
"With the first pick, in the 2003 RBA draft, the Ayodhya Kshatriyas select ... LeRama James."

Thunderous applause roared all throughout the stadium. The Ayodhya Kshatriyas had always been a terrible team. They did not have a rightful heir and the general manager of the Ayodhya Kshatriyas, Dasharatha, was getting desperate. He knew that if he did not get an heir soon, the city would crumble. So he performed the sacred ritual known as "tanking" where the team purposefully loses RBA games to increase their odds of getting a higher pick in the RBA draft, thereby giving them a chance to draft the best players. "It all paid off..." thought Dasharatha. "Now the team has an heir." He was filled with excitement. "Finally... with LeRama James leading the way, we will finally be a good team."

The people of Ayodhya knew they were getting a generational talent. Even though he was young, the people of Ayodhya were more than happy to let LeRama be the leader of the Ayodhya Kshatriyas. They knew that the team would be prosperous under LeRama's rule. The entire city was excited and they celebrated all night long at this thought.

LeRama, too, is excited for the opportunity to lead his hometown team. Unlike the people, however, LeRama has his sights on something more than just making the Ayodhya Kshatriyas a good team though. LeRama wants the Sita O'Brien Trophy, the championship trophy awarded by the Ramayana Basketball Association to the winner of the RBA finals. LeRama is completely in love with the trophy and will stop at nothing to attain it. Little did he know that other RBA players around the nation, such as the fearsome Ravana, will also do the same to win.

Thus begins the epic story of LeRama James as he battles other RBA players to attain his first Sita Trophy and make his mark on RBA history.

The start of LeRama James's RBA career!

Courtesy of Wikipedia