February: Jiabin Yu

Moiré fractional Chern insulators

Jiabin Yu

Princeton University

Wednesday, February 21

2:00 pm ET/11:00 am PT


Fractional Chern Insulators (FCIs) are the zero-field analogs of the fractional quantum Hall effect, induced by the Coulomb interaction in fractionally filled, (nearly-)flat topological bands. Recently, FCIs were observed in twisted bilayer MoTe2 and pentalayer graphene-hBN superlattices. In this talk, I will first show how band mixing is key to explaining various experimental puzzles in twisted bilayer MoTe2. Then, I will present the explanations of the Chern insulator phases in pentalayer graphene-hBN superlattice, and discuss the subtlety in explaining the FCIs in the system. Potential future directions will be touched on.


Dr. Jiabin Yu received his Ph.D. in physics from the Pennsylvania State University, University Park, in 2020, under the supervision of Prof. Chao-Xing Liu. He then spent two years as a postdoctoral fellow at the Condensed Matter Theory Center in University of Maryland, College Park, primarily working with Prof. Sankar Das Sarma. He is currently a Moore postdoctoral fellow at Princeton University, working in close collaboration with Prof. B. Andrei Bernevig since fall 2022.