University of Kerala Professor Conferred Honorary D.Litt.

PROF. Dr. BHASKAR CHANDU MORE from Karm A.M. Patil Arts, Com. & Kai. N.K. Patil Science Sr. College, Pimpalner Dhule Maharashtra Conferred with Honorary D.Litt. in Zoology (Entomology)

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* This Global program recommends international organizations in identification, selection, recruitment, promotion and retention of World’s Most Influential People.

Exclusive Interview with PROF. Dr. BHASKAR CHANDU MORE

For International Agency for standards and Ratings


Q. 1. What inspired you to enter into Entomology?  


Answer: When, I was around 13 to 14 years old, I used to go for purchasing meat of God early in the morning. My aim was to see how the Goat get slaughter? How all the parts get cleaned? During all this activity, I was engaged to ask many questions i.e. which organ is this? What is the weight? etc. I got very good knowledge of goat anatomy.

Secondly, Agriculture is our family business, therefore I was very much awared about the agriculturally, medically important insects and stored grain pests. At that time, we have 4 bullocks, 5 cows, 33 goats, 2 dogs, 4 cats, 20/24 Hen, cock, chick. 

Insects like bed bugs, mosquitoes, cockroaches, plant bugs, coleopterans was very common. Similarly, during 1980 to 1990 there was great demand to get job in senior college with having specialisation in Zoology (M.Sc.). By all above this I enter into Entomology.


Q. 2. Since how long you have been into Zoology and in which cities you have been associated for administration, entrepreneurship, teaching, research and training programmes?

Answer: From 1987, I am in zoology. I completed my bachelor from Satna College (M.Sc.) India, Masters from ‘Depatment of zoology’ from Poona University, Pune,  Ph.D. from Dr. BAMU University, Aurangabad. Today, since from 1989, I am in teaching for UG students. As a head of Department of zoology at senior College pimpalner (M.S.) India involved in research, published 42 research papers and 3 students completed their Ph.D. under my guidance. Also involved for giving training for vermiculturing.


Q.3. What are your future plans for administration, entrepreneurship, teaching, research and training in Entomology?

Answer: In administration, today with the help of my laboratory staff we are maintaining 3 species of earthworms, Guppy fishes for the biological control. For teaching, I want to prepare YouTube lectures to understand behaviour of animals, reproductive studies. Similarly tribal community having some extra or unique knowledge regarding animals that I want to extract.


Q.4. Please introduce yourself and how do you want to be remembered or known in world?

Answer: I am Prof. Dr. Baskar Chandu More (M.Sc. Ph.D., FICER).  Since from 1989, I am working as a lecturer, Reader, now Professor in Zoology.  I am a good teacher for zoology giving inspiration and motivation to the students therefore, maximum students taking subject zoology for their bachelor degree. I am working in pimpalner, it is a town surrounded by tribal villages and community. 3 students got gold medals from KBCNMU, Jalgaon (University). 3 students got success in MPSC (govt.) by taking zoology as a specialisation. 3 students completed Ph.D. under my guidance. I contributed my knowledge for my family, for the institute and for the society. I extended my teaching to my daughter and she completed M.Sc. in biology in EDU, U.S. Now she is doing research in U.S.

I will be known to the world for ‘Biofertilizer’. I already have developed 3 tier system in vermiculturing for the production of biofertilizer and published more than 30 research papers only on vermiculture.


Q.5. What kind of business can be started in entomology? What minimum infrastructure would it be need?

Answer: Pest control advisor and technician, integrated pest management specialist, pesticidal formulations and development, biopesticide formulations, forensic entomologist, survey entomologist, this type of business can be started for Apiculture, Sericulture, Lac culture, etc. Agricultural land will be the primary requirement and it also require animal rating shed and some other infrastructure with skilled labour and qualified experts.


Q.6. What are your recommendations to improve the standards of journals publishing research articles on Entomology?

Answer: Make sure that publishing research papers and research must be novel. A reputable journal will disclose the peer review process i.e. selection of reviewers, the type of peer review, time frame for the peer review and how the peer review process must be handled by the editorial board. The research must be feasible, interesting, novel, ethical and relevant, Biological research must be at molecular level. Journals must have to select research papers on the topic like insect damage to the structure, stored grains, medicological Entomology, forensic insect toxicology,  industrial entomology, veterinary entomology. So that the standards of journal will be improved.


Q.7. What are your recommendations to improve syllabus of entomology for more creativity, application, and opportunities?

Answer: Science and technology is rapidly advancing in all the area including entomology. So we must have to keep space for new advance and to remain relevant syllabus must be stimulating and students to learn more and seek more. Reading, interaction, seminars, debates, quality infrastructure can create more interest. Bring LiDAR (light detection and ranging) uses lasers to detect insects in radar systems. New LED-based methods can detect flying insects a distance shorter than 1 m. Introduction of modern methods office management to control insect pests. Syllabi related to medical entomology, pest control advisors and technicians, pesticides development analysis is must be for study.


