transforming the narrative


I'm Joanna Biddlecombe

Upon graduating from UBC Education in 2007, I went overseas to teach Grade 4 at BCCIS in Cairo, Egypt. Those two years forced me to become an extremely resourceful person since I had to do a lot with not a lot. Not only did I have to teach kids about BC who were ELL but in a whole new culture where they had never even heard of BC before. It made me really think about the WHY I was doing WHAT I was doing and the really important things that needed to get taught. 

When I returned back to BC, I found myself TTOC ing for a year,  then landing my dream role as Grade 4 teacher at Star of the Sea Catholic School in South Surrey for the next 10 years of my career before I decided to move to Vancouver Island which is where I have been for the last three years.  I became the innovator at my school, the one who tried out all the new tech, the one who the administrators would use as the guinea pig to try out new things, and then the one who would push my colleagues to see the value of assistive technology in the classroom. Along my professional journey, I have been blessed with working with some incredible colleagues who have been the light in my path, bringing me to where I am today. 

I currently teach in School District 69, and could not be more blessed to be challenged yet again. I have a diploma in Inclusive Education Diploma and am working toward my Masters in Special Education.  My goal is to really help all kids find their place in this world by realizing their strengths and finding tools that support and enhance their weaknesses. No child should ever have to fail because of how information is presented, required or assessed. 

Follow me as I share my transformational journey as an educator into the unknown...

My Question?

How do I do what the government has laid out for me AND make sure all my students feel seen while teaching them all the skills of the world around them as it evolves?