Moderated by:

Sarah Ivory (Pennsylvania State University) & Will Gosling (University of Amsterdam)

Time slot (UTC): 13:00 - 17:00

Time slot (UTC)





Title - Speakers

Introduction and organizational notes - Sarah Ivory & William Gosling

Overview of Eric's contributions in Africa - Anne-Marie Lézine

Application of historical ecology as tool to determine human impact on highland forests during different socio-political regimes- Study case Keriita - Rahab Kinyanjui

Knowledge Through Harmony: Using R Tools to Harmonize Pollen Taxa and Streamline Applications of African Pollen Database Data to Paleoecological Problems - Chris Kiahtipes

13:50 Break

Time slot (UTC)




Title - Speakers

Precessional variability in the vegetation of the Greater Cape Floristic Region - Lydie Dupont

Multi-proxy evidence of changing vegetation and human livelihoods in response to the last millennium aridification in semi-arid Madagascar - Estelle Razanatsoa

Personal Stories

14:45 Break

Time slot (UTC) Title - Speakers

15:00 Looking back – Holocene vegetation dynamics from two Kenyan landscapes - Esther Githumbi

15:15 From the descriptive to the interpretative: decades of research supported by the African Pollen Database - Rob Marchant

15:30 Interpretation of scarce fossil pollen assemblages in drylands of Southern Africa - Louis Scott

15:45 Close – Informal toast to Eric

16:00 Break

Time slot (UTC) Extra (open for everyone)

16:00-16:45 Post-meeting Neotoma Data Steward meeting and workshop

Next session: AMERICAS