Q.8. What is zoology? What are the major branches of zoology?

Answer: Zoology is the study of animals. Animals can be studied by morphology, anatomy and histology. Their basic branches are embryology, physiology, biochemistry, genetics, evolution. It is also studied in 4 ways Zoography, Zoogeography, Zoometry and Zoology.


Q.9. What are your recommendations to frame guidelines on funding of research projects on Entomology?

Answer: Funding must be provided to the sustainable beekeeping, sericulture, Lac culture, role of detrivorous insects and their utilization in organic waste management, innovations in biological control, control methods for stored grain pest, agricultural insects Pests. Study of Hemiptera, Heteropteran insects, Insects genomics, system biology approaches on molecular gene signature, result and discussion i.e. collection, characterisation of spodoptera, Frugipoda, isolates of India, insects as a dietary source, etc.


Q. 10. How can universities produce revolutionary Ph.D. and Post Doc thesis and dissertations on Entomology? What are you recommendations to improve the academic standards?

Answer; Plenty of entomological literatures are available but recent additions in knowledge is must. Therefore.  P.h.D. and Post Doc thesis must have morphological work. Subjects like metamorphosis and palaeontology, sense organs study, reflex behaviours and agricultural entomology, biological control, ecology, growth, literature, natural enemies, etc.

We can improve the academic standards of entomology students by engaging students for evergreen agricultural must have program to build interpersonal skill, management skill. Emphasis should be given to develop analytical thinking and reflective judgement. inoculating entrepreneurship, expose to novel agricultural technology. Flying farmers drone guided by remote can be used in agriculture, etc.


Q. 11. What are your reviews on effect of neurotransmitters on the maturation of girls in insects?

Answer: neuro secretion is the synthesis and storage of neuropeptides in brain, neurons and a release from axonal terminals into the circulation. As we know that neurotransmitters having stimulating effect on gonads of crustaceans and those they have ganglionated nervous system. Somewhat same type nervous system is also present in insects, so there must be a similar effect.


Q. 12. How can students in job and career opportunities in Entomology?

Answer: Applied entomology have immense potential to create jobs e.g. Apiculture, Sericulture, Lac culture. Similarly, Zookeeper, Vector study. Chemical synthesis to attract insects, they may aim to mimic the scents of nature to attract insects. Forensic science technicians, professors, environmental scientist, wildlife biologist, ecologist, etc. are the areas where students will get the job and opportunities.


Q.13. What job titles are available in Entomology?

Answer: The job title are Profe in Entomology, Agronomist, Forensic entomologist, survey Entomologist, commercial entomologist, product manager, agricultural officer, farm manager, quality assurance officer, consulting officer, medical entomologist, museum curator, pest control technician, forensic technician, et.


Q.14. What is mode of action of cypermethrin and Oxyfluorfen pesticides on earthworm species?  

Answer: Earthworms are susceptible to those pesticides intoxication. Cypermethrin is the neurotoxin, sub lethal doses of cypermethrin effects on biological content, on reproductive potential, on digestive enzymes and also causes histological damages.

Similarly, Oxyfluorfen herbicide in the soil affects on and reproduction, biochemical content and causes histological damages but the effect of Oxyfluorfen is  comparatively less than cypermethrin. Earthworms having two routes to take intoxicant and important soil indicator.


Q. 15. Which are the courses in entomology?

Answer: Agricultural entomology, forensic entomology, medical entomology, survey Mentomologist, Pest control technician, experts of Apiery, Sericulture, biological control, economical entomologist, forest entomologist, insect pathologist, toxicologist, vector control specialist ,etc. are the courses in entomology subject, it's basically insect study.


Q.16. Which biopesticide would you like to recommend to farmers for agriculture?

Answer: I can recommend mini locally available plant extracts like neem, garlic, Tripphala, pinuskesia, symbopogen, etc. can be used for pest management. Best natural insecticide is shop etc.


Q.17. What are your recommendation to write a world-class research article in Entomology? What essential components and factors must be there?

Answer: In zoology we can prepare world-class research paper in the field of insect and Bird behaviour and migration of birds and fishes, wild animal protection projects, camouflage in sea animals, animal communication, animal physiology and evolution. Try to mention human ethical consideration, if use human subjects.


Q. 18. Why biofertilisers are not primary attractions yet to farmers over chemical fertilisers?

Answer: The major constraints in the user of biofertilizers is faced by the farmers i.e. lack of confidence, lack of knowledge about fertilisers, lack of guidance from experts. Biofertilizers can increase only 20 to 30% crop productivity. Specific biofertilisers require for specific crops. Research tests that biofertilisers alone not able to provide enough nutrients demanded by the plants. Therefore, biofertilizers are not primary attractions.


Q.19. How COVID-19 has affected food distribution, wastage of food and food storage?

