EPiQS Postdoctoral Symposium

We are pleased to announce that the third annual Emergent Phenomena in Quantum Systems Postdoctoral Symposium will be held June 3rd - June 7th, 2019 at the Wylie Inn and Conference Center in Beverly, MA.

Following up from the first two meetings held in Aspen and Monterey, this meeting will welcome postdoctoral scholars and other young investigators from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation EPiQS grants to share their work and build further connections in the EPiQS community. The meeting will cover all topics currently funded by the EPiQS grants including superconductivity, topological quantum materials, spin liquids and magnetism, low-dimensional materials, strongly interacting systems and advanced materials synthesis/novel experimental probes. Contributions from both experiment and theory are encouraged.

Participation is by application only and all potential participants must be nominated by an EPiQS investigator. The nomination process is currently closed and potential participants have been informed of their status.

The meeting is sponsored by generous support from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, under the Emergent Phenomena in Quantum Systems initiative.