
We are a dynamic team of graduate students and postdocs dedicated to promoting social education and awareness within all departments and schools of the Faculty of Engineering at McGill University. We design interactive spaces for the exploration of topics related to equity, diversity, and inclusion. Our initiatives aim to foster a sense of community among students, staff, and professors alike. 

Kindly note that this website is still under development. For access to the GEEC archives, please visit https://equityeng.wixsite.com/geec 

Land Acknowledgement 

The Graduate Engineering Equity Committee recognises the systemic barriers that impede the adequate representation of Indigenous students, staff, and professors within the Faculty of Engineering and across our institution. Meaningful discussions of social equity, diversity, and inclusion are not complete without an awareness of whose voices are heard and unheard in our spaces. As we undergo training to become practising engineers, researchers, managers, and communicators, it is imperative that we commit to ongoing equity work, amplifying underrepresented voices and creating lasting opportunities for inclusion.

We encourage all to reflect upon our relationship with the lands on which we are situated, now and in the future, including the stories, identities, and rights of the diverse and active Indigenous communities among us. McGill University is located in Tio'tia:ke (Montréal) and sits on unceded land belonging to the Kanien’kehá:ka, one of the six nations of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy. We respect the connection between the Kanien’kehá:ka and the lands and waters on which we meet today.

You can learn more about traditional territories using resources such as these:

Native-Land.ca: Navigate an interactive map of traditional territories and discover the why's and how's of formulating a land acknowledgement.

First Peoples' House: The First Peoples' House is dedicated to supporting the success of Indigenous students at McGill University. Check out their page to learn about their initiatives, educational tools, and resources, including information about land acknowledgements.

The Graduate Engineering Equity Committee operates within three main areas:

Social Education & Awareness

Training sessions, discussion groups, and workshops

Community Engagement

Fostering a sense of connectedness within Engineering and beyond 

Policy Review & Recommendations

Evaluating inclusivity and accessibility within the education infrastructure 

Get in touch at equity.geec@gmail.com