Did you know that horse riding "continues to be found more dangerous than motorcycling, skiing, football, and rugby? Also, were you aware that the head of an equestrian riding a horse can be around 3 meters from the ground and that horses can travel up to 50 kilometers per hour?

We believe that, as beginning equestrians, it is important to understand the equine best practice code of ethics in order for equestrians to hold ourselves accountable to a set of standards for the care and handling of horses. Most professional and ethical organizations will publish a set of guidelines that they hold their community members to for accountability and integrity. We believe that, as stewards of horses, it is our responsibility to encourage people into the equestrian community by making basic theoretical information available for equestrians that are seeking to educate themselves.

We believe that knowledge is power and we have experienced a myriad of misleading and/or misinformation through well-intended folks that have been eager to share what they believe they know. We also believe that all information should be researched and validated to ensure that students of all ages are getting information that is as accurate as scholastically and professionally possible.

This Equine Code of Ethics is from the American Horse Council's National Welfare Code of Practice and we are in alignment with their creed to always "Put the Horse First."

Our Commitment to all Horses and the Horse Industry

WE ARE COMMITTED to the dignity, humane care, health, safety and welfare of horses in all our activities and care. These are our highest priorities. We are the stewards of our horses and must be firm in the standards and practices that guide us. Our first principle is: The welfare, safety and stewardship of the horse is the guiding principle in the decision making process for all segments for the horse industry.

WE ARE COMMITTED to promoting responsible breeding practices and to produce better horses, not just more horses.

WE ARE COMMITTED to responsible training techniques. All training should be done with the maturation and ability of the horse considered. Horses should be prepared for competition with proper training and conditioning methods. Excessive disciplining methods, whether in stables, training areas, or during competition, will not be tolerated.

WE ARE COMMITTED to educating owners, trainers, veterinarians, competitors, exhibitors and recreational riders to ensure that they know and respect their horse’s abilities and limits, and their own, so as to not push the horse or themselves beyond their ability level.

WE ARE COMMITTED to making all competitions fair and ensuring all competitors an equal opportunity to succeed. Performance-enhancing drugs, practices or equipment have no place in competitions or exhibitions. Effective drug testing by accredited laboratories is essential to the safety and welfare of our horses and the public support of competitions, with appropriate penalties levied for violations. The welfare of the horse must take precedence over the demands or expectations of owners, breeders, trainers, sellers, buyers, organizers, sponsors, officials, or spectators.

WE ARE COMMITTED to the welfare of the horse as paramount during competition. The horse industry should invest in the infrastructure, environment and facilities to provide a safe environment for all horses in all activities, whether breeding, competing, or simply riding. Any facilities that house horses should be committed to the appropriate care and treatment of all horses while in their facility, and should be designed with the environment and the intended use of the horse in mind.

WE ARE COMMITTED to minimizing injuries to horses during training, competition, use, or work. Whenever possible injury data should be collected, documented and reported to the governing body of the competition or any other injury database for analysis in order to ensure a safer environment.

WE ARE COMMITTED to the continual review, evaluation and improvement of all rules, regulations, policies and practices in all equine activities, based on science (where indicated). When warranted, they should be refined or changed. This includes existing practices to ensure they are not being perceived as acceptable, particularly if new research has called them into question.

WE ARE COMMITTED to providing continuing education on all activities involving horses and eliminate inhumane practices as well as strengthening sanctions for non-compliance.

WE ARE COMMITTED to educating all people who own or work with horses to ensure they are knowledgeable in the proper husbandry, care, and handling of horses. Each horse should be observed frequently to ensure that they are healthy. In consultation with a veterinarian, all such individuals should develop a sound health care program, appropriate to the facilities, environment and needs of the horses.

WE ARE COMMITTED to providing an environment in which anyone aware of equine cruelty or neglect is willing to report it to the proper local, state or federal authorities. Should an incident occur at an event it should be reported to judges, stewards, responsible authorities or the sanctioning organization.

WE ARE COMMITTED to improving the health and welfare of horses through scientific research, collaboration, advocacy and the development of appropriate rules. The industry should continue to support and work with the many individuals, universities, veterinarians and foundations doing and funding equine health and welfare research in order to reduce injuries and improve health.

WE ARE COMMITTED to horse owners and caretakers ensuring horses in their care are current on vaccinations and following best practices to minimize infection and disease. When a disease outbreak occurs horse owners and events must act quickly and responsibly, monitor the horses, report the outbreak to, and cooperate with, veterinarians, authorities, facility management and all stakeholders to bring a rapid resolution to the outbreak.

WE ARE COMMITTED to ensuring that our horses will have an opportunity to transition to additional careers, uses or activities as the need arises. When necessary, owners and veterinarians may have to consider end-of-life decisions. The welfare, safety and dignity of the horse must continue to be the guiding principle in deciding how and when to provide a humane death.

WE ARE COMMITTED to being transparent about our activities in order to ensure the public, the media, federal, state and local officials and the various segments of the horse community understand what we do, why we do it, and support it.

We also believe in educating ourselves with our neighboring country's National Codes of Practice for the Care and Handling of Equines in order to best meet their standards and expectations for future possible event engagements. We believe that emergent events are unpredictable and we never know who we may have to partner with in order to manage a crisis. It is with risk and crisis management in mind that we believe in committing, to our best ability and knowledge, to the standards that are considered best practice for stewardship of horses.

Equine stewardship should not and is not about what we want and our personal agendas. We strongly believe that equine stewardship is about what the horses need.