
My research group is focused on evaluating seismic hazards, including the assessment of earthquake ground shaking and ground failure associated with slope failures and liquefaction. We use a wide range of approaches and tools in our research, including computational simulation, statistical analysis, and artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML). We ground our research in physical observations from the field, and sensor measurements from laboratory experiments. Main research thrusts include:

  • Seismic site response analysis

  • Earthquake-induced landslides and slope failures

  • Liquefaction and lateral spreading

  • Induced seismicity

Seismic Site Response

Utilizing recordings from downhole arrays, we are evaluating different approaches to model site response and wave propagation, including the effects of uncertainty.

Seismic Landslides

We are developing approaches to evaluate seismic slope failures that can be applied at site-scale or regional-scale.

Liquefaction & Lateral Spreading

We are improving our understanding of liquefaction-induced lateral spreading through the integration of field observations, remote sensing, subsurface characterization, and numerical simulation.

Induced Seismicity Hazard and Risk

We are developing the data, tools, and approaches to quantify the seismic risk associated with induced seismicity in Texas and Oklahoma. This includes models of time dependent seismicity rates, ground motion characterization relevant to the region, and regional subsurface characterization.