Answer: COVID-19 pandemic resulted the restricted movements of workers, changes in the demands of consumers, closure of food production, facilities and financial pressures in food supply chain. During Covid 19, 62% of household shifted from food security to insecurity. The food supply was disrupted and affected and both supply and demand of food market resulted in higher food prices, effect on export and import.


Q. 20. What are your recommendations to established a world-class research institute for Entomology?

Answer: The institute must have facility for insects rearing or bioclimate changes. Quarantine facilities, entomological Library, various facilities for insects study i.e. morphology, anatomy, physiology, genetics, genomics, insect biochemistry, control measures, success stories, audio videos. Department of integrated pest management and pest alerts etc. So that the institute will be recognised as a world-class institute.


Q. 21. What are your recommendations to improve employment and scope in entomology?

Answer: Entomology is the applied force and widely used in many discipline which includes evolutionary biology and medical research. Entomological study is the heart of agricultural studies. Agricultural entomologist can protect valuable resources from insect pest and in the study of biodiversity scope in the courses up Apiary (Bee), Myermecology (ants), Herpetology (bugs), Dipterology (flies), medical entomology, etc.


Q. 22. Would you start to comaign to request government to offer free of cost internet to all people of your country as fundamental right because it plays a significant role in education, awareness, implementation of government policies and economic development of country?

Answer: The Supreme Court has declared access to internet as a fundamental right. The recycling is the sign with the United Nations recommendation that every country should make access the internet a fundamental right. At the time of pandemic when education and most of our day to day activities and the opportunities for this right to be recognised by the state of state for the upliftment of the masses, market and lay down the policies for the access to the internet.


Q. 23. What are your recommendations to authors who are writing books on Entomology for more creativity and understanding of the subject?

Answer: books related to sting bugs, molecular genetics, peace management, biopesticides must be written by the authors. Author must have to bring original artifacts. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps and other notations, find the right topics and edit and edit again.


Q. 24. What according to you are the top five major challenges (research problems) which needs to resolve urgently by world’s scientist in the area of Entomology?


i) Mosquito transmitted diseases like malaria, chikungunya, dengue is the major problem today especially for the tropical country. These diseases not only putting pressure on medical facility but putting pressure on blood Bank it should be resolved urgently.

ii) Agricultural pest developing assistance against various chemical pesticides, so there is a need to develop different pest management technique.


Q. 25. What are your recommendations to improve standard of conference in entomology? How can they be brainstorming and more creative?

Answer: Entomology is the multidisciplinary area of research. Call for research paper theme on mosquito borne disease control and remedies. Similarly on pest management, vector control, biopesticides and pesticides, approach to arrange conference on agricultural engineering, biotechnology, agricultural business, agricultural economics, agricultural food security, agricultural forest, landscaping greenhouse and poly house agricultural farm, machinery, digital agencies.


Q. 26. Which major challenges do you see to establish India as a world leader in Entomology?

Answer: Indian scientist must have to work on mosquito and other vector control and must have to find proper eco-friendly and efficient techniques and also try to find the alternate for chemical control because they have side-effects. If this is to be done India will be the better leader in entomology.


Q. 27. Any other things you would like to share with world?

Answer: Climatic change desertification, Ozone depletion, loss of biodiversity, pollutions etc. are the global environmental problems. In India we're facing problems of air, water and vector Borne diseases, therefore scientists must have to find sustainable mode of development. Most of the problems are related to increasing population. Global warming is now serious issue and by the end of two 2050 the temperature will be more than 50°C, it will be create their associated problems. So we must have carbon absorbing system i.e. tree plantation, water conservation, maintenance of stable ecosystem etc.


1) Full Name :- PROF.Dr. BHASKAR CHANDU MORE (M.Sc., Ph.D, FICER) 

2) Designation :- Professor in Zoology Karm.A.M.PatilArts,Com.& Kai. N.K. Patil Science Sr. College, Pimpalner( Dhule ) M.S

Pay Scale :- 37400-AGP-10000-67000/- 

3) Address (Residential) :- Shivaji Nagar, Satana Road, Pimpalner, Tal- Sakri, (Dhule) 424306 

4) Date of Birth :- 01-06-1965 

Sex :- Male 

6) Caste :- Hindu – Mali ( OBC ) 

7) Academic Qualification 

Sr. No. Degree University Subject Year of Passing Percentage 

1 B.Sc. Pune University Zoology June1987 73.78% 

2 M.Sc. Pune University (Dept.) Zoology Entomology June 1989 55.20% 

3 Ph.D. Dr. B.A.M.U. Aurangabad Zoology Jan 2001 

8) Experience (In Year) 

A. Undergraduate: - 32 Years 

B. Post Graduate: - Guest Lecture for M. Phil. 

C. Research: - Ph.D. in Zoology Title – “ Effect of Neurotransmitters on the Maturation of Gonads of the Fresh Water Crab Barytelphusacunicularis” 

D. Any other: - 

a) Two-month research experience in V.C.R.C (ICMR, WHO) Pondicherry & Submitted the project report on ‘Biology and Genetics of filarial vector Culex quinquifaciatus mosquito’ (1987-88). 

b) Project Report Submitted to Poona University for M.Sc. Degree on “Histomorphological Studies on Platynotus punctatipenis larva” (1988-89). 

c) Completed VCRMS Minor Research Project on “Effect of Cypermethrine and Oxyfluorfen Pesticides on earthworm species Eisenia foetida” (KBCNMU 2018-19) 

d) Training on Ecotoxicity and Determination of LC50 “National Toxicology Centre” (APT Research foundation) PUNE (M.S.) 

