nel tumulto dei Ciompi
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Visco, Draghi e il Recovery Fund: Un ottimismo ingiustificato
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Rappresentanza politica e diritto di revoca: Una proposta
Political representation and the right of recall: A proposal
Quaderni DEPS n. 847, December 2020
Labour and Value: Rethinking Marx's Theory of Exploitation
Open Book Publishers, Cambridge 2019
Karl Marx on Wage Labor: From Natural Abstraction to Formal Subsumption
Rethinking Marxism, 2017, 29:4, 511-537
Advanced or postponed wage payments: Sraffa validates Marx
Quaderni del DEPS, N. 756, 2017
What is capitalism and how is it changing?
Interview by Le Bay, Chinese Social Science To-day, 2014
Global Imperialism and the Great Crisis: The Uncertain Future of Capitalism
Monthly Review Press, New York, 2014
Aporie della giustizia: Marx a lezione da Rawls
Micromega, 2013