PhD candidate at the Department of Economics 

at Royal Holloway University of London, UK

SeNSS Scholarship holder 


LinkedIn: enya-turrini


I am currently a PhD student at Royal Holloway University of London, with a scholarship funded by SeNSS - South East Network for Social Sciences with ESRC. I mainly do empirical research on expectations formation, liked to future education and future earnings, and experimental research on social norms and financial fraud. I earned a two-year Master's degree in Economics (LMEC)at the University of Bologna, with a thesis on "Social Norms on (un)Ethical Behaviors Within Organizations: A norm-elicitation Experiment on Reporting Choices and Gender Effects"., supervised by Professor Alice Guerra. During my Master I was also employed as a Research Assistant for Alice Guerra, and as tutor for the Bachelor's degree in Economics and Finance (CLEF) at the University of Bologna. Previously, I graduated from this same  Bachelor's degree in Economics and Finance (CLEF), spending an Erasmus exchange year at the University of Essex.