9) P.G. Recognition: - 

1) Recognized P.G. Teacher by paper, M.Phil. & Ph.D. guide in Zoology. NMU/11/PGR/Zoology/2014/2007 and NMU/11/PGR/Zoo/5024/2011 

2) Three students has completed Ph.D. under my guidance during 2019-20, 2020-21,2021-22. 

3) Thesis Evaluation – I have evaluated 2 thesis from JJTU, Rajasthan. 

9A) Patents:-

Two national (Indian) Patents filed. 

10) Orientation, Refresher, Summer Institutes, any other (In Details) 

Course Place Duration (From-To) Days 

1. Orientation ASC. Poona University (M.S.) 3/5/1994 30/05/194 28 Days 

2. Refresher ASC. Kurukshetra University (Haryana) 17/10/1994 06/12/1994 20 Days 

3. Refresher ASC. Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi (UP) 01/11/1995 29/11/1995 29 Days 

4. Refresher ASC. University of Kariavattam (Kerala) 20/10/2001 10/11/2001 21 Days 

5. F.D.P. S.P.P.U., Pune, (M.S.) 21/05/2020 30/05/2020 

11) Seminars, Workshop, Conferences, Symposia attended 

Sr. No. Name of Seminars, Workshop, etc. Level Sponsoring Agency Place Date Duration 

