HI , when I installed the fresh windows pro it downgradeD the bios to 1.05.03RGME1_0006 04/02/17 AND THEREFORE UNABLE TO INSTALL the control center saying erazer does not support this platform everytime i start it. The weird part is that I can' find the update anywhere not even on the medion website mate. Could you please help with a link as i cant turn on the discreet option therefore can't play serious games.

I recently bought a Medion Erazer Defender P10 (30030059) and mightily pleased I was too - until after just a couple of days it started freezing, BSoD and rebooting on it's own accord. It was like it had a mind of its own - totally crazy.

I did the all basics with virus checks, updating drivers etc and the usual stuff following steps on the net, but although there was a slight improvement, the underlying problem was obviously still there.

Any sensible person would have taken it back to the seller or got some advice, but as it was bought through mail order, and I have a PC Tech repair shop nearby I took the quicker option and let their wizards have a look. 

Its been a couple of days now and so far, I've had no major crashes or issues so perhaps they did the trick - however - the "Control Centre" for fan speed, keyboard backlights etc has completely disappeared and doesn't seem to exist anymore anywhere in the system. Its been wiped? 

I have followed some earlier posts and links in this forum, but I only managed to download a diagnostic tool, but not the controls I was actually hoping for. 

It's a minor inconvenience rather than a problem, but I can't find any downloads or links to get it back - or if it's even possible. 

Any suggestions - or is it better to just let it go and not fiddle around? 

Thanks in advance for any replies. 

Erazer Control Center Download

Download 🔥 https://urlca.com/2y3Bya 🔥

i recently jusy bought the erazor defender p15, i love the simplicity of the control centre so nice to see how to download if needed, is there any documentation for its use, it is simple enough, but i am wondering what the fan offset is and how it works.

hello please i do have medion erazer defender p15 i had before control center 3.0 i uninstaled it to download a new version but it didnt work now non of the versions wants to work how can i fix that thank you

So I'm using the Medio Erazer P115603 and since a few weeks my power management in the Control Center software stopt working, im now stuck on silent and this makes my performance worse when i try to use CAD and CAM software. I tried deleting and reinstalling the software but this only seemed to make it worse. I have tried the software found in the Medion database and the one on the preinstalled recovery drive. Both didn't work. Now I lost the featueres for fan control, power mode, flexkey and LED keyboard. Does somebody know how to fix this problem?

I have recently had to reinstall windows 10 to my Medion Erazer Defender p10, my control centre has completely gone. Is there any way I could redownload it? (tried clicking the link above but it just opens and closes a new tab instantly without any sort of download going on) Thankyou

Recently I noticed that, when i changed power modes in the control center, the actual power mode doesn't change anymore; It's always stuck on quiet mode. I reinstalled the control center but that just removed the icon and now I can't seem to find the actual app.


I have recently tried to access the Erazer control center on my computer, but I have not been able to either the abbreviated form (FN + ESC) or looking for it among my applications, but despite everything it comes out as an application that I can uninstall if I enter the configuration windows so I know it's still installed


The question is, how can I reinstall the control center, since in the partition of the hard disk I can not identify where it is, I would even dare to say that it is not there and I can assure you that my computer had control center, what's more, it appears in the section of Windows applications and features and I can even uninstall it but I can't access it. Please help me.

Thank you.

Thanks for passing me the drivers, thanks to them I realized that I already had them in the disk partition with the name "Hotkey" and by uninstalling and reinstalling, I have the control center working perfectly again.

Thank you very much for your attention.

A laptop use custom made drivers in order to maintain the stability and performance so I wouldn't put much trust on "universal" control center (which it doesn't even start on my medion). Even the drivers installed by windows during update process are approved and verified by medion.

As a side story unrelated to your enquiry I removed my power control center provided by driver software in favor for windows power settings because I didn't like how the CC was managing the charging options. It was my choice and I can't recommend that. But overall I didn't affect in any bad way the stability and performance.

I recently got this E30 PC and got it without the operating system. I installed an original copy of Windows 11 and installed all the updated, however I still don't know how to get the Control Center which, I understand, is made to control keyboard lightning and some other settings.

