
  • Antiracism Strategy: How can institutions create a short, medium, and long term strategy to build antiracist practices and principles into their institutional fabric and make real impacts?
  • Raising Antiracist Children: Build skills and knowledge around how to talk to young people about race, racism, and antiracism. For educators and/or parents/guardians.
  • Positive Racial Identity Development for People of Color: How to support positive racial socialization in people of color.
  • Equity for Trans/Gender Nonconforming/Nonbinary Community Members: Policy work, strategic planning and education to create equity for trans, gender non-conforming & nonbinary community members.
  • Intro to Antiracism: Provides context around race and racism and the basics of antiracist education to diverse stakeholder groups. Teaches concrete skills and practices to empower community members to engage in anti-racism daily.
  • Inclusive & Equitable Classrooms: Practices and frameworks to inform inclusive and equitable classroom practices. Covers ways to audit your content for diverse and accurate representation but also goes beyond content to include assessment, responsive classroom practices and cultural frameworks.
  • Anti-Bias Admissions Processes: A primer on bias and its potential impacts on admissions processes with a menu of anti-bias solutions, tools and practices to apply directly to admissions systems.
  • Intercultural Advising: Advisory programs are ubiquitous in schools and quality advising is highly responsive to the advisee's cultural needs. This workshop highlights the challenges of advising across different dimensions of culture (age, gender, race, ethnicity, religion, nationality, ability & more) and provides a toolkit for advisors to build intercultural humility, skills and competence.
  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Schools (tailored to pre-K-8 schools, high schools, and colleges): Provides common language and an introduction to frameworks that expand the boundaries of diversity work beyond numbers to include policy, practices, curriculum, skills and more. Can be tailored to teachers, staff, Board members, administration, parents/guardians/caregivers, students and more.
  • Travel & Service Trips: Culturally Responsive & Competent Trip Leadership: Culturally competent trip leadership is an essential aspect of risk management on trips. This workshop provides frameworks for group cultural formation, intercultural leadership, responsible social media use and trip curriculum development. Participants leave with a menu of concrete activities for group orientation & management and templates for comprehensive trip curriculum writing.
  • Travel & Service Trips: Curriculum Development for Pre, On, and Post-Trip Programming: This service provides trip leaders with assistance developing key aspects of successful trips including: learning cultural rules and customs, sociopolitical and historical context-setting in terms of power dynamics and white supremacy, culturally responsive group management and trip leadership, and promoting allyship, accompliceship and cultural relativism instead of saviorship and ethnocentrism. Get assistance developing pre-trip meetings, on-trip processing curriculum and post-trip reflection and action opportunities.
  • Service Programs: Equitable Intercultural Exchange: Context and frameworks for people engaging in service work. Participants will leave with an understanding of the levels of oppression, the differences between saviorship and accompliceship and strategies for respectful and equitable communication across cultures. Can be tailored to accommodate specific intercultural exchanges (i.e. exchanges across ability, age, race, language, nationality, class, and more).
  • Curriculum Revision Resources & Best Practices: Teachers of all disciplines want to make revisions to their curriculum to promote equity, fight bias, increase diverse representation and promote critical thinking skills. This workshop and consulting opportunity offers participants the latest frameworks on curricular revision and provides concrete steps to revise curriculum. Can be tailored to large groups or specific departments and disciplines.
  • and many more... Just ask!