1 Workshop on S.Y.B.Sc. (T) Syllabus University College Chopda 24th Aug.1992 1 Day 

2 Workshop on S.Y.B.Sc.(T) Syllabus University College Dhule 4 th Oct. 1992 1 Day 

3 Seminar on Electrophoresis & Chromatography State College Nasik 13th, 14th March 1993 2 Days 

4 Workshop on T.Y.B.Sc. (T) Syllabus University College Dhule 23rd,24th Dec.1993 2 Days 

5 Seminar on Ornithology University College Chalisgaon 6 Oct 1996 1 Day 

6 Workshop on F.Y.B.Sc. (T) Syllabus University College Jai Hind Dhule 4 Oct 1997 1 Day 

7 Workshop on Indian Fishery University College Bhusawal 19th Feb. 1999 1 Day 

8 Workshop on F.Y.B.Sc.(T) Syllabus University College Dondaicha 27th Feb. 2002 1 Day 

9 Workshop on F.Y.B.Sc. Zoology Syllabus University College Chalisgaon 2,3 Feb. 2007 2 Days 

10 Workshop on S.Y.B.Sc. Zoology Syllabus University College Pachora 3/12/2001 1 Day 

11 Workshop on F.Y.B.Sc. Zoology Syllabus University College Faizpur 25,26 Aug. 2007 2 Days 

12 Seminar on Science & Technology for Community State U.G.C. Sakri 23/12/2007 1 Day 

13 Workshop on T.Y.B.Sc. Zoology Syllabus University College Dhule 9,10 Dec. 2008 2 Days 

14 Workshop on T.Y.B.Sc. Practical Syllabus University College S.G.P. Sakri 23rd Dec. 2009 1 Day 

15 Seminar on Personality Dev. Camp University College K.A.M.P. Pimpalner 17th Jan. 2009 1 Day 

16 Seminar on New Trends in Higher Education University N.M.U. University Jalgaon 1 st Mar. 2009 1 Day 

17 Seminar on Recent Trends in Zoology State College ASC Satana 22 - 23 Jan 2010 2 Day 

18 Seminar on Recent Trends in Development State College SGP Sakri (Dhule) 8 – 9 Feb 2010 2 Day 

19 Seminar on Awareness, Motivation…In Maharashtra State State Arya Grammodyog Sanstha Nashik 19 – 20 Feb 2010 2 Day 

20 Seminar on Advance in Science & Technology of Nanomaterial State College SGP Sakri (Dhule) 8 – 9 Mar 2010 2 Days 

21 Seminar on Recent Trends in wild life and its conservation State College ASC College Satana 20 – 21 Sept 2013 2 Days 

22 Workshop T.Y.B.Sc Zoology Practical University College SSVP’s Dhule 22 Aug 2014 1 Day 

23 Workshop on National Quality Renaissence by (NQRI) Univarsity College NMU Jalgaon 23 – 24 Mar 2015 2 Days 

24 Role of Poultry & Goat farming in rural development University College SGP, Sakri 8 Oct 2015 1 Day 

25 Workshop on TYBSc Syllabus framing University College ZBP, Dhule 23 Feb 2017 1 Day 

26 Workshop on FYBSc Syllabus Framing University College SGP, Sakri 21 April 2018 1 Day 

27 Workshop on SYBSc Syllabus Framing University College ASC, Chopda 22 March 2019 1 Day 

28 Avishkar Team Leader University College SGP, Sakri 30 Dec 2019 1 Day 

29 Workshop on personality Development University College KAMP and NKP, Pimpalner 6 Feb 2020 1 Day 


1 Advance in Research on Physico. & Ecology National U.G.C. Aurangabad (MS) 23rd To 25th Dec. 1995 3 Days 

2 Deve. Enviornment& Human Cond National U.G.C. Aurangabad (MS) 27th. 29th Jan. 2001 3 Days 

3 Biotechnology for all National U.G.C. N.M.U. (MS) Jalgaon 29th, 30th Dec. 2010 2 Days 

4 Biodiversity and Environmental impact National UGC Navapur (MS) 22nd ,23rd Dec. 2012 2 Days 

5 ABRTZ 2013 National U.G.C. Shahada (MS) 6 th and 7th Dec. 2013 2 Days 

6 Recent Advances in Chemo and Bio Sciences National U.G.C. M.J.College Jalgaon 23rd Jan 2016 1 Day 

7 Indian Science Congress (ISCA) National U.G.C. Mumbai (MS) 3 rd to 7th Jan, 2015 5 Days 

8 Biodiversity & Environmental Impact National KBCNMU Jalgaon Kusumba M.S. 24th Dec 2016 1 Day 

9 RAAF-NAAC National KBCNMU Jalgaon ASC, Nizampur 27 th Jan 2018 1 Day 

10 NCBOTI National College ASC, Pimpalner 2 nd Feb 2018 1 Day 

11 Academic and Administrative Audit National KBCNMU Jalgaon VWS, Dhule 16th Jan 2019 1 Day 

12 Global Warming and Human Development National KBCNMU Jalgaon ASC, Kusumba 30th Jan 2019 1 Day 

13 RTBES-2020 National KBCNMU Jalgaon M.J. college, Jalgaon 16th &17th Jan 2020 2 Days 


1 ICER10( Int.Cong. of Env.Res. ) International MAURITIUS MAURITIUS 16th ,18th Sep. 2010 3 Days 

2 ICER11( Int.Cong. of Env.Res. ) International SVNIT SURAT Surat India 15th , 17thDec. 2011 3 Days 

3 Business opportunity in life sciences International Modern college PUNE (MS) INDIA 28th ,30thJan. 2012 3 Days 

4 ICER12 (Int.Cong. of Env.Res. ) International Terengganu MALAYSIA MALAYSIA 22nd ,24thNov. 2012 3 Days 

5 International conference on Perspective of computer confluence with science. International Wadia college PUNE (MS) INDIA 10th ,12thDec. 2012 3 Days 

6 ICER-13( Int.Cong. of Env.Res. ) International Aurangabad (MS) INDIA 19th to 21st Dec. 2013 3 Days 

7 ICER – 14( Int.Cong. of Env.Res. ) International RV college of engineering Bangalore INDIA 26th to 28th Dec 2014 3 Days 

8 ICER – 16( Int.Cong. of Env.Res. ) International Leubeck University Leubeck Germany 26 – 27 Jully 2016 2 Days 

9 Int.Conf.on Pure and Applied Sciences International MSG college Malegaon India 12 – 14 Dec 2016 3 Days 

10 LPG : Impact International SSVPS College Dhule India 21 Jan 2017 1 Day 

11 Innovation in -- Science International Faizpur College Faizpur (M.S.) India 21 and 22 Dec 2017 2 Days 

12 Innovative In Science & Management International Udayana University Bali, Indonesia 21 and 22 May 2018 2 Days

13 ICITLE International ASC college, Panchavati Nashik Nashik, (M.S.) India 23 and 24 Jan 2019 2 Days 

11) Publications 

Research Papers Presented in National Conference 

Sr. No. Title of Research Papers National Conference Place Date 

1 “Neem Extract….. Insects” National N.M.U. Jalgaon 29/30 Dec.2010 

2 “Studies on Yoga…..obesity” National Navapur 22-23 Dec2013 

3 “Wild life support……A case study” National Shahada 6-7 Dec, 2013 

4 Invited talk “3 Tier vermicomposting” National N.M.U.Jalgaon 23-24 Jan 2015 

5 “Efforts for biodegradation of thin……..Inoculation & earthworm. E.eugeniae.” National Jalgaon 23 Jan 2016 

6 Indigenous knowledge for weather foecasting in Dhule District of Maharashtra(India) National ISCA Mumbai 3 to 7 Jan 2015 

