
The target group of the Toolkit is formed by mother tongue and English language teachers . It provides educators with resources to improve learning outcomes for students. The Toolkit includes an integrated set of resources to help inspire and guide educators. With how-to guides for using technology in the classroom, the Toolkit is designed to help improve learning outcomes regarding the essential competences of the 21st century - collaboration, creativity, critical thinking, digital literacy and evaluation. It provides a methodology containing practical tools and a step-by-step guide to support trainers and teachers. The design and structure of the Toolkit covers the four (4) phases of the EQAVET quality cycle, i.e. planning, implementation, evaluation and review.

Piloting evaluation grid

The entrance or initial assessment (also called in punto start) is aimed at identifying the starting levels and previous skills of the students. This evaluation allows teachers who enter the classroom to calibrate their interventions on the basis of the specificities of the students in training. In this way it is possible to homogenize the skills to fully ensure the didactic effectiveness of the path. What we want to know: For the Entry test: the average results for each class (digital and digizero in L1 L2) The result for each skill (reading, writing, listening, and speaking) in L1 and L2 .

Slide per LTTA

Presentation of piloting, steps, data analysis for each country

Example of L1 final test for LU

This is an example of a final test in a L1 learning unit on Europe to assess the four skills: speaking, writing, oral and written comprehension with solutions.

esempio test finale L2 This is an example of a final test in the L2 learning unit on Europe to assess the four skills: speaking, writing, oral and written comprehension with solutions.

Example evaluation experiment

This is the result of the entry test of the Alessandrini High School in Italy with the results of the tests administered in digital and non-digital classrooms in L1 and L2.

slide presentation Kick off

The project involved the production of 3 Intellectual Outputs and international (C1) and local training activities, both preliminary and functional to the testing phase (experimentation of the integrated curriculum) and related comparative study between the classes that used the digital curriculum (L1 + LS) in Higher Education Institutes (technical and professional) and VET organizations and those who did not use the cultural mediator (digital) in teaching the disciplines called "DIGIzero" classes. The IOs are the tangible results of the project and have been disseminated through the main dissemination tools and Multiplier Events.

slide desk analysis

1.Document Analysis focused on the present situation about tools /processes/legislation used to improve QA systems in the PP Countries for the validation and recognition of LOs in DIGICOMP for L1 and L2: TOT. N. 5 Reports of Document Analysis made by february the 18th 2. Qualitative interview to QA System managers of the main local VET providers: TOT 18 interviews made by march the 2nd ,3 for each partner. Desk Analysis One report for each partner, 5 in total. What are we looking for? 1. Our goal is to find out the best way to assess ICT skills integrated in the disciplines - Mother language and English (L1 and L2) 2. in order to fulfill our aim is necessary to look for the European best practises in our own countries.

Slide Io1 structure

After an initial phase of study and research (document analysis focused on the present situation, case studies, qualitative interviews, etc), the partnership will work on the creation of a digital based curriculum focused on the two humanistic subjects mentioned above according to a QA model and a non-digital competence based curriculum. This will represent the first Intellectual Output (IO1)of the project. Practical tools based on IO1implementing QA + L1/L2 DIGCOMP models addressed to teachers and students will be collected in a Toolkit which will be considered the second Intellectual Output (IO2) of the project.

Play list registrazioni meeting

This is the play list of our online and face-to-face meetings

Final test for LUs

These are the results of the final learning units tests in L1 and L2 administered in the sample classes at the end of the trial.

IO1 English

This document is the first tangible result of a Strategic Partnership for vocational education and training, titled "Integrated Learning & Digicomp Evaluation". The result is an Intellectual Output consisting of five competence-based Learning Units followed by the same five Units presented in a digital-based version. The purpose of this project is to measure the impact of the use of digital mediators in improving the learning outcomes of mother tongue language teaching (L1) and foreign language teaching (L2 - English) in secondary education and vocational training. The Learning Units are designed to improve basic skills, language learning, digital and entrepreneurial skills, and common values. The Units will be tested simultaneously on sample classes in all partner countries in the piloting stage.

