
Published, Accepted and Forthcoming Papers

"Investor Ideology", with. P. Bolton, T. Li, and H. Rosenthal. The Journal of Financial Economics, August 2020, Vol. 137, No. 2, pp. 320-352. Abstract.

Winner of the 2019 Aberdeen Standard Investments Best Paper Prize (ECGI); Winner of Second Prize, 2020 Jensen Prize for the Best Papers published in the Journal of Financial Economics in the areas of Corporate Finance and Organizations

Data (.xlsx): Investor Ideal Points and Proposal Midpoints

Who is internationally diversified? Evidence from the 401(k) Plans of 296 Firms, with G. Bekaert, K. Hoyem, and W. Hu, The Journal of Financial Economics, April 2017, Vol. 124, No. 1, pp. 86-112. Abstract.

"An assessment of the mating motive explanation of the beauty premium in market-based settings", Behavioral and Brain Sciences, March 2017, Vol. 40 (E39), p. 34-35.

"Risk Aversion and Wealth: Evidence from Person-to-Person Lending Portfolios", with D. Paravisini and V. Rappoport, Management Science, February 2016, Vol. 63, No. 2, pp. 279-297. Abstract.

"What do Independent Directors Know? Evidence from Their Trading", with P. Sapienza, The Review of Financial Studies, March 2010, Vol, 23, No. 3, pp. 962-1003. Abstract.

"Increasing Income Inequality, External Habits, and Self-Reported Happiness", with K. Dynan, American Economic Review P&P, May 2007, Vol. 97, No. 2, pp. 226-231.

Working Papers

"Stability and Evolution in Investor Ideology", July 2020, with P. Bolton, H. Rosenthal, and C. Tausanovitch.

"Love & Loans. The Effect of Beauty and Personal Characteristics in Credit Markets", March 2019, Submitted. Abstract. Winner of the FMA Napa Conference on Financial Markets Best Paper Award.

"Retirement Savings Adequacy in U.S. Defined Contribution Plans", February 2020, with F. Gomes, K. Hoyem, and W. Hu. Abstract.

Retail Investors' Contrarian Behavior around News and the Momentum Effect, November 2020, with C. Luo, M. Sammon, and L. Viceira. Abstract.

"Habit Formation and Keeping Up with the Joneses: Evidence from Micro Data", April 2019, Revise & Resubmit, The Review of Financial Studies. Abstract. Appendix.

“Automatic Enrollment, Escalation Clauses, and Retirement Savings in the U.S.”, with K. Hoyem, W. Hu, Under Revision. Abstract.

"The Portfolios and Financial Decisions of High Net-Worth U.S. Households", with L. Viceira and I. Walter, Under Revision, Abstract.

Invited Papers

"Appearance, Inference about Credit Quality and Learning", Rivista di Politica Economica, Jan-March 2011, Issue 1, pp. 61-86.

Early Stage Papers and Selected Work in Progress

"Investor Ideology Around the World", with P. Bolton, and H. Rosenthal.

"Proxy Votes in Public Corporations and Agenda Control", with P. Bolton, and H. Rosenthal.

“Socially Responsible Investors”, with L. Viceira.

"Climate Change Beliefs and Investment and Consumption Choices in the U.S.”, Semifinalist at the RFS Climate Finance Call for Registered Proposals.

“Menu Quality and Portfolio Quality in 401(k) Plans”, with K. Hoyem, W. Hu.

“Household Portfolios”, with L. Viceira.

"The Scaling of Institutional Investor Portfolios", with P. Bolton, K. Lee, H. Rosenthal.

“Inertia and the Determinants of Reallocation Activity: Evidence from 401(k) Portfolios”, with G. Bekaert and N. Crouzet.

"Measuring Financial Anxiety", with Y. Levi and P. Sapienza.

“Financial Anxiety and Investment Decisions”, with L. Guiso and P. Sapienza.