7 Biodiversity –A case study National Kusumba M.S. 24 Dec 2016 

8 Effect of Insecticides on …………. Eudriluseugeniae Avishkar NMU Jalgaon 3 Jan 2016 

9 Biomass----- Eudrilus eugeniae National ASC, Dahivel 20 Jan 2018 

10 Preparation of ---- a tribal recipe National AS, Pimpalner 2 Feb 2018 

11 Effect of ---- Plastic paper on growth of earthworm National M.J. college, Jalgaon 16 & 17 Jan 2020 

Research Papers Presented in International Conference 

1 “Studies on Yoga Non Pharmacological approach …………….diseases.” International Mauritius 10 to 18 Sep. 2010 

2 “Recycling of organic Waste…………E.foetida International Mauritius 10 to 18 Sep. 2010 

3 “Ecofriendly Vermicomposting ….. Earth worms” International SVNIT Surat (India) 12 to 17 Dec. 2011 

4 “Ecofriendly Management ….. E. foetida” International MALAYSIA 22 to 24 Nov. 2012 

5 “Economical ….. Waterhycinth by using earthworms” International PUNE (India) 28 to 30 Jan. 2012 

6 Efforts for quality …. tier system International Aurangabad (India) 19th to 21st Dec. 2013 

7 Wildlife support system … a case Study International Aurangabad (India) 19th to 21st Dec. 2013 

8 Traditional beliefs related to animals for weather & disaster forecasting in Dhule District of Maharashtra (india). International RV College of Engineering, Bangalore 26th Dec to 28th Dec 2014 

9 Biodegradation of Silver coated…… E.eugeniae. International Leubeck Germany 27,28 July 2016 

10 Efforts for Biomass &Biofertilizer by using soil of Banyan Tree & earthworm E-eugenae International M.S.G. College Malegaon MS 12th Dec 2016 

11 Biodiversity-A case study of Baripada International S.S.V.P.S.Dhule 21 Jan 2017 

12 Biodiversity International ASC college, Faizpur 21 and 22 Dec 2017 

13 Economical and Ecofriendly---- earthworms International Bali, Indonesia 21 and 22 May 2018 

12) Subject Taught at UG/ PG Level – 

i) Non –Chordata & Chordata 

ii) Developmental Biology 

iii) Biochemistry 

iv) Molecular Biology 

v) Cell Biology 

vi) Agri. Pest & their Control 

vii) Parasitology 

viii) Medical Zoology 

13) Curriculum designing: - 

i) Participate of F.Y./S.Y./T.Y. Theory /Practical Syllabus Framing. 

ii) Convenor for Q.B. Preparation for S.Y.B.Sc. Zoology. 

iii) Worked as a Chainman for paper setting 

iv) Worked as a subject expert in Zoology 

v) Worked as a Chairman for one University level / one National conference / 2 International conferences at KAMP and NKP college, Pimpalner 

14) A) Membership of different Bodies of University: - Member of BOS in Zoology at NMU Jalgaon, during 2005 To 2010 in Zoology. 

B) Membership of different Bodies of any other:- 

i) Life Member of Journal of aquatic biology IAAB Hydrabad. 

ii) Life Member – “Bharat Krushak Samaj” Delhi. 

iii) Fellow member of JERAD (ICER) BHOPAL 

15) Co-curricular Activities: - 

i) Maintaining & culturing of 3 species of earthworms. 

ii) Maintenance of guppy fishes in college tank. 

iii) Maintenance of Honey bee in bee box (A. Indica sp.) 

iv) Guided for organic farming 

16) Honors & Awards:- 

i) Best Poster Presentation Award in Zoology International Conference on “Business opportunity in life science” at PUNE (India) 

ii) Best Paper presentation award in international conference in Zoology at Malegaon India 

iii) Best video Presentation Award of Lifelong Learning and Extension Board, KBCNMU, Jalgaon 

17) Any other information which highlights the unique achievements of the teacher: - 

A) Six Books published by Prashant Publication, Jalgaon. In Zoology for U.G. Students. 

i) Animal biodiversity – F.Y.B.Sc. (Zoo.I) 978-93-81546-48-2 

ii) Applied cytogenetics – S.Y.B.Sc. (Zoo.212) 978-93-81546-51-2 

iii) Medical Zoology – S.Y.B.Sc. (Zoo.222) 978-93-81546-53-6 

iv) Non Chordata – F.Y.B.Sc (Zoo.I) Sem-I 

v) Chordata – F.Y.B.Sc. (Zoo.I)Sem-II vi) Non Chordata – S.Y.B.Sc (Zoo.I ) Sem.-III B) Worked as a Judge for Evaluation of Posters in National and International Conferences 

18) Published Research Papers 

1) More Bhaskar C. and A.K. Khan (2002) “Effect of 5 –hydroxytryptamine and dopamine on the testis of fresh water crab Barytelphusacunicularis” J. Aqua. Biol. Vol. 17(1), 2002: 51-54. 