IO1 Italiano

This document is the first tangible result of a Strategic Partnership for vocational education and training, titled "Integrated Learning & Digicomp Evaluation". The result is an Intellectual Output consisting of five competence-based Learning Units followed by the same five Units presented in a digital-based version. The purpose of this project is to measure the impact of the use of digital mediators in improving the learning outcomes of mother tongue language teaching (L1) and foreign language teaching (L2 - English) in secondary education and vocational training. The Learning Units are designed to improve basic skills, language learning, digital and entrepreneurial skills, and common values. The Units will be tested simultaneously on sample classes in all partner countries in the piloting stage.

IO1 Greek

This document is the first tangible result of a Strategic Partnership for vocational education and training, titled "Integrated Learning & Digicomp Evaluation". The result is an Intellectual Output consisting of five competence-based Learning Units followed by the same five Units presented in a digital-based version. The purpose of this project is to measure the impact of the use of digital mediators in improving the learning outcomes of mother tongue language teaching (L1) and foreign language teaching (L2 - English) in secondary education and vocational training. The Learning Units are designed to improve basic skills, language learning, digital and entrepreneurial skills, and common values. The Units will be tested simultaneously on sample classes in all partner countries in the piloting stage.

IO1 Swedish

This document is the first tangible result of a Strategic Partnership for vocational education and training, titled "Integrated Learning & Digicomp Evaluation". The result is an Intellectual Output consisting of five competence-based Learning Units followed by the same five Units presented in a digital-based version. The purpose of this project is to measure the impact of the use of digital mediators in improving the learning outcomes of mother tongue language teaching (L1) and foreign language teaching (L2 - English) in secondary education and vocational training. The Learning Units are designed to improve basic skills, language learning, digital and entrepreneurial skills, and common values. The Units will be tested simultaneously on sample classes in all partner countries in the piloting stage.

IO1 German

This document is the first tangible result of a Strategic Partnership for vocational education and training, titled "Integrated Learning & Digicomp Evaluation". The result is an Intellectual Output consisting of five competence-based Learning Units followed by the same five Units presented in a digital-based version. The purpose of this project is to measure the impact of the use of digital mediators in improving the learning outcomes of mother tongue language teaching (L1) and foreign language teaching (L2 - English) in secondary education and vocational training. The Learning Units are designed to improve basic skills, language learning, digital and entrepreneurial skills, and common values. The Units will be tested simultaneously on sample classes in all partner countries in the piloting stage.

IO1 French

This document is the first tangible result of a Strategic Partnership for vocational education and training, titled "Integrated Learning & Digicomp Evaluation". The result is an Intellectual Output consisting of five competence-based Learning Units followed by the same five Units presented in a digital-based version. The purpose of this project is to measure the impact of the use of digital mediators in improving the learning outcomes of mother tongue language teaching (L1) and foreign language teaching (L2 - English) in secondary education and vocational training. The Learning Units are designed to improve basic skills, language learning, digital and entrepreneurial skills, and common values. The Units will be tested simultaneously on sample classes in all partner countries in the piloting stage.

IO2 English

The ILDE Toolkit, an Intellectual Output of a Strategic Partnership for vocational education and training, aims to determine the effectiveness of digital technologies and critical digital literacy in education and vocational training. The focus is on assessing the impact of ICT on mother tongue language teaching (L1) and foreign language teaching (L2 - English) in secondary education and vocational training. The toolkit emphasizes the inclusion of skills in education, covering learning skills, literacy skills, and life skills necessary to reflect and think about issues, solve problems creatively, work in teams, communicate in many media, learn ever-changing technologies, and deal with a flood of information.

IO2 Italiano

The ILDE Toolkit, an Intellectual Output of a Strategic Partnership for vocational education and training, aims to determine the effectiveness of digital technologies and critical digital literacy in education and vocational training. The focus is on assessing the impact of ICT on mother tongue language teaching (L1) and foreign language teaching (L2 - English) in secondary education and vocational training. The toolkit emphasizes the inclusion of skills in education, covering learning skills, literacy skills, and life skills necessary to reflect and think about issues, solve problems creatively, work in teams, communicate in many media, learn ever-changing technologies, and deal with a flood of information.

IO2 Greek

The ILDE Toolkit, an Intellectual Output of a Strategic Partnership for vocational education and training, aims to determine the effectiveness of digital technologies and critical digital literacy in education and vocational training. The focus is on assessing the impact of ICT on mother tongue language teaching (L1) and foreign language teaching (L2 - English) in secondary education and vocational training. The toolkit emphasizes the inclusion of skills in education, covering learning skills, literacy skills, and life skills necessary to reflect and think about issues, solve problems creatively, work in teams, communicate in many media, learn ever-changing technologies, and deal with a flood of information.

