(actualizado 18/04/2023)


Titulaciones: 233, 235, 239

Idiomas: ALEMÁN (B1), INGLÉS (B1)

Meses: 5

Plazas: 4

Observaciones:  Se recomienda nivel B2 idioma de instrucción. Se recomienda realizar cursos de alemán de 4 semanas.

Información académica

Opiniones de estudiantes de cursos anteriores

Mod­ule Re­gis­tra­tion

At the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics there are two registration phases for courses (modules) each semester. The first registration phase, before the actual start of the semester, is intended to enable students to register for modules early. This can be especially advantageous for modules with limited capacity. In the second registration phase it is then possible to adjust the previous registrations. This means that you can withdraw from modules and others can be selected after you have gained a more precise impression of the module content and level of requirements. The opening and closing dates for the early and second registration phases are published on the pages of the Faculty's Study Office. Further details on the application periods are below:

First Registration Phase: Basically, the course registration in both registration phases is done via the online system PAUL. However, since this option is only available after enrolment in Paderborn, there are special exceptions for exchange students of the faculty of Economics and Business Administration. In order to be able to participate in the first registration phase even if your arrival and enrolment in Paderborn is still pending, the International Office will send you a file in advance with which you can pre-select up to 20 ECTS. If you have not yet received a file for the first module selection phase, please contact the International Office. Important: Please make sure that your e-mail account is functioning properly. E-mails rejected due to an overfilled mailbox will not be resent

Second Registration Phase: After arrival or during the second registration phase, registrations must be made via the Online System PAUL itself. Detailed information will be given in the introductory event for exchange students shortly before the start of the semester. In case of admission problems during the registration process, the faculty’s Study Office can help you. There you will also find further detailed information on the registration procedure. If you have any questions concerning the choice of course and a possibly necessary Learning Agreement (Erasmus+), the faculty's Office of International Affairs: international@wiwi.uni-paderborn.de 

Modules with Limited Capacity

Some of the modules offered at Paderborn University are limited in capacity. If the places of these modules, which are limited by the number of participants, are filled, waiting lists will be formed. In case of long waiting lists, it may be useful to inform yourself in time about the registration for an alternative module. This is because under certain circumstances it may not be possible to register in the second registration phase. You should coordinate any changes in the choice of module with the academic supervisor at your home university as early as possible. Waiting lists of modules with limited capacity will be published on the faculty website. In general, you can only deregister from modules before the end of the 2nd registration phase. Please note that if modules with limited capacity are deregistered, no new registration is possible.

Coste de la vida

Vida en el campus

Redes sociales útiles

Página oficial de la facultad: www.uni-paderborn.de

Es la página de las personas que ayudan a los Erasmus a instalarse y a hacer el papeleo, a cada estudiante se le asigna un buddy: www.eurobiz-paderborn.de

Facebook: Erasmus Paderborn 10/11

Es un grupo de facebook con los estudiantes que están cursando este año la carrera aquí, puedes preguntarles dudas y demás.


Se puede volar con Ryan Air hasta Dusseldorf (vuelos baratos), y desde Dusseldorf hasta Paderborn gratis gracias al Semester-Ticket, que es un carnet que te permite viajar por la región del Norte de Westfalia gratis (incluye autobuses y trenes). Este carnet lo proporciona la universidad junto al carnet de estudiante. La facultad se encuentra al lado de las residencias con lo que se puede ir andando y la ciudad está a 15 minutos andando, pero hay muchos autobuses que se pueden coger para bajar a la ciudad y con el semester ticket salen gratis. Paderborn también cuenta con aeropuerto pero no opera Ryan Air y sale más caro.

Información sobre la ciudad

La ciudad es pequeña, no tiene muchas cosas que visitar pese a eso, cuenta con muchas tiendas de ropa, de alimentación y demás que ayudan bastante, tienes de todo en la ciudad pese a ser una ciudad pequeña.

www.padersprinter.de: horario de autobuses en Paderborn

Información sobre el país

Merece la pena visitar gran parte de Alemania, puedes viajar gratis con el semester ticket, a Dusseldorf, Colonia, Dortmund entre otros. A parte existen billetes de tren muy baratos para moverte por Alemania que para 5 personas cuesta 35 euros (lenderticket) y puedes ir por ejemplo a Munich o a Berlín pagando 15 euros (7.5 ida, 7.5 euros vuelta), estos tickets duran un día entero, durante ese día puedes hacer los trayectos que desees.

www.bahn.de: para consultar trenes