Ethical and Philosophical Issues in Medical Imaging

Medical image computing and computer-assisted interventions (MICCAI) have transformed medicine by introducing new ways to use imaging to address pressing clinical problems. As new techniques have been developed in computer science and in medical physics, the MICCAI community has also evolved, embracing new technologies, new applications, and even new medical domains. Unsurprisingly, this means that the MICCAI conference has been largely focused on proposing cutting-edge research methodologies for solving medical-data driven problems rather than on the human aspect of those problems and those solutions:

MICCAI often asks "how?" but rarely "why?"

The humanistic concerns underlying medical imaging technologies are critical to translating MICCAI research into the clinic and into society as a whole. Asking fundamentally human questions about medical technology can also lead us to identify challenges and new scientific domains that ensure that what we are researching can truly have the positive impact on society that all researchers hope for.


Traditionally, MICCAI workshops/tutorials and research papers have focused on proposing cutting-edge research methodologies for solving medical-data driven problems. However, such pioneering works come with a pool of overlooked challenges and issues that need to be carefully addressed if we were to take MICCAI to the exciting and mostly needed step of translational medicine as a community. Developing new technologies for the healthcare sector, particularly in medical imaging, is paired with fundamental questions and big unsolved challenges that need to be spotlit for our MICCAI community, which include ensuring fairness in AI and medical technology, circumventing gender/race/socioeconomic biases embedded in medical data, understanding the role of human clinicians in increasingly computerized healthcare, defining the relationship between medical knowledge derived from AI and human experts, and many other ethical and philosophical questions. Such fundamental questions remain scattered across different MICCAI papers, meetings, and keynote talks over the past several years; they have yet to find a singular forum where they can be defined, debated, and discussed in a detailed and principled manner by all members of the MICCAI community. 

This will be an interdisciplinary event, combining elements of empirical and clinical research with rigorous philosophical analysis, and attracting participants not only from the MICCAI community but beyond. Such a vision has motivated us to propose a primer workshop on the “Ethical & Philosophical Issues in Medical Imaging (EPIMI)”, which will promote the positive change we need within our MICCAI community at a global level.

Research topics:

EPIMI topics of interest include traditional bioethical concerns related to medical imaging and medical artificial intelligence such as:

as well as those in the philosophy of medicine, such as:

and broader questions in the humanities surrounding medical imaging:

Important Dates: