December H-P Leader

Jocey Juliuson is well deserving of this honor. She works so hard in school and is kind to everyone she sees. Jocey goes above and beyond to show her passion for learning. She is always smiling and willing to help. She enjoys playing basketball, baking, and making bracelets. Her favorite subject is math. Her favorite book is "The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane" by Kate DiCamillo. Here is what her classmates have to say about her.....

"She is always willing to help somebody" -Shelby

"She is very kind, loyal, & trustworthy. She is beautiful." -Ruby

"She is helpful" - Weston

"She has been helping a lot people and gets her work done." Blaikli

"Jocey is a good leader because she is a good friend and she always shows kindness" - Kinley

This month the 5th grade earned the Lunchroom & Recess trophies for awesome behavior & manners!

NOvember Leader

Bennett was chosen as our Hope-Page leader for the month of November. Bennett is an awesome kid who loves Minecraft, technology & engineering, and bread. He is well deserving of this leadership role. Here is what his classmates have to say about him....

"He is always kind, safe, and ready. He also stays on track" - Weston

"He is a hard worker" - Carter

"He helps out a lot around the school and our classroom" - Ruby

"He is good at designing things" - Shelby

"Bennett is nice to people, and listens to people" - Skye

"Bennett is a good leader because he is good with computers and has good ideas." - Jocey

"He is a good leader because he is trustworthy and honest" - Cynthia

Behavior All-Star

Kinley, Skye, Allison have been kind, safe, and ready in school.

Academic all-Stars

Weston, Cynthia, & Chris have been working hard in class.

5th Grade Values

During our morning meeting last week we discussed values. We came up will a long list of values that each student had. They thought about things that were important and things carried with them at home and in school. Then they narrowed it down to one value that was most important to them. What is your most valued value?









Hard working






Congratulations Hadley

Hope-Page leader

Hadley Elbert is our October leader! She is creative, kind, smart, and athletic. She loves to do gymnastics, her favorite color is blue, and she hates whipped cream. She has worked so hard and is very deserving of this honor!

Here is what her classmates have to say about her....

"She is helpful when people get hurt" - Blaikli

"She is always in a very good mood" - Shelby

"Hadley helps in the classroom a lot and she is beautiful" - Ruby

"She is kind and nice" - Skye

"She helps people be mindful" - Carter

"She is a good friend" - Kinley

"She is always kind, safe, and ready and helps everyone" - Jocey

Academic all-Stars

Bennett & Bridger recieved an All-Star for growth and success in reading!

Behavior All-Stars

Jocey, Hadley, & Shelby earned All-Stars for being kind, safe, & ready in the classroom.

Trophy Winners

The fifth grade class proudly earned the music trophy for the month of October. They have been learning how to play their new instruments in band with Mrs. Alm and Ms. Huffman.

Pumpkin Patch Fun

Today we headed to the pumpkin patch with our PreK buddies. We had fun finding the perfect pumpkins and enjoying the day with our special friends. We lucked out and just missed the rain! Stay tuned to see what we have planned next for our pumpkins!

F i r s t D a y o f S c h o o l


Today we talked about finding "Pausabilities". Sometimes we just need to take a pause- to stop, breathe, and take a moment for ourselves. To be mindful. We have big emotions and it's important that we find ways to helps us feel better. Some students shared they like to exercise, read, or take a nap to help them reset. We created mindfulness bottles to help us when we need to Pause.

April Spartan Leader

Brooklyn has earned the honor of being our April Spartan Leader!

Brooklyn is well deserving of this award. In the classroom she shows respect, responsibility, and a love for learning. Brooklyn loves gymnastics, art, and volleyball. She also loves spending time playing games with her family. Catan is her favorite!

Here is what Brooklyn's classmates have to say about her!

