Hello. My name is Eric (ESTJR.) . I'm 25 years old with Autism that was born in Northern but grew up in Southern California. A Creative Experimental Artist with a mindful, insane, dark, weird and unbelievable imagination. Started drawing since I was 4 before I did some art schools before high school. Art & Design is what I want to do in life. My inspiration is from all types of movies, tv shows, adventures, mental health, video games, past learning experiences & all artists. I use my own imagination, experiment on my crafts as i either start sketching or use my computer to create objects. All of my digital art is made using Pixlr Editor ; an online photoshop. For drawing & sketching I use cardstock paper. Continuously Experimenting & not just trying new styles. Always drawing too many demonic figures. Specifically creating uncomfortable mesmerizing colors, backgrounds, object outlets & atmospheres along with making senseless gruesome vicious scenes. Senseless Existence is my personal art journey.


"ESTJR." is my long name. I'm very open to more creativity throughout the years of development & growth. Adventurous ready to explore. Too creative & being thorough about my pieces. Emotional, beautiful, dark, weird & unspoken but introversion expression prepared for the next piece. Reliving in the good & bad fatherless childhood past. Good & bad experience as an adult now. Those are my traumatic reminders. My escapism through image projects or traveling around because of life struggles as an adult. My "Imagination & Misery" is how I live & cope to get by every day as I document my passion & pain.


Took a graphic design in High School. Did a photoshop class in college but went back to my hobby (Art). Way too inspired by many to be more open to other styles. In all real honesty, my creativity or business doesn't pay bills. Recognition is never easy to come by & I usually go to art shows every few months or more because its expensive out here. Always keep the money coming in your pocket if you know what to do. You really can't get what you want until you work harder, work smarter but give yourself time to do something else without panic, stress or frustration. 


There's nothing wrong with creating art that doesn't have meaning. I believe the unknown is all a journey about your personal ideas, your talent & your personal creation coming out naturally.

If you like to start a conversation & request custom art like album covers, graphic scenery design or more, head over to the contact page.

Art Styles

Kind of artist

Graduated in Center For Learning Unlimited With An Autodesk Maya 3D Certificate After Learning Art & Animation

Inspired The Animation Class From School To Make The First Movie Called "The Cursed Sketchbook" @ Center For Learning Unlimited

Working @ The Paramount Swap Meet As A Cleaner