The calculator is based on Microsoft Excel with a bit of nifty software programming from Joanne Sparkes at Expedio Spreadsheets using a mathematical technique called Erlang Theory*. Jo has coded it from scratch and it seems intuitive to use. We have upgraded it over the years as a result of user feedback.

We have also developed a Multi-Channel call centre calculator which can mix calls emails and webchat. It can also be used as a standalone calculator. It has a really nice visualisation that shows the contacts and the calls over time.

Erlang Calculator Excel Free Download

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I used the excel and it is very useful,but i faced a problem.When i tried to caculate how many agents I need to acheive service level 99.9% and the incoming call rate is only one call and the average call duration is 150 seconds,and the target answer time is 20 seconds, so please feed me back as it is logid if you have two agents and there is only one incoming call,the service level should be 100%.

So please I will appreciate your help in clarifying that to me.

Thanks, this an excellent tool. For those wishing to convert to 15 minute intervals, you can do this by changing the denominator in column G from 1800 to 900, then inputting data in 15-minute increments.

Hi Deepak

Your answer will depend on the degree to which your staff are multilingual. If you have 9 languages and everyone is multilingual, then you can use erlang on one worktype/skilltype.

If you have a more complex situation of some people being single and some multi-skilled, then simulation is the best route, but more complicated.

Failing that you can estimate how may skill groups you have, say 3 if in your case the average number of languages spoken was three. And then break your call demand into three, and run each through an erlang model. Not perfect, but can be quicker and simpler than full on simulation.

Hope that makes sense. Let me know if it does not.

Best regards, Steve

Hi Dave,

I have run the calculator for a week calculating FTE requirements for every intra-day period and the results are far too low. My FTE requirements for the week amounted to 19 FTE (80%/30 seconds) as opposed to 27 FTE using an occupancy based formula with an occupancy target of 80%. I guess an 80/30 SL would not equate with 80% Occ???? I then did a sanity check to see what actual FTE was handling the workload and it was approx 27. Any ideas on how to amend the formula.

I have been using your calculator for some time now and have managed to manipulate it into a bigger picture spreadsheet that can directly map a live rota (factoring in individual agents availability on a 15 minute basis) into your calculator to be able to make real time tweeks to staffing levels on a daily or weekly basis on the rota that will instantly show the impact on service and staffing needs on a daily and weekly basis.

Just wondered if you wanted to see what I had managed to do and see if it was of interest for yourself to make better (?) as others may also benefit from a combined rota/erlang tool as I know we certainly have.

I am a big fan of your erlang calculator as the organization I work for does not have a workforce management suite with which to model call stats and staffing. I have used your tool for years to produce the Staffing Requirements (or other values)for cut and paste into Excel or Access tools. In the absence of a WFM software I have recently built a staffing model in Excel 2010 that requires I have multiple instances of the Erlang Calculator embedded in the multiple worksheets of the same workbook.

The Calculator works perfect when I use it as a stand-alone excel workbook. If I copy the agentcalc worksheet from the stand-alone calculator and paste it into a new Excel 2010 worksheet, Excel no longer recognizes the erlang formulas for servicelevel, agentno, erlangc. The VBA shows, but it seems as though it has lost the connection to the .xla file.

Hello, I was questioned whether this calculator has agent utilization built into the formulas and if we can adjust? I do not normally add utilization in my analysis, but am being asked to do so. I am unsure whether to include it in the Erlang-C calculation or in Shrinkage. Thanks!

Hi, can someone please help calculate the agents needed for the below 2 call types we receive in the 1 hour. The calculator only allows for the one call type but we have 2 varieties coming through. Many Thanks Mal

When downloading the Excel version of the Erlang-C calculator, it will not allow a time period greater than 545 minutes. I am trying to calculate # of agents required for a call center open from 8a-7p,(660 minutes) and the calculator keeps resulting with zero agents. It would also be nice if the download would allow you to enter AHT by interval instead of by day. Any assistance is greatly appreciated.