"She is good at drawing and coloring!" - Jens

"She helps people and does things for people when they need help"- Charlie

"Everyday she comes to school with a happy face and is always positive!" - Ray

"She is always really nice." - Sam

"She is nice and doesn't get angry" - Logan

"Brooklyn is happy all the time." - Ian

"Brooklyn is a big brain (really smart)" - Connor

"She is artistic" - Colton

"She is good at math!" - Shelby

Frozen Dead Guy Day

The 5th graders recently held their Frozen Dead Guy press conference. They have been working hard in Library and Technology to research someone from the past and understand the contributions they made on the world. These celebrities came back to life for the day to share about their lives and answer questions from the audience. They did a great job! Thank you to Mrs. Kingston and Mrs. Renard for such a fun project!

Albert Einstein

Logan B.

Kobe Bryant

Colton M.

Stan Lee

Raymond O.

John Paul Jones
Connor W.

Harry Houdini
Sam T.

Bob Ross
Ian L

Davy Crokett
Charlie M.

Amelia Earhart

Shelby C.

Theodore Roosevelt

Jens I.


Brooklyn J.

March Spartan Assembly is a big WIN for 5th grade

Our 5th grade Spartan Leader is Logan.

He was chosen because of his great leadership skills. This is his first year at Hope-Page Elementary. He likes math, video games, and jumping on the trampoline. Here is what his classmates have to say about him!

"He is always Kind, Safe, and Ready." - Brooklyn

"Logan likes Roblox and is very smart." - Ray

"Logan is very friendly." - Ian

Look at all the All-Stars they have earned! We also earned the Library trophy. In library they have been working on their Frozen Dead Guy research projects.

100th Day of School!

On February 4th we celebrated out 100th day of school! Here is some creative writing from your 100 year old Spartans. I must say, they took creative writing to a whole new level!

SPARTAN Assembly- November 6, 2020

It's Friday! Which means it is time for our Monthly Spartan Assembly! This month Ray is our Spartan Leader. He has shown he is a true Spartan Leader by being kind, safe, and ready in school. Ray likes to play sports, his favorite is football. His favorite subject in school is PE. In his free time, he enjoys playing video games with his friends. His favorite video games are Fortnite, Among Us, and Farming Simulator. We are proud to have him as our Leader this month!

"Ray always looks out for us, even when we are below the line" - Sam Thompson

"Raymond is my best friend, I am proud of him for getting to be our Spartan Leader" - Jens Ihry

As a class we earned the Technology Trophy. Mrs. Kingston has been impressed with our perseverance, problem solving, and hard work with We are also quickly becoming pros at using Google Classroom, Google Meet, and creating Google Slides!


Where we like to read a latte!

Today we got to experience a book tasting while sippin' on some hot cocoa. The 5th graders took turns exploring 8 different historical fiction novels to help them pick their next book to read. We will be starting our new literature circles tomorrow! I can't wait for the kids to dig in to these books, they are some of my favorites!

-Mrs. Erickson

TROLLS - Spartans Got Goals!

The reading theme this year is TROLLS. In 5th grade we have been busy reading and making our 10 AR (accelerated reader) goals. Below is the reading wall and our super-star readers! Many of the kids have already made their first goal!

  • Mrs. Erickson

Homecoming Week

This week we are celebrating Homecoming. Dress up days are below.

Monday: Pajama Day!
Tuesday: Jersey Day
Wednesday: Class color - 5th grade is Yellow
Thursday: Cowboy/Cowgirl day

Due to restrictions, we will not be having a traditional pep fest, however in typical Spartan fashion we didn't let that ruin our fun! The elementary and high school are putting together a series of short, student made videos to create a digital pep fest! We will celebrate in our classrooms during our Friday Spartan time.

My apologies as I have been terrible at taking pictures this week (it has been busy!)

  • Mrs. Erickson

Happy 1st Day of School!

It was great to be back in action and I think the kids and their teachers will be tired tonight! In 5th grade we reviewed a lot of procedures and even learned some new ones to help keep us safe from germs. If you ask your student what their highlight is, I would bet they will say playing "Stuff the Spartan". Enjoy some pictures.

  • Mrs. Erickson