IO2 Swedish

The ILDE Toolkit, an Intellectual Output of a Strategic Partnership for vocational education and training, aims to determine the effectiveness of digital technologies and critical digital literacy in education and vocational training. The focus is on assessing the impact of ICT on mother tongue language teaching (L1) and foreign language teaching (L2 - English) in secondary education and vocational training. The toolkit emphasizes the inclusion of skills in education, covering learning skills, literacy skills, and life skills necessary to reflect and think about issues, solve problems creatively, work in teams, communicate in many media, learn ever-changing technologies, and deal with a flood of information.

IO2 German

The ILDE Toolkit, an Intellectual Output of a Strategic Partnership for vocational education and training, aims to determine the effectiveness of digital technologies and critical digital literacy in education and vocational training. The focus is on assessing the impact of ICT on mother tongue language teaching (L1) and foreign language teaching (L2 - English) in secondary education and vocational training. The toolkit emphasizes the inclusion of skills in education, covering learning skills, literacy skills, and life skills necessary to reflect and think about issues, solve problems creatively, work in teams, communicate in many media, learn ever-changing technologies, and deal with a flood of information.

IO2 French

The ILDE Toolkit, an Intellectual Output of a Strategic Partnership for vocational education and training, aims to determine the effectiveness of digital technologies and critical digital literacy in education and vocational training. The focus is on assessing the impact of ICT on mother tongue language teaching (L1) and foreign language teaching (L2 - English) in secondary education and vocational training. The toolkit emphasizes the inclusion of skills in education, covering learning skills, literacy skills, and life skills necessary to reflect and think about issues, solve problems creatively, work in teams, communicate in many media, learn ever-changing technologies, and deal with a flood of information.

IO3 English

ILDE Data Analysis is a study conducted in five countries to determine the impact of digital technology on language learning. The study aims to answer questions about the potential benefits of digital technology in English as a foreign language and native language learning, and its impact on the four language skills. Four groups were formed in each country, two trained in English and two in native language learning, with one group using digital technology and the other not. The study is based on ILDE experimentation.

IO3 Italiano

ILDE Data Analysis is a study conducted in five countries to determine the impact of digital technology on language learning. The study aims to answer questions about the potential benefits of digital technology in English as a foreign language and native language learning, and its impact on the four language skills. Four groups were formed in each country, two trained in English and two in native language learning, with one group using digital technology and the other not. The study is based on ILDE experimentation.

IO3 Greek

ILDE Data Analysis is a study conducted in five countries to determine the impact of digital technology on language learning. The study aims to answer questions about the potential benefits of digital technology in English as a foreign language and native language learning, and its impact on the four language skills. Four groups were formed in each country, two trained in English and two in native language learning, with one group using digital technology and the other not. The study is based on ILDE experimentation.

IO3 German

ILDE Data Analysis is a study conducted in five countries to determine the impact of digital technology on language learning. The study aims to answer questions about the potential benefits of digital technology in English as a foreign language and native language learning, and its impact on the four language skills. Four groups were formed in each country, two trained in English and two in native language learning, with one group using digital technology and the other not. The study is based on ILDE experimentation.

IO3 Swedish

ILDE Data Analysis is a study conducted in five countries to determine the impact of digital technology on language learning. The study aims to answer questions about the potential benefits of digital technology in English as a foreign language and native language learning, and its impact on the four language skills. Four groups were formed in each country, two trained in English and two in native language learning, with one group using digital technology and the other not. The study is based on ILDE experimentation.

IO3 French

ILDE Data Analysis is a study conducted in five countries to determine the impact of digital technology on language learning. The study aims to answer questions about the potential benefits of digital technology in English as a foreign language and native language learning, and its impact on the four language skills. Four groups were formed in each country, two trained in English and two in native language learning, with one group using digital technology and the other not. The study is based on ILDE experimentation.

Dissemination material

website_die Berater_November2021

Description of ILDE's Facebook page on the website in German (1) and English (2).