2) More BhaskarC.and A.K. Khan (2002) “ The Effect of Biogenic Amines on Ovarian development on the fresh water crab Barytelphusacunicularis”J. Aqua. Biol. Vol.17 (1), 55 -58 

3) More BhaskarC. (2003) “ Effect of Dopamine (DA) Alone, 5- HT Alone & 5-HT + DA on blood Glucose in fresh water crab Barytelphusacunicularis”J. Aqua. Biol. Vol. 18 (2). 

4) Patole, S.S., More B.C, and Mahajan R.T. (2010) “ HPTLC profile of solvent extracts of neem & Gorakhmundi” Int. J. Pharmacol. Biol. Science Vol. 4 (2) 2010 : 115 -120 

5) Dr. S.S. Patole and Dr. B.C. More (2010) “ Biodiversity of fresh water fishes from sakri- Tahsil (DistDhulia) of Maharashtra”Science Research Link- 75 Vol. IX (4) 110, Pp.-15-17 

6) Nandre Y.M., Dr. More, B.C. and Dr. Patole, S.S. (2009) “ Non-Biopharmacological approach to control hypertention by Yoga”Int. Referred Research Journal ISSN-095-3486 Vol. (8) RNI : RAIBIL/2009 /30097. 

7) Dr. More, B.C., Nandre Y.M., and S.S. Patole. (2010) “Studies on dietary influence on the population of epigeic species of earthworm, Eisenia foetida” J. Env. Bio - Sci., Vol. 24(1) : 35- 37, 2010 

8) S.S. Patole and B.C. More, (2011). “Studies on Recycling of Agricultural waste by Earthworm, Eisenia foetida for sustainable Development of Environment”J. Env. Bio – Sci., 2011 : Vol. 25(1) : 139-142. 

9) S.S. Patole and B.C. More, (2011). Efficacy of some medicinal plants against the pulse beetle, Calos bruchuschinensis (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) infesting Bengal, gram (Cicerarietinum) seedUttar Pradesh J. Zool.31(3) : 275-279 2011 

10) More, B.C. and Patole, S.S. (2012) Ecofriendly vermicomposting and management of water hyacinth by using earthworms. Journal of Research & Dev. ISSN 2230-9578. Vol.2 (Issue 3) – March 2012 

11) More, B.C. and Patole, S.S. (2012) Bioacccumulation of heavy metals though earthworm from water hyacinth(E.crassifes Solm) contaminated vermicompost Journal of Env. Research & Dev. ,Vol 7, NO 2A, Oct-Dec. 2012 

12) B.C. More. and S.S. Patole, (2013) Ecofriendly management of biowaste by using Earthworm E. foetida. Uttar Pradesh Journal of zool. 33(1) : 51-56, 2013 ISSN 0256 – 971x. 

13) More, B.C., Bagul, P.K. and Shaikh,H.I. (2013) Wild life support System and community benefits from Forest conservation : A case Study. Int. J. Biotech Biosci,ISSN 2231-0304 Vol.3 (4) 266-271 

14) More, B. C., Bagul, P.K. and Shaikh, H.I. (2013). Wildlife support System and community benefits from Forest conservation: A case Study. Int. J. Biotech. Biosci., ISSN 2231 – 0304 Vol.3 (4): 266-271. 

15) More, B.C. and Patole S.S. (2014) Effort for quality bio fertilizers by using three tier System. J Environ Res. Develop.Vol.9 (2):287- 192. 

16) More, B.C. and Patole S.S. (2014) Composting of Sesbaniasesban and Crotolariajuneca with Microorganism (PGPMs) And Earthworms Eudriluseugeniae. National Journal of Life Science,Vol.11(2): 169-172. 

17) More,B.C., Bagul,P.K.,Shaikh, H.I. and Patole,S.S.(2015) Indigenous Knowledge for weather forecasting in Dhule District of Maharashtra(India). The Book: Frontier of Earth Science.International Book House, Delhi. 

18) More, B.C. &Bagul, P. K. (2015) ‘Composting of temple waste (nirmalaya) by using microbial inoculation and vermicomposting’. Int.J.Env.Sci.Vol.4(1):43-47. 

19) More, B. C. & Patole S. S. (2015) ‘Acute toxicity effects of TiO2 and cd OH)2nano particles (NPS) on earthworm species, Eudrilus eugeniae’. Journal of Enviornmental Research and Development.Vol.10(1):73-78 

20) Shaikh, H.M., More, B. C. and Patel, N.S. (2015) Preliminary Screening of coragen(insecticide) and 2- 4 D.Ethyl ester (Harbicide) on E. eugeniae kingberg, 1867. Journal of Research and Dev.Vol.5(6) :9- 13. 

