Social Justice Projects

Many thanks to my professors this year, Dr. Lee Johnson, Dr. Gitonga, Dr. Bumpers, and Dr. Schroeder.  Your guidance helped me to produce a body of work that I'm very proud of.  Here are a few examples of work I produced this year.

Black Lives Matter: Social Justice Movements

The Black Lives Matter movement helped me to refine my ideas around social justice but also inspired me to 

Digital Interventions in Mexico During the Covid-19 Pandemic

This project opened up my mind to social justice issues connected to access to technology in Mexico, but also the United States.

This project helped me to look at not only the ethically issues surrounding charter schools, but also the social justice concerns.  

Making education more accessible through "Mother Tongue" teaching

For this project I examined how indigenous languages could be used to make education more accessible to indigenous peoples of Mexico.  In addition, the use of indigenous languages in the education system would support and protect these languages and peoples.