About Our Plan

12 week to 5K Ready!

Our 0-5K training plan is designed to help beginners train for a 5k race over the course of 12-weeks. Of course you can follow it on your own, but we also meet as group on Sunday mornings to complete the workout together providing added support and motivation.

Each week starts off with the Sunday group workout. Then, throughout the week, we recommend you repeat that same workout twice more. Additionally, to get the most out the plan, it is beneficial to add some strength training twice per week as reflected in the homework column. Links to videos of recommended strength routines are included on our training schedule. Since stetching is also important, we have also provided links to some post-run stretches and recovery day stretches.

Flexible & Customizable

Whether your goal is to run, walk, or some combination of both, this training plan has you covered. The plan offers 3 different tracks reflected in the three columns: 

You can choose the track that works best for you and even switch tracks midway through. 

Everybody is different, so you might be able to move from one workout to the next each week, but you may need to remain on a particular workout for multiple weeks, and that’s okay. Advance at the pace that feels comfortable for you and whatever your pace is, you will have someone to train with at our Sunday morning group workouts. 

Repeating the workout

The gradual buildup of the plan depends on repeating the same workout enough times for your body to adapt before stepping up to the next workout. We recommend you try to repeat the same workout that we do on Sunday twice more throughout the week. It’s also wise when you’re building up to allow yourself a day of recovery between your running days.  

If, for some reason, you can't fit repeating the workout two times, just do what you can and join us again on Sunday. We got you! 

Strength Training

Our training plan also recommends you do strength exercises to support your running. Why? Just because you have certain muscles, doesn’t mean you’re using them to your advantage while you run.  Strength training enables you to strengthen specific muscles that running relies on and keep them in balance. That reduces the risk of injury as well as increases your efficiency while running. 

If you have already established a strength training routine, then stick with that, but if not, our training plan provides links to exercise videos that are recommended for runners. We recommend completing two sets of these assigned strength routine twice per week

Remember to Stretch

As muscles get stronger, they also get tighter which can put strain on them, plus the tendons and ligaments, which can lead to injury. Also, tight muscles can limit mobility, adversely effecting your running form.  So, it's important to stretch out regularly when you excercise in order to keep yourself off the injured list and get the most out of your training.  

Yoga can be a great way to stretch between runs. If you already have a stretching routine, then keep it up, but if you're looking for some stretches to support your running, there are plenty available on the internet. Here are a couple to try: 

Recover Between Workouts

While your building fitness, your body needs time to repair and build muscle fiber so, it is important to allow time between workouts to adequately recover.  We recommend not running two days in a row. Instead, skip a day between runs. However it's also important to make good use of that time off by stretching, sleeping, and eating heathy.  Be sure to stretch after your runs and on your recovery days.  Stretching will facilitate recovery by increasing blood flow to the muscles as they repair and rebuild. Your body builds muscle while you sleep, so be sure to get plenty.  Finally, eating a healthy diet will supply your body with the nutrients it needs when building fitness.

Growth Mindset

Remember that forward progress is really what it's about.  Like anything else in life, establishing a new exercise routine is challenging and can get overwhelming when we take on too much at once.  If you can't find time for everything in this plan, no worries!  Just figure out what you CAN do, stick with it and know that you can always add more later.  If things don't go to plan, just think of it as an opportunity to learn.  Reflect on what happened and what changes you can make in the future. No matter where your starting point is, consistency with what you can do now will help you build momentum toward you ultimate goal.

Tips for Success

Change is challenging, but possible!  Some of the best ways to reach any goal are to commit, be accountable, and make it fun. Here are some concrete ways to do that with this 0to5K Training Plan: