
Prof Marta Blangiardo 

I have a chair in Biostatistics and I am the Biostatistics and Data Science theme leader for the MRC Centre for Environment and Health

I have a PhD in applied statistics and work on different modelling aspects relevant to environmental exposures (air pollution, noise, climate) and health (mostly chronic but have recently started moving towards infectious diseases, particularly in low and middle income countries). I have been also working on ecology, specifically on mosquitos estimations and species distribution.  

See my College webpage at

Twitter: @martablangiardo

Dr Monica Pirani 

I am an assistant professor in Biostatistics and I am an investigator in the MRC Centre for Environment and Health. My research is based upon the development of Bayesian statistical methods with primary application to environmental and health data.

Current methodological research focuses on spatial and spatio-temporal statistics, time-series analysis, methods for the integration of multi-scale sources of data and models for understanding the health consequences of exposure to (multiple) pollutants and changes in climate. 

See my College webpage at

Dr Garyfallos Konstantinoudis

I have a MRC skills development fellowship. I am developing a framework of analysis using Bayesian spatiotemporal models for risk assessment and quantification of associated economic costs. I am using these models to estimate the current and future burden of temperature-related respiratory health in the UK. I am also building shiny apps and softwares to communicate results to stakeholders and public health experts. This is an interdisciplinary project with several national and international collaborations including Prof Baio and Dr Mineli (co-supervisors) and also with Dr Gasparrini, Prof Schuhmacher, Dr Bhatt, Dr Ballester and Dr Vicedo-Cabrera.

See my College webpage at

Twitter: @konstantinoudis

personal webpage:

Dr Brandon Parkes

I am a research associate in statistics for environmental epidemiology. I am currently working on several small area disease mapping projects using Bayesian smoothing and evaluating cluster detection methods with a view to implementation on a retrospective cancer surveillance study using English cancer registry data. I am also developing the Rapid Inquiry Facility software , a tool for exploratory disease mapping and risk analysis.

Dr Niloofar Shoari

I am an MRC Early Career Research Fellow. I use advanced Bayesian methods to understand the health effects of neighbourhood-level environmental exposures in vulnerable population such as children.

Dr Georges Bucyibaruta

I am a Research Associate in Statistics and Data Science for Environmental Epidemiology. My current research activities are based on developing and applying machine learning tools and Bayesian models useful for clustering environmental and community level variables to health outcomes, and to understand and account for their distributional characteristics and their spatial-temporal variation. I apply these approaches to the data from various sources to obtain well-defined clusters of small area characteristics across different dimensions. I construct maps of multi-domain vulnerability to health conditions and provide a measure of their uncertainty. I am also working cooperatively with multidisciplinary teams from the UK Small Area Health Statistics Unit (SAHSU) and the Health Data Research UK (HDR UK). 

Dr Connor Gascoigne

I am a research assistant in Biostatistics and have recently completed a PhD in statistics at the University of Bath. My general research interest is the development of spatio-temporal Bayesian hierarchical models to assess a range of health outcomes. Currently, I am working on a project to evaluate the impact of government policy on mental ill-health which is supervised by Prof Marta Blangiardo. This is an interdisciplinary project with external supervisors in Prof Gianluca Baio, Prof James Kirkbride, and Dr Sara Geneletti. 


Twitter: @connorgascoigne

Ms Abi Riley

I am a second year PhD student funded by the MRC Centre for Environment and Health. My PhD is on spatio-temporal methods for the surveillance of non-communicable disease. Currently I am focusing on modelling the potential mental health effects of exposure to air pollution within cohort studies, with a novel multisource air pollution model for Greater London.

Ms Ella White

I am a first year PhD student, funded by the MRC Centre for Environment and Health. My research is looking into spatio-temporal modelling of norovirus and SARS-CoV-2 wastewater, exploring how this can be used to predict outbreaks and inform public health strategies.

Ms Jiayi Liang

I am a PhD student in Epidemiology and Biostatistics. My PhD project is on developing a Bayesian spatio-temporal framework for modelling excess mortality at sub-national level. I will also examine how covariates contribute to the spatio-temporal patterns of excess mortality. 

Ms Patricia Marques Moralejo Bermudi

I am a visiting researcher at Imperial College London, funded by the Sao Paulo Research Foundation - FAPESP, and PhD candidate at the University of São Paulo. I am currently working on the spatio-temporal mapping of dengue distribution, Brazil, to investigate the effect of risk factors on disease incidence and mortality: considering climate change, environmental and socioeconomic variables, and predicting these indicators depending on different greenhouse gas emission scenarios. 

Honorary members

Dr Guowen Huang - postdoctoral fellow in Statistics at Toronto University. See his webpage at 

Dr Silvia Liverani -  Senior Lecturer in Statistics in the School of Mathematical Sciences at Queen Mary University of London. Her research focuses on Bayesian clustering methods and spatial modelling and is the maintainer for the R package PReMiuM for Dirichlet process mixture modelling. See her institutional webpage here.

Past members

Dr Areti Boulieri

Ms Nicole Itzkowitz

Ms Chiara Forlani

Dr Glory Atilola

Mr Man Ho Suen

Dr Tullia Padellini

Dr Oliver Baerenbold