Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator (UEBS) is a battle simulation fighting video game developed and published by pakistani developer Brilliant Game Studios. The game was released in Steam early access on April 12, 2017 for Microsoft Windows, and was fully released on June 2, 2017 for Microsoft Windows. The sequel, Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator 2, was released into early access on May 12, 2022.[1][2][3]

In the game you can have two factions compete against each other. This can be, for example, historical units and personalities (e.g. catapults, knights, soldiers or Jesus Christ), film and comic characters (e.g. Chuck Norris or Godzilla), animals or fantasy beings (e.g. orcs or trolls). These have different skills and weapons available. The player also has the option of defining the battlefield and the positioning and number of units. Using artificial intelligence, the units fight against each other until there are no enemy units left.[4][5]

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PC Games Hardware describes the game as an indie game by a 1-man team, which offers the player a huge sandbox to simulate gigantic mass battles between thousands and thousands of units. In general, however, some players criticize the lack of game content and say that it is nothing more than a nice tool, but it has a lot of potential and offers funny scenes and moments.[7]

Welcome to Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator 2, the most ridiculous and insane battle simulator in existence! Create eye watering battles with hundreds of thousands, even millions of characters on screen! Jump into multiple campaigns in game or player made, or play in sandbox mode and FPS invasion

Originally it was 60,000 Persians, in an attempt to model the infamous battle of Thermopopomopolae. I would have conscripted more men to help fit the legendary version of events, but the game groaned under the weight, the frame rate stuttered, and then my monitor exploded and sent splinters of pixels into my eyes. So I bumped down the Persian soldier count to 45,000 and kicked the graphics quality settings down the stairs. It looks a lot less pretty now, but it works.

This was, unsurprisingly, the quickest battle of the lot. The Knights, sandwiched between the others, were at a disadvantage and died quickly. But not as quickly as the Romans, who wilted like unwatered lillies at the briefest touch of a Spartan spear. At the end of the fight all six Spartans remained, surrounded by foolish corpses.

The battle began as the sun rose. The penguin stared out at his frosty domain. The sky was clear, the air was fresh. All was good in the world. But through the woods a sound came, the sound of a thousand vicious Northmen. They charged out of the treeline, racing toward the Penguin Lord. The Penguin stood and watched them come, his stoic eyes considering each mortal man with sorrow and pity. He would have to fight them.

Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator gives you total freedom when placing units. Repeating a battle with different starting formations can help reveal which side of the conflict is the best overall. Starting over with rearranged units is also the only fair way to settle a debate about the winner of a skirmish between trolls and tanks.

Whether you want to recreate a battle from the history books or watch a war that could be mistaken for a SyFy original, Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator has you covered. With units from Ancient Egypt and Greece, medieval times, and World War 2, there are numerous realistic conflicts to simulate. Spartans can go up against Persians. Knights can siege cities with help from catapults. And you can even simulate D-Day on the Omaha Beach map.

For example, you could use the attack/defend commands to split one side of a conflict into multiple defending squads and have their enemies move as one larger group of attackers. Setting up a battle this way makes it so that each group of defenders becomes a distinct challenge for the attacking side. Along with varied terrain and unit choices, the unit order feature can produce thrilling simulations.

The ranged fighters do well for a while, but the mass of writhing penguin flesh swings around to flank and subsume. The scene starts to draw some attention. Samuel turns to ask me something, but the question is lost as he notices the hundreds of dead penguins littering the battlefield. Andy is called over, but has to leave because he can't deal with the single-digit framerate as my CPU struggles to process the inadvisable number of angry, flightless birds I've created.

This is Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator at its most effective. It's less a game than a tool for generating ridiculous combat scenarios. Experienced as a bite-sized chunk of surreal action, it's incredibly effective. It's no wonder it caught the attention of some big name YouTubers, and why, as a result, it spent a large portion of its first week out of Early Access in Steam's top sellers list. Unfortunately, outside of the 30-or-so minutes of entertainment that comes from seeing penguins (or kangaroos, or orcs, or zombies, or Santas) do battle, it's not very good.

Phil has been writing for PC Gamer for nearly a decade, starting out as a freelance writer covering everything from free games to MMOs. He eventually joined full-time as a news writer, before moving to the magazine to review immersive sims, RPGs and Hitman games. Now he leads PC Gamer's UK team, but still sometimes finds the time to write about his ongoing obsessions with Destiny 2, GTA Online and Apex Legends. When he's not levelling up battle passes, he's checking out the latest tactics game or dipping back into Guild Wars 2. He's largely responsible for the whole Tub Geralt thing, but still isn't sorry.

Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator 2 was announced in 2021 and released to Early Access on May 12, 2022. It significantly increases the number of units you can have on-screen at once; if you have a powerful enough graphics card, you can have over a million units on the field without performance issues.Tropes: Anachronism Stew: The game goes beyond anachronism and throws in fiction to boot. Dinosaurs, Spartans, Persians, Romans, Orcs, Knights, Zombies, and World War II Americans, oh my! Arbitrary Headcount Limit: Heavily Averted. The developer of UEBS says that the game is cleanly optimized to allow 10,000 units to exist on-screen without making any sort of concessions on graphics quality or even having a noticeable drop in performance. Army of The Ages: There's no restriction on what unit composition a team can have. Artificial Stupidity: Updates since the games initial launch have since fixed some of these, but cases still remain: The AI for ranged units once caused them to try and fire at their targets through walls, even though they had no hope of hitting anything. This has since been patched. Pathfinding for some units was pretty terrible at one point, causing them to sometimes try and make a beeline at enemies with no regard for items such as hills that blocked the way. The developers have announced their intent to fix this with updates, although it is still possible for entire armies to neglect a hundred-foot-drop. Atop a Mountain of Corpses: Dead units will pile up on top of each other. Played especially straight if you pit a powerful character like Chunk Norris against an army of melee units. Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: Giant chickens are introduced in the sequel. Badass Army: The game is filled to the brim with them. Bare-Fisted Monk: Chunk Norriss, who will punch entire armies to death. Beam Spam: Having thousands of units firing away with guns or lasers makes for an impressive light show. Big Badass Battle Sequence: With multiple armies to choose from, surprisingly high numbers of units that can be generated at once and a wide range of battlefields on which to wage war, this trope is in full effect. Bloodier and Gorier: In UEBS2, blood from injured or dead units can form pools, and said pools can actually drown anyone caught underneath them. Butt-Monkey: Out of all the many units to get abuse, the chicken is often used as target practice by Let's Play videos. Crippling Overspecialization: So far, a unit can have either a melee attack or a range attack. But it can't have both. Dem Bones: The Skeleton Warrior unit, funnily enough. Dueling Games: Totally Accurate Battle Simulator, which has appeared earlier but has not been officially released yet. Eagleland: The American soldier units are the embodiment of this, alternating between yelling "Murica!" and spouting patriotic nonsense."If you're not American, you're a terrorist." 

"Prepare to be liberated!" 

"For freedom!" 

"Mississippi is the best country in the world." Game-Breaking Bug: Played for Laughs if Chunk Norris fights Chunk Norris.Error window: Error! Chunk Norris cannot fight Chunk Norris! Float value beyond infinity. Override of time space continuum failed! Historical Domain Superperson: Two of them in UEBS2: Cleopatra, who has the ability to throw fireballs, and Nikola Tesla, who wields a raygun. Hollywood Tactics: Due mainly to Artificial Stupidity. The most common strategy for any given unit is to simply move towards the enemy, then start attacking once in range. Concepts like cover, retreat, and any formation more complex than "vague blob shape" is beyond them. Joke Character: Some factions, most notably the 'furniture' subsets and chickens, are mostly added for comic effect and do not last long in a straight fight, since they have limited health and poor attack damage. Players can subvert this by spawning them en masse, at which point they can win through sheer numbers, or by tweaking stats so that chickens turn into beefed up killing machines. Unsurprisingly, with modding being a thing, some units are designed purely for comedy and can't really fight. Killer Rabbit: Chickens, Penguins, Kangaroos, and now Tortoises can kill in this game. Lawyer-Friendly Cameo: One of the first hero units that was previewed is Chunk Norris (a Chuck Norris impostor) who can single-handedly take on thousands of enemies all by himself. A new hero unit that was added on patch 1.1 is the "Laser Knight" which is clearly a Jedi. The Tornado Trooper of Patch 1.1 is a futuristic infantryman that was inspired by the Imperial Stormtrooper. The sequel introduces the Action Hero, a dead ringer for John Wick who dual-wields a pair of highly powerful pistols, as well as a Kool-Aid Man knock-off called the Juice Man. Lethal Joke Character: The 'furniture' category is surprisingly strong. The same is true of most "animals", which are dangerous in large numbers. Any sufficiently beefed up custom character such as a chicken may prove to be more than enemies were expecting. Mini-Mecha: Patch 1.1 introduces the Mech Walker. More Dakka: Whether with bullets, arrows, or any other ranged weapon, this game allows the user to experience almost enough Dakka. One-Man Army: Any sufficiently beefed up custom unit. Also, Chunk Norriss, who is literally unkillable. Player Mooks: The player can take direct control of a unit during battle and can issue commands or serve as a distraction for the enemy. Rain of Arrows: An inevitability whenever you have a large number of archers on the field. Shields Are Useless: Downplayed as shield-bearing units can block melee attacks, but not arrows. The sequel fixes this. Shout-Out: The Tornado Trooper takes inspiration from the Imperial Stormtrooper, and to a lesser extent the Clone Trooper. The "World of Thieves" map wouldn't look out of place in Game of Thrones, and the name is a clear nod too. Squad Controls: While possessing a single unit, you can rally other units on your team and issue commands to them. The sequel adds an RTS-style control system that allows you to command larger numbers of units from afar. Suicide Attack: Zombies in UEBS2 can counter enemies perched on high, unreachable obstacles by mass suiciding next to them, forming a hill of corpses that allows them to reach the top. Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny: The entire point of the game is to see this happen, albeit with more of a focus on armies than individual characters. You Nuke 'Em: One of the keyboard buttons will trigger a Nuclear Explosion right where the crosshair is resting. Zerg Rush: Artificial Stupidity caused most enemies to just rush in with no regard for tactics and try to weigh foes down with sheer numbers. Updates to the game have since fixed this to an extent, though some factions such as zombies will do this by default anyway. Tactics such as this are the only way that factions such as chickens stand a chance of winning, at least without any additional help. Zombie Apocalypse: The zombies have this as their endgame, since for every enemy they kill there's a chance that the enemy will come back and bolster their own ranks. Zombie Gait: The regular zombie unit has the standard shamble, whereas the "Fast Zombie" averts this but has fewer hit points to spare. e24fc04721

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