Improving the Disaster Resilience of School Infrastructure
Schools are very important infrastructure in a community, not only because most of the children (comparatively vulnerable during disasters) spend their day time in schools but also due to the fact that these are used as the evacuation sites and shelters after the disasters.
In the EPICentre research group at University College London, several research projects related to the disaster risks on school infrastructure in different regions are running, being led by Prof Dina D'Ayala and Dr Carmine Galasso at UCL. These projects are being funded by the World Bank, EPSRC, British Council Newton Fund and other institutions. The overall aim of these projects lies at the core objective of reducing the disaster risks to school infrastructure thereby increasing the resilience.
Outputs of a number of completed and ongoing projects related to the school infrastructure carried out in EPICentre are being used in the dissimination of up to date knowledge and development of training and workshop materials as part of the UNCESCO Chair project on Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience Engineering (DRR&R-E) led by Prof D'Ayala at UCL.
Members & Contact Address
Dr Rohit Kumar Adhikari
Mrs Ahsana Parammal Vatteri