In game mode, gamers can easily control audio devices and signal inputs as well as sync monitor settings for multiple displays. Gamers can adjust settings for Brightness, Contrast, Response Time and Saturation to enjoy the ultimate gaming experience.

Artery enhances the entire gaming experience with a user-friendly interface and complete control of monitor settings to suit your preferences. Quickly access settings to show Frame Rate, Aim Point and Timer, or setup shortcut keys so you can focus on winning the game.

For some reason my control centre auto updated form windows store and broke so i had o uninstall it and install the one i had from the recover folder, this now no longer works . i dont mind just setting the laptop to performance mode although i do miss the fan speed gauges.

any help please i have the uk version of the eraser 10 and have already tried to run the control centre from the medion site. it installs and i see it in the icon tray but it will not run and oddly enough it does not show in the apps anymore

The Erazer Control Center by Medion AG is a powerful software tool designed to enhance the gaming experience for users. With its intuitive interface and advanced features, this control center allows gamers to optimize their gaming performance and customize their gaming environment.

In summary, the Erazer Control Center is a comprehensive software solution for gaming enthusiasts. With its performance optimization features, customization options, and monitoring tools, this software empowers users to take control of their gaming experience and get the most out of their hardware.

I've had some issues with the LED keyboard not functioning as it should, mainly the green leds not quite lighting up correctly and thus in all the other modes that mix the green led not quite lighting up correctly. I went to install the latest version of comand center from a link in here, it removed the existing applications (Keyboard LED & Fan control). Its states that the software is installed & a restart is required to finish installation (All done), now once the laptop has been restarted the keyboard LED backlight is not active & i cant see any application for controlling it. This is the same for the fan control, all removed & now have no control over it.

Thanks for the reply. I've downloaded the control center from the link above, but still I have the issue with not being able to control the keyboard LEDs or the fan speed. It has installed 'Fn hotkeys and OSD' but I cannot get it to run on the laptop. Looking at the task manager it runs as a background process so its obviously doing something, its just not something I can control.

I just wondered if you managed to solve this issue? I'm having the same thing, I keep uninstalling and reinstalling the control centre but it never comes up for me. I keep getting the 'Fn hotkeys and OSD' thing come up too but even when I click that nothing happens.

This article is for information only. DO NOT use it to treat or manage an actual poison exposure. If you or someone you are with has an exposure, call the local emergency number (such as 911), or the local poison control center can be reached directly by calling the national toll-free Poison Help hotline (1-800-222-1222) from anywhere in the United States.

Your local poison control center can be reached directly by calling the national toll-free Poison Help hotline (1-800-222-1222) from anywhere in the United States. This national hotline will let you talk to experts in poisoning. They will give you further instructions.

This is a free and confidential service. All local poison control centers in the United States use this national number. You should call if you have any questions about poisoning or poison prevention. It does NOT need to be an emergency. You can call for any reason, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Op de machine is een control center aanwezig waarmee je de verschillende features naar je hand kunt zetten. Zo kun je de bijvoorbeeld bepalen of de machine ltijd de krachtige Nvidia- of de gentegreerde zuinige, maar minder krachtige Intel-gpu gebruikt.

The DSP1 has a standard variable temperature control, while the DSP2 features an advanced feedback temperature control. Dip Strip comes in a one-pound or two-pound bag or a 50-pound bucket. Dip Clean 2 Metal Cleaner is available in a one-pint or one-gallon container. Dip Strip Neutralizer is also required and as a safe economic method to dispose of Dip Strip after use in the stripping pots.

This worked for my LENOVO Y70-70 with Windows 8.1 after looking all throughout the net for maybe 2 hours and trying anything I can and every place with settings throughout control panel and registry searching for hotkeys, caps lock, num lock yet no results were found. Could have been easier, but oh well. Now it is solved. So, after changing regedit entries, especially the one asking to change setting for "EnableOSD" from 01 00 00 00 into 00 00 00 00, but also change NotShowMsgAgain to same values because these solved the problem. Thank you to them. 2351a5e196

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