Accepted Papers

  • Efficient Exploration through Bayesian Deep Q-Networks. Kamyar Azizzadenesheli, Emma Brunskill and Anima Anandkumar. [pdf] [code]
  • When Simple Exploration is Sample Efficient: Identifying Sufficient Conditions for Random Exploration to Yield PAC RL Algorithms. Yao Liu and Emma Brunskill. [pdf]
  • Count-Based Exploration with the Successor Representation. Marlos C. Machado, Marc G. Bellemare and Michael Bowling. [pdf]
  • Randomized Value Functions via Multiplicative Normalizing Flows. Ahmed Touati, Harsh Satija, Joshua Romoff, Joelle Pineau and Pascal Vincent. [pdf]
  • InfoBot: Structured Exploration in Reinforcement Learning Using Information Bottleneck. Anirudh Goyal, Riashat Islam, Zafarali Ahmed, Doina Precup, Matthew Botvinick, Hugo Larochelle, Sergey Levine and Yoshua Bengio.
  • On Oracle-Efficient PAC RL with Rich Observations. Christoph Dann, Nan Jiang, Akshay Krishnamurthy, Alekh Agarwal, John Langford and Robert Schapire. [pdf]
  • Learning Linear Models with Delayed Bandit Feedback. Claire Vernade, Alexandra Carpentier, Giovanni Zappella, Beyza Ermis and Michael Brueckner. [pdf]
  • Efficient Exploration in Two-player Games with a Powerful Opponent. Jialian Li, Tongzheng Ren, Hang Su, Jun Zhu and Dong Yan. [pdf]
  • Meta-Reinforcement Learning of Structured Exploration Strategies. Abhishek Gupta, Russell Mendonca, Yuxuan Liu, Pieter Abbeel and Sergey Levine. [pdf]
  • Span-constrained planning for (more) efficient exploration-exploitation. Jian Qian, Matteo Pirotta, Ronan Fruit, Alessandro Lazaric and Ronald Ortner. [pdf]
  • A Contextual Bandit Bake-off. Alberto Bietti, Alekh Agarwal and John Langford. [pdf]
  • Exploration and Policy Generalization in Capacity-Limited Reinforcement Learning. Rachel Lerch and Chris Sims. [pdf]
  • On-line Reinforcement Learning with Misspecified States. Ronan Fruit, Matteo Pirotta and Alessandro Lazaric. [pdf]
  • A Note on K-learning. Brendan O'Donoghue.
  • Improving Exploration in Evolution Strategies for Deep Reinforcement Learning via a Population of Novelty-Seeking Agents. Edoardo Conti, Vashisht Madhavan, Felipe Such, Joel Lehman, Kenneth Stanley and Jeff Clune. [pdf]
  • Diversity-Inducing Policy Gradient: Using MMD to find a set of policies that are diverse in terms of state-visitation. Muhammad Masood and Finale Doshi-Velez. [pdf] [code]
  • Strategic Exploration in Object-Oriented Reinforcement Learning. Ramtin Keramati, Jay Whang, Patrick Cho and Emma Brunskill. [pdf]
  • Approximate Exploration through State Abstraction. Adrien Ali Taiga, Aaron Courville and Marc Bellemare. [pdf]
  • The Potential of the Return Distribution for Exploration in RL. Thomas Moerland, Joost Broekens and Catholijn Jonker. [pdf]
  • Bayesian Inference with Anchored Ensembles of Neural Networks, and Application to Reinforcement Learning. Tim Pearce and Nicolas Anastassacos. [pdf] [code]
  • Adaptive Learning with Unknown Information Flows. Yonatan Gur and Ahmadreza Momeni. [pdf]
  • Hierarchy-Driven Exploration in Reinforcement Learning. Evan Liu, Ramtin Keramati, Kelvin Guu, Sudarshan Seshadri, Panupong Pasupat, Percy Liang and Emma Brunskill. [pdf]
  • Deeper & Sparser Sampling. Divya Grover and Christos Dimitrakakis. [pdf] [code]
  • Large-Scale Study of Curiosity-Driven Learning. Yuri Burda*, Harri Edwards*, Deepak Pathak*, Amos Storkey, Trevor Darrell, Alexei A. Efros [pdf]
  • Counting to Explore and Generalize in Text-based Games. Xingdi Yuan, Marc-Alexandre Côté, Alessandro Sordoni and Adam Trischler. [pdf]
  • Goal-oriented Trajectories for Efficient Exploration. Fabio Pardo, Vitaly Levdik and Petar Kormushev. [pdf]
  • Is Q-learning Provably Efficient? Chi Jin, Zeyuan Allen-Zhu, Sebastian Bubeck and Michael Jordan. [pdf]
  • Directed Exploration in PAC Model-free Reinforcement Learning. Min-Hwan Oh and Garud Iyengar. [pdf]
  • Depth and nonlinearity induce implicit exploration for RL. Justas Dauparas, Ryota Tomioka and Katja Hofmann. [pdf]
  • Bounding Regret in Simulated Games. Steven Jecmen, Erik Brinkman and Arunesh Sinha. [pdf]