
Welcome to My Personal Webpage


Prof. Dr. Erkan Gören
Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg
Institute of Economics
26111 Oldenburg
Telephone: +49-441-798-4292
E-mail: erkan.goeren@uni-oldenburg.de 

Personal Information

My name is Erkan Gören, and I am Assistant Professor for Quantitative Methods in Economics in the Department of Economics at the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg. I am also an Affiliated Researcher in the Department of Economics and Business Economics at Aarhus University. I am holding a PhD in economics from the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg in April 2015. I have a Master's degree in economics (with distinction) from the University of Osnabrueck.

My research covers topics in macroeconomics, development economics, economic growth, knowledge diffusion, and international migration. I am also interested in the political economy of ethnic diversity. In my research, I combine state-of-the-art quantitative methods and Geographic Information System (GIS) techniques to examine the spatial distribution of economic activity.

My work has been published in, among others, the Journal of Development Economics, World Development, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, and Industrial and Corporate Change. A complete overview of my research activities can be found in the Research section.

I have recently attracted third-party funding from the German Research Foundation ("Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft") as principal investigator for the project entitled "The Localized Geography of Development Assistance: A Disaggregated Grid Cell Analysis". The project intends to examine the role of World Bank development projects on local conflict incidence at a subnational scale.




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Contact: erkan.goeren@uni-oldenburg.de