You could use ddjvu, in a shell script. That said, the output PDFs are much larger (x10), which makes it hardly worth the effort. Ubuntu has no problem reading djvu files, but if your reason is good enough, use the following script.

Simply run that in a folder with djvu files. The -scale=100 option downscales the output images, which makes the process much faster, and the output files' size more reasonable. Without it, the resulting PDFs were much larger then the originals, and took ages to convert, at least in my tests.


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Personally I really like Calibre, which is a great for managing, converting, synching, sharing and editing ebooks. You can do batch conversions with it and djvu to PDF is supported.To install, just enter the following via cli:

Hi I am Rupesh from India and I have 2400 PDF files which are converted to djvu files using pdf2djvu utility. All the files are converted successfully without any warnings but I want to count whether all original pdf files and the converted djvu files have same number of pages or not. I just want to compare page count only and discard everything like quality etc.,.

I have obtained page count of all pdf files using pdfinfo utility and stored in a text file. If I can obtain page count of all djvu files and store the output in text file I can compare two text files using diff utility.

why would you convert pdf files to djvu

djvu is used for scanned documents it is an image format not a document format

that being said your first script has a strange cd path and is missing ; at the end of each command


I have executed the above script but even no use I mean it is displaying manual page for maximum files.when i use djvused for single file it is working properly but when I use in scripts it is not working.

Upon executing the above scripts two huge text files named pdf_output.txt and djvu_output.txt are generated. After that I have used grep to extract filenames and page count of the two files and after that I compared them using diff tool. Upto 95 percent of pdf files are converted successfully.

Unlike a CBZ archive, the names of the bundled images have no effect on their order in the DjVu document, rather it preserves the order you provide in the command. If you had the foresight to name them in a natural sorting order (001.djvu, 002.djvu, 003.djvu, 004.djvu, and so on), you can use a wildcard:

If you want to store the text of a document you're creating, you can embed text elements ("hidden text" in djvused terminology) in your DjVu file so that applications like Okular or DjView can select and copy the text to a user's clipboard.

I see that the djvulibre website 

lists djview4 ( DjVuLibre: Open Source DjVu library and viewer ) as an improved viewer

Further, for Fedora/RHEL we have a binary package - djview4-4.12-3.fc35 | Build Info | koji


Thank you for clarification. I tried, and installed flatpak and evince via flatpak. My djvu file can now be accessed via the flatpak evince.

Apparently, there was some other evince also - which did not run the djvu file - as you have pointed out from your last message.

Hi like in subject i install zathura and now i can open *.cbr and *.pdf without any problems, but when i try *.djvu apps just try open file half second[media][/media]. i see zathura windows and nothing more coz windows off without any error. I have all plugins and any libs missing when i install from puppy manager.

Someone have problem like mine before?


Not sure about Zathura, but in the case of Evince document viewer it has to be compiled with the optional dependency library already installed before building, so you need (I think) dejavu libre installed first. This is the Evince 2.32.0 which I compiled in Dpup Wheezy and it displays .djvu files OK.

I decided to take a closer look at Zathura. You don't say what Puppy you are running, but testing in Radky's Dpup Stretch I booted fresh with no save file and then installed zathura and zathura-djvu via PPM. My test .djvu file then displays OK in Zathura.

I think the answer is that you must update the PPM database before installing the packages.

Looking at your attachments, the version numbers for djvulibre are different (3.5.27 and 3.5.25) between the first and the last images. This is probably because you did not update the database so the dependency for the plugin has not installed.

I tested just now in BionicPup64, fresh boot with no save, making sure to update PPM database first.

I only installed zathura and zathura-djvu (the plugin)

PPM detects and installs the dependencies as usual of course.

My test .djvu file displays OK in BionicPup64 too.

I think the answer is that you must update the PPM database before installing the packages.

Looking at your attachments, the version numbers for djvulibre are different (3.5.27 and 3.5.25) between the first and the last images. This is probably because you did not update the database so the dependency for the plugin has not installed.

I tested just now in BionicPup64, fresh boot with no save, making sure to update PPM database first.

I only installed zathura and zathura-djvu (the plugin)

I think about something and this is what i know. My zathuta open djvu without problem, but not all... look atachment please try download 1 position secret service djvu format from link on bottom and tell me You can open this or not...

look screen i download random djvu and i open it in zathura but when i try Secret Service Magazine still not work even if extension is same...

I have theory zathura cant open *.jp2 file this is bad coz old archive jp2 format is still used but You must first open this... Problem for me is 1 i not wont convert almoust 100 my file orginal format is rare but no without reason... And problem with jpeg also...

I believe files with the .jp2 extension are jpeg2000 image files so you would need an image viewer (with suitable library support) or mtpaint for those. In BionicPup64 the .jp2 files in your .zip archive do open in mtpaint. Images are often treated as a different category from documents. The .djvu files are regarded as documents and zathura is a document viewer.

Yes 80 pages then all work for you but not work for me then probably i fuck something... Then i try uninstall all now and update ppm and instal only djvu and zathura and look again Thank You Mr.Oscar i dont know what i do wrong when install coz i use only ppm but i try again... And soon tell you how goes.


I try install all again after update ppm and nothing change still i cant open secret service. Then i think i miss some libs... But i dont heve any error and i dont know what i miss.

Friend i compile djvulibre and still nothing now i have in linux that version of plugin... and still same problem.

what i do wrong? I need tutorial step by step then we see what i miss.

In the case of BionicPup64 the dependency library is already included (as it is needed for qpdfview to display .djvu files) so there is no need to install it by compiling or via PPM. In fact, doing this may cause the problem if you are installing a different version. This is really the only idea I have. I can not reproduce any problem here when I test in a fresh boot, so your problem must be caused by something you have installed or changed. The SecretService*.djvu file opens for me in qpdfview with a single left click in ROX. If I install zathura via PPM it also brings in about 3 small dependencies. Then the zathura-djvu plugin package (via PPM) installs by itself, not requiring any dependencies because libdjvulibre is already present in /usr/lib so after only those 2 simple steps I can open the SecretService*.djvu file in either qpdfview or zathura. No need to do any patches or make any changes to plugins or config. So I think you should try to make sure you have removed any extra versions of libdjvulibre and make sure you have only the original one that is included in the .iso

Djvu renames each encrypted file by adding the ".djvu" or ".djvu*" extension (updated variants of this ransomware use ".djvuu", ".udjvu", ".djvuq", ".uudjvu", ".djvus", ".djuvt", ".djvur", and ".DJVUT" extensions for encrypted files). For example, "1.jpg" becomes "1.jpg.djvu" or "1.jpg.djvu*". All Djvu victims are provided with a ransom-demand message in a "_openme.txt" text file.

By design a djvu file can not contain executable code or scripts. Still, it is possible that an attacker would provide a specially manipulated file which will normally make your viewer to crash. Instead of crashing, if your data execution bit protection is set to off, it is possible to execute code in user space of your user. This is a difficult attack, given the variety of djvu viewers, the attack being usually specific to one version of one viewer.

DjVu.js is a program library for working with .djvu files online.It's written in JavaScript and can be run in a web browser without any connection with the server.It's absolutely open source and you can see the source code on GitHubAlso there is the DjVu.js Viewer, which allows you to view .djvu files online right in the browser.It's written in ReactJS and powered with DjVu.js library. e24fc04721

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