Third newsletters after succesfull training in Vienna on February 2022

The 4th Newsletter for the ILDE project (1)

The 4th Newsletter for the ILDE project: the Partners discussed the research results (data, error, etc) and highlighted the most significant ones. The partnership agreed on the necessity to develop questionnaires for quality monitoring and the impact study. The next step in developing the IO3 presentation was agreed to present ways to transfer the results of the project into everyday school practice.

Publishing the Newsletter

The newsletter page written by the Swedish partner: a moment of conviviality

newsletter_die Berater_October2022

Newsletter of Austrian partner DIE BERATER

newsletter_die Berater_20_05_2021

Event die Berater 20.05.2021

newsletter_die Berater_20_05_2021

ILDE_Third_Newsletter_ DE

Ready for piloting! After a successful international training in Vienna, the newsletter of partner Die Berater

FB post with the 3rd Newsletter

Swedish partner's post on Facebook on piloting phase.

Description on website, promotion of project

Description of the Ilde project in the piloting and implementation phase by the Swedish partner

Leaflets ILDE_Multiplier Event_Savoia_14.11.22 Presentation in the final multiplier at the Savoy Institute of the results of phases IO 1, IO2 to IO3

ILDE - Foglio firme Chieti multiplier event 14.11.22

Signature sheet used for the registration of guests at the multiplier held at the Savoia Institute in Chieti

Multiplier Event die Berater October 2022

Multiplier DIE BERATER #ErasmusDays october 2022 With Erasmus+ projects: Digitisation. Sustainability. Entrepreneurship. Labour Market

Event_die Berater_21_04_2021

Event Die Berater 21.04.2021: first meeting with trainers

Event_die Berater_18_05_2021

Event die Berater 18.05.2021 First meeting with trainers

Event_die Berater_14_06_2022

Event die Berater 14.06.2022 Online-Event, Presentation of the ILDE project. Description at the end.

ILDE 2.0 Brochure_v1

Brochure of ILDE 2.0 The DEQF project tries to develop a new quality framework, where the needs of the student are at the centre and the teacher and trainer works as a coach. Based on competences like problem- based learning, critical thinking, creativity and digital debate, the framework will contribute to further develop the advantages of Distance Learning in education.

Meeting in Uppsala

Facebook page with photos of the meeting in Uppsala in September 2022[0]=AZUJCvpQ-GwfYru6pWF7QBn_WvCdHbFSR6OlPXPr60FG8XEqHo4zye1Z9uiJPeqf4cMP_hqL9gjZ2mMu3xjgFjtp16nwfiFyDCgzK7ntW-rP_DEykxTr9ZQ--zQj2q5k84XA6xRqqZSQlUGmLBJXpA021JAevzoxanVVcchjqCroSAVaYP0QPCpKaxZA1U_utWG3mJwOPCvJxkELQJruGTGp&__tn__=*bH-y-R Post pubblicato sulla pagina facebook di progetto.

Meeting in Uppsala

ILDE: Integrated Learning & Digicomp Evaluation live from Uppsala.

Social media coverage

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Multiplier event ministry of education

Memories from ILDE Multiplier event in Teramo on the occasion of the International meeting "The World of teenagers" in the presence of the Italian Minister of Education, Patrizio Bianchi, and other international experts from Europe. We had the chance to talk about the outcomes of the project and the piloting phase.

Newsletter of the project 1

The first newslettere of ILDE

Press release

USR ABRUZZO :press release on ILDE project

Facebook page

Multiplier Event Progetto Erasmus+ KA2 ILDE

Social media coverage

Add attachment

Website page

ILDE project website


Add attachment

Multiplier event ministry of education

Progetto Erasmus+ Integrated Learning & Digicomp Evaluation ILDE Project Number 2020-1-IT01-KA202-008358 CUP C76D20000150006 Multiplier event May 6th 2022, IIS Di Poppa Rozzi, Teramo - 9.30

Usr Abruzzo website publication Press Release of USR Abruzzo on the start of the ILDE Project experimentation involving over one hundred students from Abruzzo.

Description on website, promotion of project Description on website, promotion of project ILDE from Sweden

Publishing the Newsletter Swedish partner on Facebook: ILDE project

FB post with the 3rd Newsletter Swedish partner's post on piloting phase on Facebook

Creation of Newsletter

Publication of the fourth newsletter by French partner Academie d'Orleans

Facebook-Post about project meeting in Vienna on company FB page, German

The International Training Event of the Erasmus+ project ILDE, organised by Berater Unternehmensberatung, took place in Vienna with participants from all partner countries.

