
Submit (deadline: June 24th, 23:59 UTC)

Do you want to rigorously analyse and defend your thoughts on medical imaging? Do you have a new idea that changed the way you thought about MICCAI? You should consider writing about it!

EPIMI is asking for short papers in the areas of bioethics, philosophy of medicine, and the humanities, as they relate to medical imaging. We accept both papers based on an empirical analysis of these fields as well as more theoretical approaches, although all papers are expected to take a critical approach. In order to submit, please create an account on Microsoft CMT and look for EPIMI in the list of conferences or go directly to

Guide to Authors

EPIMI is accepting short papers between 8-to-12 pages (figures and references included) in the standard Springer Conference format (Word and LaTeX templates are available here). The review process is double-blind, meaning that you should do you best to ensure that your initial article doesn't contain any information that can be used to identify you or your team, such as your names, affiliations, and explicit references to your previous work or pre-prints.

Our review process will be centered along four axes which you should consider when drafting your submission:

We encourage authors to keep their papers conceptually concise, focusing on a clear and detailed elicitation of a few concepts rather than a broader but shallower exploration. Papers will be ranked according to a weighted version of these four axes, subject to a minimum score on the first two. All of this information as well as the distribution of the scores for each axis will be published here prior to the MICCAI conference.

After the initial reviews, authors will be given the opportunity to make a rebuttal, focusing on the same axes as the review. This information will allow the conference organisers to adjust the review-provided scores to best determine which papers are selected for the different parts of the workshop. Camera-ready papers must be submitted to CMT for all accepted papers on or before August 1, which will be published in Springer's Lecture Notes in Computer Science.

Important Dates: