

Extreme Divisors on M_{0,7} and Differences over Characteristic 2, arxiv version

Geometric Manin's Conjecture for Fano 3-Folds, arxiv version

Rational Contractions of Fiber Type on M_{0,6}, arxiv version

Primes and Perfect Powers in the Catalan Triangle, Published in the Journal of Integer Sequences, related sequences in the OEIS


Extreme Divisors on M_{0,7} and Differences over Characteristic 2, at UIC's AG Seminar, at Warwick's AG Seminar, at Notre Dame's AG Seminar, at Moduli Across the Pandemic (video available) , at University of Kentucky's Algebra Seminar

New Extreme Divisors on M_{0,7}, BUGCAT 2021

Primes and Perfect Powers in the Catalan Triangle, JMM 2019 AMS Contributed Paper Session and JMM 2018 MAA General Contributed Paper Session