Facebook-Post about project meeting in Vienna on company FB page, English

From 11th till 13th of January the International Training Event of the Erasmus+ project ILDE took place in Vienna.

LinkedIn-Post about project meeting in Vienna on company LinkedIn page, English

Post di Bridges to Europe in Wien

LinkedIn-Post about project meeting in Vienna on company LinkedIn page, German

Facebook-Post about partner meeting in Orléans, posted on project FB page

On Monday, 4th and Tuesday, 5h of April the fifth ILDE Partner Meeting took place in the lovely city of Orléans. Hosted by our French partner, the l'Académie d'Orléans-Tours, we had the opportunity to create together the framework for our IO3 Result Report that will summarise all our piloting results.

Instagram-Post about partner meeting in Orléans, posted on project Instagram pag...

On Monday, 4th and Tuesday, 5h of April the fifth ILDE Partner Meeting took place in the lovely city of Orléans. Hosted by our French partner, the l'Académie d'Orléans-Tours, we had the opportunity to create together the framework for our IO3 Result Report that will summarise all our piloting results.

Facebook-Post about project result, posted on project FB page

On FacebooK: ILDE Toolkit offers plenty of tips how to create engaging lessons! Based on the EQAVET circle this Toolkit is the best way to get new ideas that enrich your daily work in the classroom!

Instagram-Post about project result On Instagram: ILDE Toolkit offers plenty of tips how to create engaging lessons! Based on the EQAVET circle this Toolkit is the best way to get new ideas that enrich your daily work in the classroom!

Facebook-Post about project meeting in Orléans on company FB page, English

ILDE: Integrated Learning & Digicomp Evaluation 13 aprile 2022 On Monday, 4th and Tuesday, 5h of April the fifth ILDE Partner Meeting took place in the lovely city of Orléans.

Facebook-Post about Online Multiplier Event on project FB page

On Facebook: On 14th of June the Austrian project team has taken part in the online exchange event with the title "Learning digitally". We have presented the ILDE project and the innovative approach also participating in the discussion with other organisations and stakeholders active in the field of Adult Education. We have discussed on how learning will change in the future and how we can integrate the findings of various EU projects such as ILDE in our daily work.

Instagram-Post about Online Multiplier Event, posted on project Instagram page

On Instagram: On 14th of June the Austrian project team has taken part to the online exchange event with the title "Learning digitally". We have presented the ILDE project and the innovative approach participating in the discussion with other organisations and stakeholders active in the field of Adult Education. We have discussed about how learning will change in the future

Facebook-Post about project detail

On Facebook. ILDE piloting has finished.

Facebook-Post about project meeting, posted on project FB page

On Monday, 19th and Tuesday, 20th of September the last partner meeting of the ILDE project took place in Uppsala, Sweden, organised by our partner Folksuniversitet.

Facebook-Post about project meeting, posted on company FB page

On Monday, 19th and Tuesday, 20th of September the last partner meeting of the ILDE project took place in Uppsala, Sweden ,organised by our partner Folksuniversitet.

Instagram-Post about project meeting On Instagram: On Monday, 19th and Tuesday, 20th of September the last partner meeting of the ILDE project took place in Uppsala, Sweden organised by our partner Folksuniversitet.

Facebook-Post on project FB page about project

In occasion of the Erasmus days, dieBerater, the Austrian project partner, organised on Thursday, 13th of October the ILDE Multiplier Event with the aim to present our project to stakeholders, experts and teachers and students.

Instagram-Post on project Insta page about project

In occasion of the Erasmus days, dieBerater, the Austrian project partner, organised on Thursday, 13th of October the ILDE Multiplier Event with the aim to present our project to stakeholders, experts and teachers and students.

