Moore Foundation EPiQS Postdoctoral Seminar Series

Fall 2023–Spring 2024


Welcome to an exciting virtual extension of the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation's Emergent Phenomena in Quantum Systems (EPiQS) Postdoctoral Symposia! This virtual monthly seminar series features postdoctoral scholars and senior graduate students belonging to the EPiQS network. The goal is to allow young scientists working in theory and experiment to share their work with a cross-disciplinary audience and catalyze conversations and collaborations across the community.


Seminars will be held monthly over Zoom on Wednesdays from 2:00–3:00 pm ET/11:00 am–12:00 pm PT.

Zoom links will be sent out over email to participants in the 2023 EPiQS Postdoctoral Symposium and anyone registered by filling out the Register Form. Talks will be made available on YouTube after the seminar. 

September 20, 2023: Shaowen Chen, Harvard University, Visualizing hidden states in Josephson junctions [recording]

October 18, 2023: Xiaoyu Wang, National High Field Magnetic Laboratory, Theory of correlated Chern insulators in twisted bilayer graphene [recording]

November 15, 2023: Anuva Aishwarya, Harvard University, The curious case of the magnetic field-sensitive charge density waves in UTe2 [recording]

December 6, 2023: Mihir Pendharkar,  Stanford University, Torsional force microscopy of van der Waals moirés and atomic lattices

January 24, 2024: Mehrdad Kiani, Cornell University, Thermomechanical nanomolding of topological compounds

February 21, 2024: Jiabin Yu, Princeton University, Moiré fractional Chern insulators [recording]

March 20, 2024: Bai Yang Wang, Stanford University, Continuous strain tuning of cuprate superconductivity in freestanding membranes

April 30, 2024: Tanya Berry, Princeton University, Utilizing Eu magnetism as a knob for realizing topology in materials by criteria

May 15, 2024: Zhurun Ji, Princeton University, Zooming into the landscape of topological states and collective excitations

Seminar Series Coordinators

Sayak Ghosh (Stanford University) – sayakg [at] stanford [dot] edu

Mihir Pendharkar (Stanford University) – mihirpen [at] stanford [dot] edu

Valerio Peri (California Institute of Technology) – vperi [at] caltech [dot] edu

Lilia Xie (University of California, Berkeley) – liliaxie [at] berkeley [dot] edu

Interested in presenting in Spring 2024? Please feel free to reach out to any of us!

2023–2025 EPiQS Postdoctoral Symposia Organizers

Edoardo Baldini (University of Texas Austin) – edoardo.baldini [at] austin [dot] utexas [dot] edu

Mengxing Ye (University of Utah) – [at] utah [dot] edu

Linda Ye (California Institute of Technology) – lindaye [at] caltech [dot] edu