

Eratosthenes comes to its end... We hope that your pupils fully enjoyed all these exciting activities that led them to "measure the Earth", with the shadow of a simple vertical staff! In order to assess the knowledge they have acquired with regard to the first test, this is a post-test using the contents of the pre-test, with two other questions, one about the famous figure discovered by Eratosthenes, and the other about geographical co-ordinates.

Practical methods

Foreseen duration : According to the training of your pupils, one session of 20 minutes, (but the slowest students will have to be able to finish later).

Equipment : For each student :

questions to take stock of your knowledge on several topics Before answering a question, first read it to the end.

When you have to pick a proposed answer, circle the one you pick with your black pencil.

  1. Geometry

Which of these lines are parallel?

Which of these lines form a right angle?

2. The instruments

Associate each instrument with its use by indicating the right number .

  • Check the verticality of an object

  • Check the horizontality of an object

  • Measure an angle

  • Verify that an angle is right

  • Indicate the direction of north

3. The angles

Look at the three steps of the construction of this funny "Z" :

The two angles colored in black have a particularity: which one?

  • They are right angles

  • They are equal angles

  • They are the sign of Zorro

  • They are opposite angles

4. The Earth

Which image is most similar to the shape of the Earth?

5. Geography

Identify the 4 countries and the 4 directions

Number 1 country is: Norway - Iceland - Tunisia - Azerbaijan

Number 2 country is: Norway - Iceland - Tunisia - Azerbaijan

Number 3 country is: Norway - Iceland - Tunisia - Azerbaijan

Number 4 country is: Norway - Iceland - Tunisia - Azerbaijan

Number 1 direction is: North - South - East - West

Number 2 direction is: North - South - East - West

Number 3 direction is: North - South - East - West

Number 4 direction is: North - South - East - West

6. Sun rise, Sun set, Solar noon

  • In which direction do we see the Sun rise? North - South - East - West

  • In which direction do we see the Sun set? North - South - East - West

  • In a European country, in which direction do we see the Sun at the highest point in the sky? North - South - East - West

7. The day and the night

How to explain the alternation of day and night?

  • Earth revolves around the Sun

  • The Sun revolves around the Earth

  • Earth revolves around itself

We wish you a happy end of school year, happy holidays, and see you on the site in next September for brand new scientific adventures with La main à la pâte.