I will really appreciate you, if you can provide the multi channel calculator or the calculation matrix in excel so that use it as per my requirement. basically i have 25 different skill sets and to improve the efficiency i just wanna do some calculation which is not possible through Erlang C therefore i am looking for simulation and your support.

However there is another issue we need to look at on the Agentcalculator. If I insert 15 calls as avg every 30 minutes, it says I need 10 agents. If I insert 24 calls as avg (almost double) it says I need 11 people. Only one more person to handle almost 100% increase? Is this right?

In lieu of WFM software like injixo, we recommend trying various calculators and tools to find out what works best with your existing workforce management setup.

Start by exploring the links in this post, and feel free to browse other posts on our blog for more insights on how you can harness workforce management to go from planning to performance.

The Erlang Calculator is a tool for call center managers and other professionals who need to calculate call volume and staffing requirements. The calculator uses the Erlang C formula, which was developed by Danish mathematician Agner Krarup erlang in the early 20th century.

The ERlang calculator formula takes into account the number of calls, the average call duration, and the average time between calls. It also takes into account the number of agents available to handle calls.

The Erlang Calculator can be used to calculate the number of agents needed to handle a given call volume or to calculate the call volume that can be handled by a given number of agents. The calculator can also be used to determine the optimal number of agents for a call center, taking into account factors such as average call duration and number of calls per hour.

The answer depends on several factors, including the type of call center and the call volume data that is input into the calculator. In general, the Erlang calculator is most accurate when call volume is relatively stable, and there are few variables that can impact call volume.

However, the Erlang calculator may not be as accurate in a call center with a high degree of variability. In addition, the accuracy of the Erlang calculator also depends on the quality of the call volume data that is input into the tool. If this data is inaccurate, then the predictions made by the calculator will also be inaccurate.

Excel-based Erlang calculators are particularly useful because they allow call center managers to input data directly into a spreadsheet, making it easy to compare different scenarios and find the most efficient way to staff their call center. Call center calculators use a complex mathematical equation that often requires the use of Excel-based worksheets with macros, add-ins, or automated input sequences.

In addition, Excel-based Erlang calculators can be easily customized to fit the specific needs of any call center. As a result, they are essential for any call center manager who wants to optimize call center operations.

On the contrary, online Erlang calculators are not as customizable as Excel-based calculators. They also require that you input data in a specific format, which can be difficult if your call center has unique requirements.

The advantage of online Erlang calculators, however, is that they are easy to use and require no installation or download. As a result, they are ideal for call centers that need a quick and easy way to calculate their staffing requirements.

This calculator comes with a week and Month Planner and Upload Facility. They offer an online version with advanced options as well as a free Excel version for download. The site also offers statistics from all Erlang calculations with instructions on how to use the Erlang calculators and interpret the results.

Customers frequently contact call centers through multiple channels such as web chat, email, and phone. To best serve these customers, call centers need a multichannel Erlang calculator that can help them determine the optimal staffing levels for each channel.

An online Erlang calculator is designed to assist contact centers in estimating call volumes and creating staffing plans that match the availability of agents with client demand. This resource comes with a comprehensive call center glossary that defines the most important terms and concepts.

The Erlang calculator can be used to determine how many agents or operators you need to answer calls at your inbound call center or help desk. The calculator has a basic user interface and a simple glossary of call center terms.

Call center staffing calculators use call center data to generate staff schedules that are optimized for efficiency and cost-effectiveness. While there are many different call center staffing calculators available, how do you know which one is right for your call center?

Ease of use: The best call center staffing calculators are easy to use and require minimal input from users. Look for a calculator that is designed for call centers and comes with a user-friendly interface.

Features: Effective call center staffing calculators offer a variety of features, including the ability to calculate Erlang B, C, and D values as well as the ability to generate staff schedules. e24fc04721

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