

EPoCC seminars, summer term 2021:

31 March (5.30 PM) Mirjam Fried (EPoCC, Dept. of Linguistics, CU): Gramatické konstrukce v praxi I. [in Czech, via ZOOM]

7 April (5.30 PM) Mirjam Fried (EPoCC, Dept. of Linguistics, CU): Gramatické konstrukce v praxi II. [in Czech, via ZOOM]

28 April (5.30 PM) Jan Kozák (Dept. of Philosophy and Religious Studies, CU): Myšlení s tělem ve staroseverském mýtu [in Czech, via ZOOM]

12 May (5.30 PM) Michal Láznička (EPoCC, Dept. of Linguistics, CU): TBA. [in Czech, via ZOOM]

Everyone is welcome to join. To access the seminars, please send a request to <jakub.jehlicka[at]>.


Gesture-Sign Workshop Prague 2019

16-18 May 2019

Charles University, Prague

The aim of the workshop is to bring together researchers who share the focus on multimodality but come from different areas. In particular, its goal is to provide an opportunity for a discussion between

• gesture researchers and sign linguists

• researchers who work with experimental (or generally quantitative) methods and those who approach the of multimodality qualitatively

Talks will be given by invited speakers – both gesture researchers and sign linguists. Alongside keynote and guest talks, posters will be presented on both days of the workshop. The workshop programme will be concluded by a general discussion.

Keynote speakers:

Gerardo Ortega (University of Birmingham)

Cristóbal Pagán Cánovas (Universidad de Murcia)

Pamela Perniss (Universität Köln)

Jürgen Streeck (University of Texas)


Jan P. de Ruiter (Tufts University)


We invite submissions of abstracts for poster presentations contributing to the broad topic of the workshop. Empirical contributions presenting various ways of dealing with multimodal data are particularly welcome.

Abstracts should not exceed 250 words (excluding references, tables or diagrams). Abstracts must be anonymized and sent in pdf format via email to <>.

Poster requirements: A0 format, portrait orientation. Presenters are encouraged to bring their own tablets for demonstration of multimedia material during poster sessions.

Registration is free of charge.

Key dates:

Abstract submission deadline: 28 February 2019

Notifcation of acceptance: 31 March 2019

Registration deadline: 30 April

The event is co-organized by the Czech Association for Language and Cognition.

The workshop is organized by the Empirical Perspectives on Communication and Cognition research group and the Czech Association for Language and Cognition with support of the European Regional Development Fund-Project „Creativity and Adaptability as Conditions of the Success of Europe in an Interrelated World“ (No. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_019/0000734).