I have recently installed WPS-office on my Ubuntu 16.04 and I have a few problems. The first problem is that when I start any of the WPS-office programs it gives me a error saying that "Some formula symbols might not be displayed correctly due to missing fonts Symbol, Wingdings, Wingdings 2, Wingdings 3, MT Extra." I tried to download the fonts and install them but it didn't work. How do I solve this?

This is only a guess. Perhaps you don't have a needed font installed or there is a font substitution. This article suggests that the only font that provides the needed symbols is Cambria Math. I certainly cannot change the font to anything else in Word 2007 for Windows.

Equation Editor Mt Extra Font Download

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Wayne is partially correct, but Cambria Math isn't needed in Word 2008 and probably isn't available anyway. The font you're missing is MT Extra. Sometimes this happens if Word is installed after MathType, or if an update to Word reinstalls the MT Extra font. Reinstalling MathType will probably correct the problem.

Is there any way to change the font size of the equation editor? When I drag the equation to make it bigger, it shows up bigger on my screen, but is still small when students go to take a quiz. It makes it very hard for students to read exponents.

Doing some digging, I found a solution. The equation editor uses LaTeX to create the equation. There are some ways to make the font larger using some basic code. This can be done DIRECTLY inside the editor. It is knowing the codes that is the issue, and the Equation Editor does not provide options to edit the font.

I found a website that makes this much easier. Create your equation first. Then go into the Equation Editor and click on the option that says Advanced View in the upper right. Copy the equation (EDIT: you could skip this part and create the equation in the other site, linked below). Let's say I have this:

I want to make this larger so it is more easily visible. Go to the Latex Equation Editor. On the tabbed sections at the bottom of the page, select Font. Select the size you want to use. Note that it will add extra text to help you see how big the size will be. So if you select Huge, it will add \Huge Huge. The second "Huge" is the preview text, so erase it. Do not erase the space after \Huge. Then paste in your equation. Copy the ENTIRE line, then paste it into Canvas's Equation Editor. My updated equation looks like this:

As an added note, if you explore that other site, it also has various scripts and the ability to generate the colors you want too. Just remember that everything will give you some preview text. The position of the preview text is where your equation/equation parts go. The nice thing is that the site lets you see a preview so you can play with it a bit to get the look just right before copying into Canvas's Equation Editor.

To my knowledge, there is no way to upload your own custom/favorite fonts in Canvas on the front-end. And, to be honest, I'm not sure this is even allowed on the back-end of Canvas...unless someone with programming experience knew of ways to do this. I'm not sure if this would apply, but I would be a little concerned with font accessibility ... to make sure that your font was easily readable for everyone. That's just my $0.02, though. Hopefully someone else might be able to chime in.

I visited the Latex Equation Editor that Jeff Campbell suggested. While adding the font-size commands changed the size while I was editing, I found that it still displayed small in Preview/Student View.

What I found did work is to change the style of the equation to Heading 2. By itself, or in conjunction with the LaTeX font-size commands ("\huge "), will display the equations large enough for students to read.

(the reasoning is somewhat technical? ... Canvas will only display the equations as "in-line", and not in "display" mode, so if you want bigger equations, I guess you have to change the size of the line. I guess. But it works!)

You can insert math equations and formulas into tests, assignments, discussions, and journals by using the math editor. You can also type LaTeX formulas into any rich text editor where the math editor is an option. The math editor runs on any browser and operating system, including smartphones and tablets. The math editor is written by WIRIS and based on standards set by markup languages like MathML.

Math formula images are high quality, so users can zoom in and the image will still be clear. You can also change the font size to help your students. Bigger font sizes can help your students see the details of a formula with small numbers and symbols.

If either the MathJax or the TeX notation filters are enabled (in Administration > Site administration > Plugins > Filters > Manage filters) then an equation editor button is provided in the toolbar for launching the equation editor.

mportant: Equation Editor 3.0 it was removed because of security issues with its implementation. Users who try to edit an equation created in Equation Editor 3.0 will receive the error message "Microsoft Equation is not available." Equation Editor 3.0 objects will still display normally if you have MT Extra font installed (if you don't have the font, you can download it). However, users can edit these equations only by downloading the MathType software tools that are provided by WIRIS. See MathType desktop for Equation Editor users.

It is essential to understand how Windows and macOS handle fonts in their Fonts folders to understand this problem. In Windows, if multiple files exist for the same font, only one will be displayed in the Fonts Control Panel. Windows may be using an older version of MT Extra, even though the newer version has been properly installed. On the Mac, if Word happens to install all of its fonts into the per-user fonts folder for some reason (maybe an Office reinstallation, etc.), MathType 7 may not find the newer/correct version of MT Extra, and the above warning will appear. MathType 7 for Mac lists the path to the older MT Extra file, which is helpful as it could be in several places.

If you reinstall or upgrade your word processor, manually install the equation editor that comes with your word processor, install a new program that contains an equation editor, apply a service release or patch or update to your word processor, or use the "Detect and Repair" feature that comes with Microsoft Office, very often these installers will overwrite the version of MT Extra that comes with MathType 7 resulting in an error message when launching MathType 7 because the newer, enhanced version of MT Extra has been replaced with an older version.WS

Suppose you are familiar with the Fonts Control Panel and Windows Explorer or the various font locations in macOS. In that case, you could manually install the MathType 7 version of MT Extra after removing extra copies of MT Extra from your system per the instructions below.

It's best to have only one copy of a font on your system. In the latest versions of Windows, deleting a font isn't impossible, but doing so is more trouble than necessary. Simply open a File Explorer window, navigate to C:\Program Files\MathType\Fonts\TrueType [for 64-bit Windows it will be C:\Program Files (x86)\MathType\Fonts\TrueType], and double-click mtextra.ttf. In the font preview window, click and answer Yes if it asks you whether you want to replace it.

Because only one copy of MT Extra will be shown in the Fonts Control Panel at a time, you must refresh your fonts list after deleting each copy of it so that if another copy of MT Extra is in your fonts folder, it will appear. It may be necessary to delete and refresh your list several times to delete all copies of MT Extra. If another copy of MT Extra appears in your fonts list, the actual file name for the font will be different.

The file you want is mtextra.ttf (the "ttf" may not be showing on your computer, but the "mtextra" will be). Do not be misled by the similarly-named font "Mt Extra Tiger.ttf". Reinstalling that one won't help. 2351a5e196

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