Erin Strumpf

Research Agenda

Prof. Strumpf and her research team focus on evaluating the impacts of health and social policies on the health and wellbeing of individuals and populations, as well as on the performance of the health care system. We use methods for causal inference, principally quasi-experimental designs, to estimate the effects of interventions and reforms in real-world settings and actively collaborate with decision makers to generate relevant, usable knowledge to improve population health and health care system performance. Our team and our collaborators have strong expertise using administrative health data and large-scale surveys to evaluate the impact of health interventions and reforms in Quebec and Canada, as well as other jurisdictions around the world.

Erin Strumpf, Professor, McGill University

Erin Strumpf, PhD, is a Professor in the Department of Economics and the Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health at McGill University and a founding member of McGill’s Public Policy and Population Health Observatory (3PO). She is affiliated with McGill’s Department of Equity, Ethics, and Policy, Family Medicine Department, and Department of Oncology, as well as the Centre on Population Dynamics. From 2019-2022, she was an affiliated researcher with the cancer unit at l'Institut national d’excellence en santé et en services sociaux (INESSS). Prof. Strumpf holds a PhD in Health Policy and Economics from Harvard University, and a BA from Smith College. She is a William Dawson Scholar at McGill University and previously held Chercheur-boursiers (Junior 1 and 2) from the Fonds de Recherche du Québec – Santé. 

Copyright © 2010 by Erin C. Strumpf

Montreal, QC, Canada