Group Guidelines

How we build community.

Frequently Asked Questions

How often are meetings?

Every 6 weeks on Wednesday evening, 5:00 – 6:00pm Pacific Time (PT)

Where, and how do we hold club meetings?

Our in-person experience will be over Skype. Please follow @entirelywine on Instagram, our main form of communication. We welcome group discussion via comments and direct messages outside of meetings; this structure provides flexibility for readers across time zones and work schedules.

How are meetings run?

Meetings will be run by the admin, a minimum knowledge base is not required to participate. We seek a unique blend of newcomers and wine buffs interested in building community and having a lively discussion.

What type of books will we read, will we stick to one genre?

The club will focus on wine-related books to increase our knowledge base, provide historical context, and showcase emerging trends in the industry.

How are books picked?

Anyone can suggest a title to be added to our recommended reading list, which can be found at: “The Wine Library”. Books are selected from the Library on the basis of relevance and diversity, with a specific emphasis on championing writers from underrepresented backgrounds in wine.

What is expected of me as a member?

Members are expected to ask questions and share experiences to help grow our learning community.

How do I join?

Sign up now and our admin will add you to the group! To join the discussion, please download and set up Skype before the meeting.

Is membership free?

Yes membership is free, but you will be expected to purchase the book on your own.

Terms of use

Review our House Rules.