21) Bagul, P. K., More, B.C. and Patole, S.S. (2015) Studies on acute on toxicity of cypermethrine and oxyfluorfen on Earthworm species, E.foetida Savigny, 1826, Journal of Research and Dev.Vol.5(6) : 14-18 

22) Patole, S.S. and More, B. C. (2016) Vermicomposting of animal waste by using biocatalyst and earthworm species, E.eudrilus eugeniae Kingberg 1867. Journal of Env.Res.DevVol.10(3):463-468 

23) More, B.C. and Patole, S. S. (2016) Biodegradation of silver coated paper dishes by using earthworm E.eugeniae. Journal of Env.Res.Dev.Vol.10(3):523-528 

24) More,B.C. and patole,S.S.(2016) Effect of silver Coated Paper.Dishes of Growth, Reproductive, Nutrient Content and “Bioaccumulation of Earthworm Species, Eudrilus eugeniae, Kinberg, 1867” Int. Jr of Intro. Rese. in sci, Eng and Tech.Vol.5(8) 

25) Shaikh, H. I. Patel, N.S. and More, B. C. (2016) Sublethal effect of Cypermethrine and Oxyfluorfen on Stress Enzyme Activities of Earthworm Species E.foetida Savigany,1826” IJIRSET Vol.5(12) 

26) Bagul,P.K., Patole, S. S. and More B.C.(2016) Effect of Sublethal Doses of Coragen and 2,4-D ethyl Ester on Digestion Enzymes of Earthworm Species E. eugeniae, Kinberg 1867.IJIRSETVol 5 (12). 

27) More, S.B. and More B. C. (2017) “Efforts for bio-ferilizers and Biomass by using earthworm Eudrillus eugeniae” JERARD. 

28) Nandre, Y. M., More, B. C. and Pawar, L. B. (2017). “Human Rights and Pranayam” Vicharmantahan, Vol. 4(3):12. 

29) More, B. C., Shirsath, W.B., Ahire, S.V. and Shaikjh H.I. (2018). “Biomass and Biofertilizer production from fruits and soil of Ficus religious (Pipal tree) and Ficus benghalensis (banian tree) by using earthworm E. eigeniae”. Jr. Res and Dev. Vol. 8(3). 

30) More, B. C., Bagul P.K. and Ekhande, M.B. (2018). “Indigenous Khadda Kobmdi (Pit Chicken) cooking method – a emerging business for the tribals of western zone of Pimpalner (Sakri) M.S.” Jr. Res and Dev. Vol. 8(3). 

31) More, B. C., More, S.B. and Ahire S.V. (2018). “Efforts for biomass and biofertilizer by using fruits and soil of Ficus religiosa and Ficus racemose by using earthoprm E. eugeniae”. Jr. Res and Dev. Vol. 8(6). 

32) Shaikh, H.M., More, B.C. and Patel, N.S. (2018). Studies on sublethal effectd on coragen and 2,4,Dethyl ester on metabolism of earthworm species E.eugeniae, Kinberg, 1867. Jr. Res and Dev. Vol. 8(6). 

33) Nandre, Y.M. and More, B.C. (2018). “Efficacy of cow urine and Yoga Practice to reduce the obesity and supportive practice for rural cow keepers”. Jr. Res and Dev. Vol. 8(6) 

34) Patil D.S., More, B.C. and More, S.B. (2019). Efforts for quality biomass of earthworm E. eugeniae by using tomato powder. Int. Jr.Life. Sci. Vol.A-13. 

35) Nandre, Y. M., More, B.C. and Patole, S.S. (2020). “Effect of Yoga Therapy on TSH and BMI”. Bioinfolet, 17(1B): 200-201. 

36) More, B.C., Nandre Y.M., Shaikh, H.M. and Patole, S.S. (2020). “Effect of Biodegradable plastic paper on growth and reproduction of earthworm, E. eugeniae” Bioinfolet, 17(1B): 112-113. 

37) Patil, D.S. and More. B.C. (2020). “Toxicity of CuSO4 and ZnSO4 on E. eugeniae”. Bioinfolet, 17(2): 310-312. 

38) Patil, D.S. and More. B.C. (2020). “Histological alteration induced by CuSO4 and ZnSO4 on E. eugeniae”. Bioinfolet, 17(2): 278-280. 

39) Patil, D.S. and More. B.C. (2020). “CuSO4 and ZnSO4 induced histological alterations on alimentary canal of E. eugeniae”. Jr. Env. Bio. and Sci., 34(1): 23-28. 

40) Shirsath, W.B. and More, B.C. (2020). “Effect of Burning of Organic waste on nutrient content of soil” Bioinfolet, 17(2): 303-304. 

41) More, B.C., Nandre, Y.M. and More. H.B. (2020). “Covid-19 pandemic prevention in school and care givers” Jr. Env. And Res. Vol. 10(8): 74-78. 

42) Patil, D.S., Shaikh, H.M. and More, B.C. (2020). “The Covid-and Education System: Impact and strategy”. Jr. Env. And Res. Vol. 10(8): 63-65.