Dissemination acrivities plan

Dissemination Activities Plan of ILDE: INTEGRATED LEARNING & DIGCOMP EVALUATION Project Number 2020-1-IT01-KA202-008358 Partner: DIMITRA Education & Consulting

Dissemination Table

Dissemination Table with activities, timed by the Greek partner DIMITRA

DIMITRA_Reporting Table for dissemination activities

File for Reporting Table for dissemination activities by partner DIMITRA

Multiplier event USR Savoia agenda

Progetto Erasmus+ Integrated Learning & Digicomp Evaluation ILDE Project Number 2020-1-IT01-KA202-008358 CUP C76D20000150006 Multiplier event May 6th 2022, IIS Di Poppa Rozzi, Teramo - 9.30 Agenda (session of the International Forum)

Multiplier events France

Multiplier events France: photos and agenda

DIMITRA Multiplier Event

Report of Multiplier Event Event 3 Larissa, Greece – 30.06.2022 The aim of this report is to provide relevant information regarding the Multiplier Event that took place οn the 30th of June, 2022 in two parts both in the context of the Integrated learning & Digicomp evaluation - ILDE project

Dimitra dissemination

PHOTOS of dissemination ILDE by DIMITRA

Organizational and working documents

Desk analysis for interviews_Sweden

DESK ANALYS administered to three teachers (English and Mother language possibly using digital tools in the disciplines in their year-plan 3rd year of Vet Schools or level 3 EQF (language axes) B1+/ level in English ) for each project Partners of ILDE PROJECT

detailed design

ILDE design grid integrated with digicomp

call for experimental schools

USR Abruzzo note for the candidature of the experimental schools

start of experimentation ILDE

Note for an initial online meeting with the reference teachers of the experimenting classes,

invitation teachers LTTA

Note of USR ABRUZZO for convening an initial online meeting with the reference teachers of the reference teachers of the experimenting classes

Gant of ILDE project

Gant of ILDE project

Meeting of experimental schools

May 2022 convocation of the experimenting schools to reporting the results of the experiment ➢ Analysis of results ➢ Use of the toolkit and documentation

Certificates of participation for experimenting teachers

Certificates of participation for experimenting teachers

agenda meeting Greece

ILDE PROJECT- Integrated Learning & Digital competences Evaluation 2nd MEETING AGENDA Larissa – Dimitra (Gr) July, 29th 2021

agenda meeting Chieti

ILDE PROJECT- Integrated Learning & Digital competences Evaluation 3rd MEETING Minutes Chieti – Di Savoia (It), September 27th-28th

agenda meeting Vienna ILDE PROJECT- Integrated Learning & Digital competences Evaluation 4th MEETING AGENDA – January 14th 2022 Vienna – Die Berater (Au)

agenda meeting Francia

ILDE PROJECT- Integrated Learning & Digital competences Evaluation 5th MEETING AGENDA – April 4th - 5th 2022 Orléans – Académie d’Orléans Tours (France)

agenda meeting Uppsala

ILDE PROJECT- Integrated Learning & Digital competences Evaluation 6th MEETING AGENDA – September 19th – 20th 2022 Uppsala– Folkuniversitetet (Sweden)

agenda LTTA

ILDE PROJECT- Integrated Learning & Digital competences Evaluation LTTA AGENDA Vienna – Die Berater (Au), January 11th-13th 2022

minuta online meeting

Minutes of ILDE blended Meeting in Chieti: October 27th-28th 2021 Agenda: Welcome IIS di Savoia IO2 structure & EQAVET LTTA C1 Dissemination Post meeting activities

minuta meeting Francia

Minutes TPM 5 France April 4th-5th 2022 Agenda: Welcome AOT Piloting activity IO3 contents Project management Dissemination Piloting activity

minuta meeting Uppsala

Meeting Uppsala Agenda: Welcome FU IO3 presentation AOT Project management DI SAVOIA Dissemination DIMITRA Multiplier events USR Project quality monitoring FU Impact FU/USR IO3 presentation: The partners discussed some adjustments

agenda kick off meeting

ILDE PROJECT PROGRAMME FOR THE FIRST ONLINE MEETING Project Number 2020-1-IT01-KA202-008358 CUP C76D20000150006 3-4 February 2021

Meeting with teachers

DESK ANALYSIS Interviews ILDE PROJECT Project Number 2020-1-IT01-KA202-008358 CUP C76D20000150006 3 Interviews for each project Partners addressed to 3 teachers (English and Mother language) possibly using digital tools integrated in the disciplines in their year-plan 3rd year of Vet Schools or level 3 EQF (language axes) B1+/ level in English

Piloting checklist

ILDE Piloting Checklist Timetable + requested documentation.